Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beep beep, toot toot

It took less than a week after buying my car for me to feel uncomfortable with the beeping noise it made when I clicked the key fob to lock the vehicle doors. What right did I have to unleash annoying sounds on my neighbors? It's inconsiderate, unnecessary and, I found, easy to undo. I checked the car's manual and found it was simple to disable the beeps. My doors still lock and my lights blink to tell me they're locked, but I am not creating noise pollution in the process.

Of course, most people -- my neighbors included -- seem to either accept the beeps as part of modern life or don't know that they can eliminate them without any threat to their vehicle's security. Therefore, I am subjected to the sounds whenever people get in or out of their cars all day every time I am at home. This, of course, is in addition to the several times each day -- and night -- that car alarms go off, which is another issue altogether.

It's a small matter, but it is quite annoying. How many times have you jumped in a parking lot when someone, standing many feet away, opens or locks a vehicle you are next to -- and some of the beeps can be quite loud. I just don't understand how car owners can hear that noise and believe it is OK to subject everyone else to the cacophony.


Thomas D said...

If those beeps drive you crazy, then let me ask: How the heck can you stand living in East Boston, where the denizens routinely blare hip-hop anthems from their cars and houses at a volume loud enough to wake the dead in Oconomowoc?

Jim said...

Music, car alarms, airplanes, motorcycles, neighbors shouting, the yippy little dog next door, firetrucks, kids -- yeah, those are the sounds of the city, and I am not a cranky geezer here to complain about them all. (Well, maybe that little mutt...) but I feel like the beep-beep-beeps constantly notifying people that their car doors are locked or unlocked are so completely unnecessary and could be eliminated if people bothered to care.

I must admit that for much of the year, when my double-pane windows (courtesy, I believe, of Massport) are down, I hear little street noise. The summer, however, is a different story.

PS: I had to look up Oconomowoc.