Now, I understand that six guys hanging out on neighborhood streets at 4 a.m. is quite possibly a sign of some trouble that happened or is going to happen. I also understand, from reading the entry, that the police officers were responding to a report of shots being fired. What is of come concern is that the six young men (called "kids" in the report, despite being aged 16 to 27) were eventually arrested for the disturbing the peace, which was the result not of the gunshots, but of their discussion with the officers.
It isn't illegal to be outside at any time of the day or night. The report doesn't mention that any weapon was found. I know it is possible, even likely, that one of these guys was the shooter, but it's equally likely that someone took some shots at them and drove away. Then, confronted by the police, the discussion becomes an argument -- one loud enough to disturb sleeping neighbors.
Is this preventative policing? Or is it harassment? I don't know.
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