Wednesday, January 3, 2007


The death of Gerald Ford brings to mind the whole era of Watergate and the disgraced presidency of Ford’s appointer and predecessor, Richard Nixon. Massachusetts’ position as the most liberal state in the nation was clearly on display in 1972, when Nixon was re-elected with 520 of 538 electoral votes. Only the Bay State and the District of Columbia went for Democratic nominee George McGovern, and – when Nixon’s dirty tricks began to hit the fan – cars around the state sported bumper stickers that read: “Don’t blame me – I’m from Massachusetts.”

In that spirit, “Don’t blame me – I live in a blue state!” bumper stickers are available on the web. The more things change, huh?


Anonymous said...

it goes without saying that the Italian translation is one of the funniest things that I have ever read :)
I'll read the other posts later, but the English version!!


Jim said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm only funny in translation.