Paul Wolfowitz, a former top Pentagon official partially responsible for the war in Iraq, was appointed by Bush as president of the World Bank -- an international organization that helps countries develop economically -- almost two years ago. Now under the cloud of scandal, Wolfowitz is about to resign.
Meanwhile, Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel today joined Arizona Sen. John McCain in calling for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign after revelations that Gonzales visited a critically ill John Ashcroft, the AG at the time, to get his OK on warrantless wiretapping. Even Ashcroft, a staunch conservative, saw that the program was unconstitutional, but Gonzales, who was then White House Counsel, advised Bush to go ahead with the the wiretapping anyway. This comes after many expressed a lack of confidence in Gonzales in the wake of the Justice Department's firing of eight US attorneys for what appears to be purely political reasons.
If this was a movie we'd be laughing at the ineptness of these people, but American soldiers are dying and the Constitution is being shredded as a result of the Bush Administration's most insidious maneuvers. Actually, these guys make the Keystone Kops look like a Mensa meeting.
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