It may be that the most interesting number in the poll is that 54% of respondents said that they have personally met the mayor. That appears rather impressive.
Menino has yet to confirm that he is running again, but another term in City Hall would be a record for Boston.
Bet you the 72% is not from East Boston. I would love to see it by community!!
I agree, I know that I personally will start a crusade against Menino. I don't care if he wins the whole city but I'm going to try my best to make sure he doesn't win Eastie.
Think about it people what has he done for us? If someone can give me particulars please. You can't because he hasn't done anything to make eastie better, he only comes here for press reasons or to eat(I won't make a comment about that)!
Tuesday's Globe had a follow up story about the mayor's support being higher among women than men. A woman from Eastie is quoted:
"One East Boston woman, who participated in the poll and said she "strongly approved" of the job the mayor had done, said her support was based on his ability to seem in touch, and a readiness to help in a pinch.
"If something has to be done, he does it," said Patricia Love. "If there's a big fire or something going on, he's there. And if something's going on and you need help with it, he's there to help you." "
To the Two Anons,
Last Mayoral Election, East Boston voted 69.5 percent for his honor. So sorry, you seem to be one of a few. Good luck with the crusade, you might have ten people helping you.
To Jimbo: will you let Patricia Love know that Menino doesn't pay for those services out of his pocket when there is a fire!
I still want to know specifics of what he has done for East Boston?
She gave a wide range answer with NO specifics.
He isn't the only Mayor to provide support to fire victims
To the Anon who loves the Mayor!
I will guarantee you that he doesn't do that well again. We have started an anti Mayor organization that is growing by the day. We will be with Michael Flaherty and we will show Menino that we are tired of his do nothing action for eastie. So, you can think that he is all that but Menino will do poorly here in Eastie. I know one thing for sure since I work for the city...that we may tell people that we are with him when in fact we are just the opposites and trust me there are a whole lot of us.
Why don't you answer the question of what has Menino done for us? Specifics please?
By the way he might be only Your Honor to you but not to any of us real East bostonians
East Boston gets the back door all the long have we been waiting for clean streets???
If you can't even get clean street and sidewalks...trash barrels, then tell me what can we get in East Boston...(don't get me started that is a whole can of worms).
So, I think it is time for the mayor and his cronies to go. East Boston needs help and I can honestly say that the current leaders just pass through it everyday on their way to work!!
I think it should be good luck to you Mr. Anon at 4:07... Since your such a supporter why don't you take the time to answer what it is the Mayor has done for this community?? It is amazing that i have yet to see anything written. Who knows, maybe you will be able to convince me to vote for him...
What has the Mayor done for East Boston? I know our parks are filthy and our streets are polluted with thrash and violence!
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor, you must be proud!
The Mayor does nothing for this community compared to other parts of the city that he tends to pay more attention to. It is time for him to get out of office either on his own or hopefully by loosing his next election. THe mayor may be too strong to beat, but by throwing my support behind councilor flaherty I sure think we can send a message. We need someone who is young that has something to prove and not someone who seems to have gotten a little too comfortable. We need a new mayor who can look, act and SPEAK the part of being the Mayor of Boston.
I hope Mennino wins another election because he is what Boston needs, and he has done good for East Boston, mennino is very likeable in the city he has personality, oppose to other candidates who will be running againts him, he is the mayor behind tommys tower the post office sq site of the tallest tower in Boston, without him there would'nt be a tommys tower, which will be visible from all angles of East Boston when its completed.
The Mayor has done wonders for Eastie and will continue to do so, Guess What? Eastie is a tiny fraction of the mayoral vote and support,just think of all the relationships he has developed over the years in the neighborhoods and in the private financial sector, which other candidates that are running againts him lack.....other people in Eastie who are supporting flaherty speaking of those who can't get permits to erect homes in eastie quicker than the average eastie resident talking about city of boston employees meter maids etc. hack employees who once supported the mayor, and thought they had a connection- are all hipocrates now turning to the other cndidate.
Seems like this thread has turned into a bash Menino forum - while (to nobody's surprise) a praiss-a-thon for Michael Flaherty. I like Councilor Flaherty but lets not get carried away here here. Talking about what the Mayor has not done and then in the same post making it seem like Michael Flaherty is going to save the world is laughable. If you think Menino has done little for Eastie, then that's your opinion (I would disagree) - but before we have to get into Menino specifics, I think when it comes to not delivering for Eastie, Menino certainly does not hold the record. Just name for me one thing Flaherty has done for EB since he has been a city councilor, besides using last summer's attempted rapes as a platform for shameless self promotion, and I will shut up and go quietly.
Again,I will ask what has the Mayor done for East Boston? Specifics please?
The Mayor doesn't care about East Boston don't kid yourselves. The people who love Menino are the ones who are city hacks and could of never gotten a job on their own merits(and there are plenty of you)!
Menino is the accidental Mayor he should kiss Ray Flynn's butt.
Look what's going on now with DPW workers, they are hackers.
Menino hasn't done a thing here other than bringing other people in from all over the place. Look at who has the most affordabl housing in Boston. That's right, Eastie does.
I will do all I can to work against him this summer and we do have a plan to resurrect voters.
What has Menino done?
By, the way, how did his machine do the last election here in East Boston? Ha, Ha
As far as Flaherty goes,he is a joke,as is his honor Mr. Menino.
The poster about the attempted rapes,man you are correct a mundo. NOTHING ZERO.
But he is not alone,we the community never heard from the local,or head cop again since then.
It was as usual,a photo op.
Not a single person at the front of that room ever came back to us.
Now ,back to Flaherty,and the Mayor.
Neither attends regular community meetings,that is unless its a photo op.
As far as Menino goes,hes got a strangle hold on his base,as we cant live outside the city,unless you are a 20 yearer.
So people like me have to be forced to live here,or not have a job.
No ,before you go there,I got my job the old fashioned way ,qualified with no help from anyone.
I think its a terrible choice similar to the current Presidential election. Both Democrats are horrible.So for me its back to the Reagan era.I am voting Republican.
Folks heres how you send a message of discontent,vote against the status quo.
I feel Flagerty does have a shot,but look at his backers. Its like looking in the Mayors mirror.
Its clearly time for change,but at what cost?
More of the Same,a Wolf in Sheeps clothing.
A City Hall worker finding it very hard financaly to live in the City.
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