Cristo Rey, which seeks to educate "economically disadvantaged" students in Catholic school settings, also partners with national corporations and charitable institutions, receiving -- for example -- $6 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006. The network, founded in 2001, currently operates 19 schools, with plans to raise that to 30 in the near future. Back in its first couple of years the organization's leaders felt that Savio could be the ideal location in the Boston area for one of its schools.
Savio, however, felt otherwise, and rejected Cristo Rey's offer to do a feasibility study. At the time there was no attempt to discuss the proposition with Savio's faculty, and the impression that some were left with was that Savio's leadership would rather ensure that the classrooms remained predominantly white instead of adopting a format that appeals most strongly to Latino and African-American families.
This week Cristo Rey held its national conference in Boston, an event that included a tour of North Cambridge Catholic HS, which accepted the network's proposition in 2004. On the shelves of the NCC library were volumes that, for many years, had a home in East Boston. They were the books from the library at Savio, which closed its doors last June.
Hi, Jim. To satisfy my own curiosity about the Cristo Rey model that you described, I did a quick Google search. I learned that the model is based on Jesuit principles. Since both of my sons went to BC High,as have several young men from East Boston,it surprised me to learn that Savio was approached to entertain the idea of Cristo Rey here in the city. For those readers who may not know much about BC High, it is also a Jesuit high school. The basic motto for Jesuit schools is to form "men and women for others."
Jim, do you think it was just a matter of another institution not wanting competition? Curious minds would like to know, since it's a shame that Savio, St. Lazarus and St. Mary Star of the Sea are now all closed.
Mary - I'm not clear who would be competing with whom if Savio had adopted the Cristo Rey model?
Since BC High bills itself as "The Jesuit High School in Boston," I was just wondering if that, perhaps, was why another school of the Jesuit model didn't come here.
Actually, I wish Cristo Rey did have a chance to explore its options further in East Boston. However, I don't agree with the suggestion that there was some divine plan to keep the school mostly white. I would be very disappointed to learn that people with whom I worked to raise money for Savio would have such an elitist view of our schools in the neighborhood. At the same time, I would hope that the Cristo Rey organization would welcome people of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, as well as any spectrum of family financial situations. To try to create a school that would, even subtly, appeal strongly to Latinos and African-Americans at the expense of other families that valued a Catholic high school in East Boston would seem to fly in face of encouraging diversity.
In any case, the loss of all the schools I mentioned in my earlier post only cements the sentiment that many of us here in the community are feeling: that is, that agencies, city/state/federal government, denominational hierarchies view our town as expendable and we all lose because of that attitude.
Cristo Rey is a Jesuit operation, or at least run in the Jesuit mode, but I think there is very little crossover between the students at BC High and those at NCC (or what would have been a Cristo Rey Savio).
Among those running Savio in recent years, Fr. John Serio (1998-2001) and Anders Peterson (2006-2007) were intelligent and competent leaders. Serio stabilized the school and was thinking ahead; Peterson was thrown into a difficult and awkward situation, and he managed to get us to June without an implosion.
Other administrators in the last decade or so were incompetent and not concerned with the school's future. They ignored the changes in East Boston and other realities, and that's how we ended up here.
Ah The Savio fiasco!
Jimbo,I think you should post the letter I emailed you that was a Public Press release from the Reverend Hueser.
In my opinion,and having to deal with at least two Boards,I can honestly say,it was doomed.
In 1993 a great man named Mr. Leonard Florence made a generous donation of $5000.00 dollars every year,and would of been there forever if the school never closed.
However this payment is attached to the money the L.U.C. gives to the Community,and ALL of it was intended to be given to Eastie Residents.
FACT;From 1993 to Savios demise ,NOT A SINGLE PENNY was ever made available to a single Eastie student.Because They NEVER knew it was donated.
I started getting complaints from numerous Savio parents in 2002,as word got out about the money.
So I sent 15 Freedom of Information Act requests to see what they did with the money.A total of $56,000.00 dollars that went DIRECTLY to Savio,and NOT the L.U.C..
All requests were DENIED,and I was threatebed on Savio sationary with Legal action if I continued.
Also from 1998 on as Jimbo will attest to,SAVIO was released from having to pay ANY RENT OF ANY KIND.
Just keep proper up keep of the buildings,and even that never happened.
Jimbo you know thats a fact in the Press release also.
It was truly a sad day,and a huge black eye for Eastie when they closed.
