The Globe reports that more than half of the bars and nightclubs in Boston have not complied, though some have waivers because they are in the process of doing so. Several dozen businesses could be shut down in a few days.
Interestingly, the article points out that a few places, "including Tequila's Mexican Bar & Grill in East Boston ... were allowed to split their spaces, so that the legal capacity of each half is below 100, exempting them from the sprinkler requirement."
Tequila's is the subject of a Licensing Board public hearing to review recent troubles there and possibly roll back the 2 a.m. closing time. The hearing is on Thursday at 6 p.m. at the church hall at St. Lazarus on Ashley Street.
To Tell the Truth Says
Thats Bull
Tequilas has a leagl occupancy permit,(that I have a certified copy of) for 203 people.
Once again WHO IS PROTECTING THIS GUY??????????????????????????????
Since when does the Fire Department have the right to change a Legal occupancy? It does not.
Only the Board of Appeals,and Inspectional Servces does.
But since his violations dating back to 2-04-07 through 6-31-07 have never been processed ,it does not surprise me at all.
Thats right folks the three License violations including one where the Police report states 3 people stabbed,1-in the hand,1-in the leg,and 1-in the back.
Along with another thats being heard for a huge fight where a silver gun was pulled have been collecting dust,and until neighbors did a public records serach were never dealt with by the Licensing Board.
Thats why 3 are being heard on November 15th, at Father Thoma Hall at 6 p.m.,along with the petition to roll back the hours to 12 ,and alcohol with food only,as well as the suspension.
Only 3 weeks ago at another punishment hearing at City Hall 3 more were heard dating back again to 2-24-07.
Yet this menace to East Boston has NEVER EVER served a single day of suspension.
Where as the White Hen 205 Maverick street got a 90 day suspension for selling a six pack to an undercover cadet sting operation.(yes they sell beer,and wine)
So again I ask who is protecting this guy????????????????????????
This is just another slap in the face to the neighbors who are being tortured by the constant fights ,stabbings,public urination,cleaning up of puke etc..
There should be a Criminal investigation as to how he is getting away with this.
Our elected officials should challenge the change of occupancy,since there was never a public notice ,or public hearing .
Thank God the landlord is not renewing the lease,and that Tequilas owner sees the writing on the wall ,and has the Illegal Nightclub up for sale for 350,000.00 dollars.
Good God Stop protecting this guy whoever you are,don't you have enough blood on your hands by now?????????????????
East Boston looooooses again!
Mr. Mason, let GOD out of this, this got nothing to do with him.
Why is it that the LUC or OHN group or any other neighborhood group have not come up organizing a "public" press conference, inviting the city and state officials, fire department, police department, and others and ask all these questions about tequilas and their owner???????
We need and want city and state officials that really care and protect our neighborhood.
The city should forget about ice-cream trucks and towing cars and take care of this problem now!!!!!!
I'm a little disturbed that restaurants do not have to have sprinklers in them. If bars are supposed to have sprinklers in them under this law, why not restaurants?
I've never been in Tequila's, so I can't comment on why a waiver might be granted there. I have been to James' Gate many times. They really do have two separate sections, a seated restaurant section and a bar section. I'm not sure that waivers of public safety laws like this one should even be considered unless there is some way to prevent the spread of fire between the two sections. But, if waivers are to be granted, I could see why it was granted in the case of James' Gate, given the way the laws appear to be structured.
The best way to deal with this is to change the law to require sprinklers in restaurants as well as bars. I imagine this would make obtaining a waiver more difficult and make it easier for the Fire Department to enforce.
If it were not for the 18 month battle that the Land Use Council ONLY has fought against this place ,there would be no Roll Back hearing taking place.
I got NO help going door to door two weeks ago to get 500 signatures on a Petition to force the Licensing Board to come to our community at night.
While doing it Mr. Vasco the owner followed me,and tried to intimidate people signing,and I had to call the Police to get him away from me.
It was the Land Use Council ONLY who drafted the petition,as well as all of the Legal documents required.
We also got just about zero help.
just yesterday going door to door putting flyers in every mail box within a 600 square foot radious around Tequilas to let the people know we had accomplished this very rare thing of getting the hearing in Eastie.
We paid out of our petty cash for them.
Now a 10000000000% fact who ever you are?
I sent over 3 dozen e-mails "of a 500 person e-mail tree"since 10-10-07 to anyone,and everyone asking for help to organize for the Petition,and passing out the flyers.
I was about 3/4 done yesterday when the President of the O.H. Group showed up to help me finish.
I was frozen solid ,and was out there with a severe cold.BUT IT HAD TO BE DONE. Where were you?
Because the City of Boston FORGOT to put an ad in the East Boston Times to let people know the date,and time they were going to do this,
despite the fact that the L.U.C. ,gave them ALL of the specific contact information ,including phone,fax,email,and owners name.
Now to you,where do you live? What groups do you attend? Whats the last cause you fought for walking the streets?
I will bet NONE.
The LUC if you ask the 2 most affected direct abutters ,has been the only group willing to constantly file complaints,and letters dating back to September of 06 asking for punishment.
But remeber the violations never made it to the Licensing Board,so why dont you call the Police ,and ask how come they sat there for almost a year?
For those like you who toss bombs,as you stay home let me educate you on the "Legal Process ,of processing a License Premise Violation".
1-The incident happens,and the Police write the citation today.
2-Within 5 business days it is supposed to be sent to the Licensing Board,and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.
3-Within 30 days a Punishment hearing to supposed to take place.
That is with the exception of Tequilas.
So come on Thursday,and ask some one to point me out if you do not know who I am,and you will here the dates of 2-04-07,2-24-07 4-16-07.
Then you can ask the Police in person instead of blaming community groups.
Now to your question about the press,and a conference. Everting I send on Tequilas,the Sexual Assaults etc goes to 27 media contacts from television,to the printed press.
Not a one has showed any interest. In my opinion they feel well "Its East Boston,and if the Mayor ,and the other Politicians are not calling us,or stepping in who cares".
So get a grip on reality ,attend this hearing ,and ask the tough questions in person ,instead of hiding behind a blog ,as an anon person.
To me a person like you ,is a person who does not vote.
If you don't participate shut up,and don't complain !
I doubt it!!!!!
A Person Proud of the job the Land Use Council has done for the people who live in this area,and who have had thier lives destroyed.
Nuff Said
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