What is your opinion of the current business climate in Massachusetts, and -- if you feel that it is lacking in some way -- what kind of changes would you advocate making? Are there any steps the state should take to help out small businesses? The Commonwealth's unemployment rate is currently 5.1%, which is a half-point above the national rate. What can be done to create more jobs or to better prepare those out of work for the types of jobs that are available?
Positive action -- more career-related adult and continuing education programs.
Negative action -- Well, New Hampshire, which is 80% within Greater Boston, has a stronger economy and lower unemployment -- more to do with regulation than with taxes, probably.
We need to support small businesses in our community. We can start to do this by making sure that our community businesses have the assistance and support they need by aggressively outreaching to businesses and ensuring they are aware of all resources available to them in the community, city and state. This is how we start to establish a working partnership that supports our local businesses.
I support the technical assistance grants for small businesses that provides financial support, that can be utilized by small business owners to boost their business in support that ranges from marketing strategies, business planning and loan packaging. Today, the program is under-funded. It was budgeted only $750,000 statewide. I will work to ensure that this program is adequately funded and that East Boston small businesses are able to take advantage of this financial support.
I support closing corporate tax loopholes to bring in revenue and ensure that everyone is paying their fair share. This will bring in needed revenue to support our local business by investing in the community in areas such as public safety, education and health care. Investing in our community helps small business which helps our community, residents, and the local economy.
We need a skilled workforce. We need to continue training the current workforce and invest in job training, ESOL, and Adult Basic Education programs for those entering the workforce. I am committed to ensuring that all workers receive a living wage with competitive benefits and work in a safe environment.
Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to discuss the important issues in our community. I hope that I can count on your vote this September 25th.
Gloribell Mota
Candidate for State Representative
Thank you for responding. I liked your answer. You show that you actually care about East Boston and actually have ideas on how to improve life for our neighborhood. It's too bad that none of the other candidates made the time to respond to this question.
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