To this day NO ONE knows where any of the full accounting books are,or will tell if they do.
This is a case of the connected being to Protected ,at the expense of the kids,and the community.
I know Ill get attacked,but Jimbo knows this post is 100% accurate.
Please Jimbo post that Press Release.
God Bless
Joe M.
Ah The Savio fiasco!
Jimbo,I think you should post the letter I emailed you that was a Public Press release from the Reverend Hueser.
In my opinion,and having to deal with at least two Boards,I can honestly say,it was doomed.
In 1993 a great man named Mr. Leonard Florence made a generous donation of $5000.00 dollars every year,and would of been there forever if the school never closed.
However this payment is attached to the money the L.U.C. gives to the Community,and ALL of it was intended to be given to Eastie Residents.
FACT;From 1993 to Savios demise ,NOT A SINGLE PENNY was ever made available to a single Eastie student.Because They NEVER knew it was donated.
I started getting complaints from numerous Savio parents in 2002,as word got out about the money.
So I sent 15 Freedom of Information Act requests to see what they did with the money.A total of $56,000.00 dollars that went DIRECTLY to Savio,and NOT the L.U.C..
All requests were DENIED,and I was threatebed on Savio sationary with Legal action if I continued.
Also from 1998 on as Jimbo will attest to,SAVIO was released from having to pay ANY RENT OF ANY KIND.
Just keep proper up keep of the buildings,and even that never happened.
Jimbo you know thats a fact in the Press release also.
It was truly a sad day,and a huge black eye for Eastie when they closed.
To this day NO ONE knows where any of the full accounting books are,or will tell if they do.
This is a case of the connected being to Protected ,at the expense of the kids,and the community.
I know Ill get attacked,but Jimbo knows this post is 100% accurate.
Please Jimbo post that Press Release.
God Bless
Joe M.
Again, Joe Mason MUST go on the attack. Rather, than pointing out why schools are closing at an absurd rate Joe wants to point fingers. I'm a graduate of that school and it hurt me to see that the school board ruined that place in such a short period of time.
People let's come up with solutions not create problems
Mr./ Mrs Anon;
Come on,you say I attacked,but in the same post reaffirm my post,and its 1000000000000% factual information.
Lets see you said you graduated ,right. Well if you were enrolled between 1993 to 2007 closing.Then you were entitled to apply for that money.
PLEASE keep in mind that portion as said went directly to Savio and I might point out was WAAAAAY before the last few boards finished it off.
Now to youR claim about me not pointing out why;I sent in numerous press releases,and actual ads to you the Savio population trying to warn you about the demise starting in 2002 to the East Boston Times,and ALL were refused to be published.
So then we offered the Times cash money to publish the warnings,and again ALL requests were DENIED.
So I suggest you digest that first,because we are a 1 paper town,and "in my opinion" they refused because of pressure to not get people in trouble.
But think about it this way. If parents knew of the generous donations from Mr. Florence they could of got help.Also if a parent knew they were flushing good money down the toilet,they could of switched to Pope John.
But instead the Savio parents were bled to death to the very end.
Hers a queston for you Anon.Do you know after they closed the board then held auctions,and sold all of the trophies ,and other artifacts of the history of the school?Do you care?Where did that money go?
Are you a former Board member ,ay in the last 5 years?
Shouldnt the history been put on display at the library?
Come on dude,in order to debate me on this,you have to have compassion for those who got screwed.
Is it in you to come public?
No Way.
Joe M
I'm not sure of the relevance of this, but here is the press release that Mr. Mason refers to. It was originally passed out by a Salesian representative outside the school to those attending the Sunday afternoon meeting organized by Save Our Savio and billed as an attempt to save the school...
re: Savio Prep High School, East Boston
March 1, 2007
Statement of V. Rev. James Heuser, SDB, Salesian Provincial
Recent newspaper articles regarding Savio Prep have contained some inaccuracies regarding the school’s relationship with the Salesians of Don Bosco. Perhaps an historical perspective might be helpful in clarifying them.
The Salesians of Don Bosco owned and operated St. Dominic Savio High School for thirty-five years, from 1958 to 1993. Faced with a province-wide decline in Salesian vocations and a diminishment in financial resources, the Salesians made the painful decision to close the school in 1993. This formally occurred in June of that year, and St. Dominic Savio High School ceased to exist.
