Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Immigrants jailed less often

A study of the California prison population concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes in that state than people born there.

The nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California found that US-born males are more than twice as likely to be incarcerated than foreign-born men. (The study made no distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.)

This, of course, seems to fly in the face of fears that some people have of an invasion by immigrant criminals.


Anonymous said...

hmmm interesting... except wait a minute... what the study actually proves is that California refuses to uphold the U.S. Constitution (Article 4 Section 4)... in so far as they will not deter, arrest or prosecute those here illegally.
As has already been mentioned somewhere else on this blog, the City of Boston has also decided to make us co-conspirators by passing a resolution that grants illegals the right to come here and take our jobs and tax dollars...
When you add to this the high-profile cases where illegal immigrants have committed heinous crimes after having had encounters with our legal system without penalty or deportation... and we have proof that we have in fact been invaded by crimmigrants... our politicians, dems, gop or other are complicit in this invasion.

N.starluna said...

Jim - perfect timing. I'm just preparing to have a discussion on immigration in one of my classes in two weeks. Thanks for the info.

By the way, the results shouldn't be all that surprising. Previous research in Chicago found similar results at the city level. Surveys have found that most immigrants, legal and undocumented, go out of their way to avoid interaction with the police and the criminal justice system in general. It is in their interest to stay below the radar, especially if they lack papers.

Unfortunately, while this makes them more likely to be law abiding, it also makes them more vulnerable to being victims of crime. Most immigrants are so afraid of the police that, even when they are legal residents, they are less likely to reports crimes they see or are victim of.

Anonymous said...

John R.

Man are you correct. Bostons City council did what you said. I read the posts,and then went on linr to the Herald. Then went to www.cityofboston.gov.

This bill in words posted by the City Council was read into the record,and voted on without any discussion.Just all those in Favor ,any Opposed.

All were in favor.

I would imaginre if Barak gets in he will want a Constitutional Amendment making America a Sanctuary country.

Anonymous said...

a sanctuary country, sadly, is no country... either we are a sovereign nation and citizenship is meaningful... or we aren't and it isn't. Some people ask, "Yeah, but what are we supposed to do, deport everybody?" Did I miss a massive importation (silly me I thought those buses only went to Foxwoods)... economic pressures create an osmotic flood of people across our borders... osmosis is reversible... simply require proof of legal residency for: work, driving, credit and school attendance and proof of citizenship for subsidized housing and medical care. These simple actions for which the laws and infrastructure are already in place would miraculously solve illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

I agree. We need to maintain our identiy as a soveriegn nation, while balancing the needs of appropriate, legal, immigration. We also need to place more resources in ICE and the related agencies - the time it takes to process and deport is lenghty. Without the resources and support from the Feds, our local law enforcement will become consumed with handling what is essentially ICE's responsibility.

Anonymous said...

so now we are just going to eliminate anything that even mentions joe mason? Just let us know so we wont even mention it anymore.

Jim said...

Comments about ANYONE with no point other than being negative, aggressive or incendiary will be DELETED. Please don't waste your time with them.

Anonymous said...

ok Jimbo, sounds good to me. As long as it applies across the board for everyone - I will support that policy...it has been my intent and my point all along to ensure that this is what this Blog is all about. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think that given the FACT

that Jimbo knows people are signing posts "Not With thier real name ,but with mine",has got to be putting him in a bad situation.

I post on here ,and try to speak about the actual topic that heads each blog section;however every time,it becomes a personal thing about me as a person.

If I post ,and you think I am not correct about the subject matter,you should have every right to go counter point.

But to make it so personal is wrong,esp. when you hide behind an anon post.

I will never be perfect about these topics,but neither will any of you,and you certainly do not know me as an indivdual person,

For if you did ,you would know you can approach me face to face,or in an e-mail ,and let me know you feel different.

Thanks for the help !

Our meetings are open to the public,and ANYONE even if you do not want to join ,can ask to be heard on the floor about any topic,so your invited to come down any time you want to vent.

Joe M