Anyway, Earth Day was observed earlier this week, and I have been thinking recently about eliminating as many unnecessary, corporate-made consumer goods as possible from my life, especially all types of household cleaners. Before the Second World War people made good with simpler and safer items to do the jobs that we buy all sorts of toxic chemicals to do today.
There are many Internet sites to find information on this topic, and a number of books on the subject as I saw in a bookstore this afternoon, but I came across a brief piece on the 'net tonight that lists the six ingredients you need to do all of your household cleaning. I'm going to try to live by it starting now. How about you?
Can East Boston go green,is orient heights beach water safe to swim in, with exaust fumes from boeing 727's roaring across the harbor poluting the air and water, some neighborhood autobody shops are still poluting the air in Eastie, the air in the tunnels is so unbearable to breathe just drive behind a bus or truck through the tunnel, leave your ventilation or ac on and just breathe in the toxic fumes,cancer and athsma rates have been up in eastie, but roxbury beats all of Boston neighborhoods the reason is that they have a large landfill facility for all of bostons trash including eastie's with toxic diesal trucks running 24/7 , there is an alarming rate of asthma in children in that neighborhood because of the truck fumes running 24/7. About going green is Boston going to use rubber for their sidewalks, what happen to that idea,what about the mayor will he have his people plant any of the 1000 trees in Eastie today.
East Boston needs to go green, a suggestion , erect a $200,000 windmill like the one at the southeast expressway, great spot for windmill's in east boston- bremen st park, piers park,the giant steele structure/ mamma catina locale, 156 porter parking lot, Liberty plaza, OH beach, madonna hill, suffolk downs.
Oh yeah, washing floors with lemons must be great. Next we will give up shampoo and soap too, right? what a joke, I guess your house must be dirty!
Anon 10:02
Lemon is a long-time, well-known cleaner (as are some of the others mentioned). Covering up the toxic smell of regular cleaners isn't the only reason they include lemon (or used it is mainly chemicals) in these cleaners. Using natural cleaners is way better for you than the poisonous ones you usually find in the stores. AND they clean just as well or better. I'm sure Jimbo's house looks great...and it is less likely to make him really sick.
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