At that time, a board composed largely of alumni decided to form a new school, Savio Prep. After some dialogue, the Salesians agreed to lease a major portion of the premises of the former St. Dominic Savio High School to this lay board for three years, 1993-1996, with no rent due, in consideration of which Savio Prep agreed to honor the scholarship assistance that had been in effect for the students of St. Dominic Savio High School at its closing.
After three years, when the scholarship assistance ceased, the lease was amended requiring Savio Prep to pay a rent of $20,000 for the 1996-1997 school year, and a rent of $21,000 for the 1997-1998 school year, a minimal amount.
In 1998, two significant changes were made. First, a new triple net lease was signed by the Salesians and the Board, for a ten-year period, by which Savio Prep would pay no rent but, instead, would be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities, including any capital needs that arose. Second, the lay board, while retaining ownership and responsibility for Savio Prep, hired three Salesians to serve within its administration and faculty. This continued for six years, until 2004, when for various reasons it was agreed that no Salesians would be hired.
Over the years of its lease, Savio Prep has faced understandable financial challenges, and thus has not been able to see to the upkeep of the buildings and necessary capital needs. In light of this, the Salesians informed the Board of the school in late 2005 that, unless Savio Prep was able to see to the needs of the facilities, the Salesians would not be able to renew the lease upon its expiration in 2008. As owners of the buildings, we could not allow them to continue to deteriorate. In the spring of 2006, the Salesians gave definitive notice that the lease would not be renewed. This early notice was given to the Board to provide them ample time to search for a new location for the school.
This past January 2007, the Board informed the Salesians that they were in the process of seeking a new location for Savio Prep and would be vacating the premises a year earlier, namely at the end of June 2007.
Neither the Board nor Savio Prep is in any debt to the Salesians. The decision not to renew the lease was made in light of the fact that there are building needs that Savio Prep is unable to attend to, in light of its other financial challenges. The Salesians understand this, but as landlord and ultimate owner of the property, cannot let the situation continue.
From its inception in 1993 until the present, the Board membership of Savio Prep has changed repeatedly, with various persons serving as officers of the Board. The relationship of the Salesians and the Board, while not without the periodic and normal tensions that can arise between landlord and tenant, have always tried to work together for the sake of providing a good education to the young.
The Salesians hold no animosity towards the Board and Savio Prep. In fact, although not obligated to do so, in recent years the Salesians have covered the costs of emergency pointing on Caselli Hall and the installation of a new boiler in Savio Hall in order to assist them. In addition, we have most years provided the school with scholarship money from our province foundation to be used for financial assistance to students. We comprehend the numerous challenges involved in providing a private Catholic education to young people today, not the least of which are financial. While we cannot renew the lease for Savio Prep, we wish them every success as they seek to relocate to a new venue.
The question that I have for Joe Mason is in reference to the April 28 comment that says, "A total of $56,000.00 dollars that went DIRECTLY to Savio, and NOT the L.U.C."
What money are we talking about, and where did it come from?
Hello Jimbo,and THANKS for publishing the release,as it tells a sad story,but also shows the public just how much was kept from them.
Now Continuing on the question you asked about the money.
Here is a Fact recorded in Probate,as well as with the deed of Leonard Silver.
In the Community Agreement ,now known as The Leonard Florence Memorial Trust that we distribute.
On September 23rd 1993 Lenny had a case at the Board of Appeals to Sub-divide his property into 6 lots.
He offered a Mitigation Package A.K.A. L.F.Fund ,of 15,000.00 dollars that the L.U.C Must give in the form of Cgaritable Grants.
In this Mitigation there was also a DIRECT PAYMENT of $5000.00 dllars Lenny paid DIRECTLY to Savio at Gus Serra,and Travs request.The atty for the community was Bob Strelitz.
I was not even involved in Community stuff yet.
That 5000.00 each year was NEVER advertised to the kids from Estie to apply for help.93-2006.
Lenny was never even listed on thier website as a donor,never.
We were CRUCIFIED for asking for records.
This document is in perpituity / forever East Bostons.
Jimbo thats how we helped those 4 kids you said you know with 1000.00 grants to Pope John when Savio closed. Remember you told me they were 4 great kids.We seized the money ran an ad for Savio kids as you know.
Its a Massachusets court reg doc,and who ever forever owns that property will have to give a total of 20,0000.00 So now starting lasyt year the Savio portion is 100% seperate.Its Called the Bulgroup scolarship Trust fund,and we will be running it in June again.
As our ad says we Never had possession.
I came along late 2001 ,and within
6 months got complaints,and as I said tried in vain to alert the public. Including one specific ad I still have titled
"Attention Past,and Present Savio Students"
It was a basic ad asking anyone who had ever attended Savio since 1993 to contact us.Etc.that was 2003,2004 ,and the Times refused to print it even when we offered to pay.
So Jimbo,guys like you Lynds,Forbes,and countles others got gipped.
Yet in those same years they hid that money, the L.U.C. gave out of the 15,000.. constant help to Estie kids going to Savio,in the tune of 15,000.00.
I truly Thank You for publishing that press releae,and people read it more than once.
Thanks Jimbo
Joe M.
To Joe Mason: 1. you never attended that scool
2. you never supported that school
3. I never saw you at any events to promote that school
4. The board ruined the school and not the order
5. I am having all the trophies brought ascross the street to the Boy's Club
6. you like to cause noise
7. You still haven't come up with any solutions
Do you see where i'm going with this? Again, I will point out that in my opinion you are a trouble maker and not a solution solver.
You have the floor, come up with some solutions or reasons why that school closed. Remember, you never were at one event.
Those press releases don't mean a thing
Mr. Anon,and for the last time in as plain ,and simple terms even you I hope will understand.
I NEVER blamed the Order,in fact its the opposite. They were easy to deal with,respectful at all tims,and very frustrated that they also could not get records.
O.K. Pulse check.You with me so far.They DID NOT cause its demise.
I was attacked by the boards who served from 2002-its closing.
The threat of Legal action"on Savio stationary,and signed by Atty. T.J.McCarty,was in response to us trying to get at ALL the books,and I mean ALL.
Not just what Lenny gave directly.
They were a 501c3 Non Profit,and by Federal Law the books are "Open Public Records".
We suggested several times to have "Open Public Meetings " with the board to bring attention to the public.
We also suggested massive fund raisers,and getting a Corporate sponsor,and many more things.
The Boards during the time I give above REFUSED not only to do those things,but to let us make a presentation to the boards.
In Fact,I feel in my heart that the school could of been saved,but for outright mismamagement,of resources,tuition,and donations.
The fact you keep missing is that guys like Lenny were never even listed as a donor.I notice that does not bother you.
In order for anyone,or any school,or other such entity to get help,they have to be open minded,and accept help.
Your anger is misguided,and ridiculous,for you have no cluse how bad it was run.
Once again in my opinion the Order of Don Bosco went above,and beyond to help them.
Now to an ace in the hole Ive been holding back.
We went so far as to send copies of all of our requests for an audit to the D.A.'S office,The Secretary of States office.
So you again are just looking to attack,without merit.
Its also obvious you do not read with 1- an open mind,and 2-understanding.
I will say again,there was no good reason why the school had to close.
Lets translate that for you.The boards buried that school.
HELLO MR. ANON, they even closed a year before the Order said to close.READ THE PRESS RELEASE AGAIN.
You seem so passionate,well then I challenge you to find as many past Savio kids right up to 2007,and file a class action legal fight for the records.
We will donate up to 1000.00 dollars to the fight,but you must identify yourself.
Maybe your a past board member,so you want to discredit these facts?
My name is Joe Mason,whats yours dude.
I forgot !
You missed where we constantly out of the 15,000.00 we got ,helpde dozens of Savio kids pay their tuition,as wel as numerous Savio kids who graduated,and went to places like Sufflok,Northeastern,B.U.,B.C.etc.
I would consider that helping.
My understanding is that, as a private non-profit, Savio Prep, Inc. is/was under no obligation to reveal their books or board minutes to the public. What I am sure of is that the Freedom of Information Act covers government agencies and not the private or non-profit sectors.
It's true that Savio's board of directors is ultimately responsible for the school's demise. While there were some good people on the board since the school was handed over to them from the Salesians in 1993, there have also been a number of people who were not helpful and even some who were motivated by self-interest.
Maybe the board's biggest failings came with the principals they hired or approved to run the school between 2001 and 2006. In addition, they squeezed out the financial director, allowing incompetent principals control of the funds as well.
The fact that the school pulled out of the lease a year early was an indication that the numbers were so low for this school year that there was no way to go on. In fact, some think it was a mistake to open last year at all.
The Salesians did agree to a lease that rented the buildings at no charge, and were not directly responsible for the school closing last year (as they were in 1993). However, one of the really incompetent principals was a Salesian, and some believe he was sent -- knowingly or not -- so that his ineptness would kill the place. Further, at least one local Salesian leader was extremely unhelpful and unsympathetic, and he often made life difficult for the school.
On the other hand I have to point out Fr. John Serio, who was an excellent principal to work under and who helped revive the school in just a few years from 1998 to 2001, and Fr. John Nazarro, another good man who is in charge of the Boys & Girls Club, which is doing its best to survive.
The Foia rules apply to any Non Profic that accepts any kind of Stae,or Federal money.Savio did in facr accept this kind of money.
But lets say they never did.
The obligation was to Teachers like you who never got full final payment for services rendered,as well as the Parents of each ,and every kid that spent a fortune on Tuition.
The L.U.C never refuses a request for our books,and we NEVER taka a penny from any City,State,or Federal agency,or from anyone else for that matter.
When your ship is sinking as Savios was,and you expect Large Donors to step in,and help.
What do you think they will be asking? How did it get in such trouble,and will want to see the Financials before they flush money down the drain.
Will you at least agree to that Jimbo?
No C.E.O. in his,or her right mind will cut checks,without a full understanding of how it was being run.
Heres a question that might be asked;
Members of the Board,since you did not have to pay rent,and only had to do routine up keep,and some of your board members own construction companies<.
What has the school spent money on to do this,and who was the contractor,and when was the supposed work done?
Again Jimbo isn't that a fair question?
What about guys like you? You told me in an e-mail that they owed you money for teaching ,that you never got.
Why cant you ask? Where is my back pay?
The bottom line is they wanted a Life Line,and many wanted to help,including Lenny Florence,but the accountants wanted to see the books.
They refused him,and others.Thus the Demise was inevitable.
If the books are not cooked,then why hide them from the Alumni,or people who wanted so badly to help?
One last questin Jimbo;
Why did Savio Deny the kids Lennys money,as well as NEVER listing him as a donor on their website?
No one wants to touch this last question,because it shows it wasn't about the kids in the end,It was about protecting peoples butts.
I agree that Savio's books should have been open, but power corrupts and people tend to treat their little fiefdoms as if they need to protect state secrets.
Savio does, in fact, owe me about $5,000 after not fulfilling the contract that I signed last year, and similar amounts are owed to all of the other faculty members from 2006-2007. Right now the case is in bankruptcy court, but there is virtually no money remaining so it is unlikely that any of us will recover anything.
I can't speak to what happened to any funds. I was at the school from 1997 to 2001 and again last year, but I was never an administrator.
Thanks Jimbo
It also gives credit to what we went through to try ,and warn the public.
Now, I am sure the records request via court order was not ignored.
To Joe Mason
1. Who are you to ask for anything? Especially when you have no interests there
2. you have no idea about the school's teachings
3. Lenny Florence gave, what did you give?
Joe, you go on and on and on about nothing as usual.
Why did the board have to show you and not Jim who was a teacher and got screwed.
Jim, enough is enough with this guy.
He wasn't anywhere is this community all the sudden he appears like Mr. Right who was sent here to fix everything.
Stay well Jim, hope things are well
Hi Jimbo, my opinion is that Joe Mason wants to revisit something that is done and over with but yet he wants to stir up the pot! Who does he think he is that the books needed to be opened to him? The books should have been opened to only the parents and techers and not for outsiders. He claiims that HE gave but yet it was Lenny Florence.
Jimbo, whats your thoughts on this?
The last two anon posts have to be upset for reasons that have nothing to do with me.
However since they dont dare sign their name,it shows what you talked about Jimbo,plain and simple.
We were threatened with Legal action,therefore Anon Dudes ,it gives us every right in the world to ask to see the books.
Jimbo I am willing to be they know where the books are ,but have no clue what the actual Legal Document,registered with the courts says about who is responsible for enforcing what Lenny put in it.
Now to the Anon Dudes,I worked for Lenny for 16 years.
Very strange Jimbo,they have NO COMMENT about Savios boards from 1993-its demise NEVER listed Lenny as a donor.
Gee I wonder how many others gave but never got listed ?????
That has nothing to do with me,or the L.U.C.,it has to do with teachers like you who got corkscrewed out of your pay.
Again a subject they refuse to address.
Face it Anons, Jimbos post was 100% correcto mundo.
Remember what I said ? In this arena ,you can't hold a candle to us.
Come on Anon,sign your name,it cant be all that bad.
Unlike you,I wont attack you.
Joe M.
Jeeeeeeeeezussssss Christmas. Why in the world are we letting him rant again. My index finger gets cramped from all the scrolling I have to do to get past his cry-baby whining. Enough already with the registered court documents, legal requests, lawsuits. We get it already. You wanted to play lawyer and make everyone think that you had some sort of power and then when everyone ignored you, you got infuriated like you always do. For the record the Freedom of Information Act does NOT apply to non-profit organizations but rather governmental agencies, which Savio was not - so there was no obligation for it to open ALL its records as Mason insists. Therefore, the repeated requests made bordered on harassment.
The only records that would need to be made available under applicable law were its tax returns assuming it was classified as a publicly supported non-profit - otherwise, even the disclosure of its tax returns might be limited.
Remind me again why he isn't he playing in his own sand box? Oh, I forgot nobody posts there.
Keep up the good work Jimbo and please lets get back on topic!
Correcto mundo? Joe, are you trying to speak spanish or were you that big of a fan of Happy Days and the Fonz that you honor him by using his slang as part of your missives?
To Joe Mason: this is 1000000% absurd that you'd request documents of a school when you have no interests what so ever. I mean do you think Jimbo's readers can read through you?
You go on and on.....about criticizing people and members when you had no idea what was going on.
Why didn't you come up with some solutions better yet why don't you have one now?
Two important things to point out!
1.Lenny Florence passed away
2. St. Dominic Savio is closed
Joe, come up with solutions so that people like Jim don't get screwed again.
Hi Jim, stay well and you still have East Boston's #1 Blog!
Im with the last poster. Its so easy for Mason to sit on the sidelines and bash everyone else when tragedy strikes such as the closing of Savio - esepcially for someone who did not have a stake in the matter (unlike Jimbo).
Has anyone ever heard of one realistic solution from Mason about what could be done - with anything. No. His thing is to uncover all of the conspiracies that exist with everything. (Please someone get him a one-way ticket to Area 51!)
Even worse, the ideas that he talks about are simply those of other people that he is only repeating. Its like with anything else he weighs in on - its always about what's wrong with the process, people, plans - never about how the process can be better, people can have better ideas, or even a better and more realistic plan.
Do what I do - just treat him like the snooze button on the alarm clock. When he starts making noise, shut him off - only problem is every 9 minutes he seems to go off again!
Jimbo - I am seriously still waiting for those T-Shirts!!! Any word on these? Keep up the good work on East Boston's only real blog.
As an avid blogger,I must say these attack mongers are like a bad dream.
I have read Mr.Masons posts about Savio,and he is right on the money.
I put 3 kids through that school,and never knew about the donations from Mr. Florence.
Me,and my husband spent a fortune at Savio,and I also say show the public(forget Mr.Mason)the books.
That was my Money they abused,and I also noticed he is right when you attack ,that you never mention a guy like Jimbo,and the other teachers,and staff who got stiffed,and are owed money.
The board owed us then,and now a full accounting at the very least to US the suckers who thought we were supporting a good school.Only to find out we were getting screwed,and glued.
So to you Anon people ,in my opinion after reading these posts,in you are probably former board members,or protectors of them.
Why else would you avoid the real story of the destruction of a great school,and missing money?
I knew every board member,and Mr.Mason was never one,so how is it his fault?
Why should he offer solutions?
What about you attack dogs?
What did you ever do?
You attacking him will never make me feel any different. The boards drained every cent out of that school,and did not give two shts about us the parents.
Although I do not know him,from a hole in the wall,its obvious since you refuse to reveal your names,you are probably part of the problem,and not part of the solution.
I also am caling you out to sign your names.
Donna P.
Hello Donna
Dont worry about the coward Anons,and you are correct,they owed a full explanation ,but they were to busy spending cash,on everything but the basic upkeep of the school.
These attack dogs are board members,and also protectors of them.
If they have nothing to hide,why not open the books.
Donna its in Bankrupcy court,so since those records are very open,maybe we should go get a copy?
I feel bad fr you,and everyone else who got screwed by more than oe board.It was a cancer,like the Priest scandal,just keep moving people around so the law cant catch up to them.
As a former successful student of Savio i would like to say thank you to Joe M. You sir have have shed some light on the darkness that surrounded my school which many of the parents and students never knew and if they did would have been devastated, so keep up the fight i want to see the books they owe us the students! and the residents of my town East Boston, which which i dedicate my self to never forgetting, i wish some on the board did the same!
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