Sunday, June 3, 2007

Green Mountain Nation?

It seems that several groups in Vermont are pushing for that state to secede from the Union because the United States, they say, is an empire on the brink of collapse.

"...the U.S. has become ... essentially ungovernable -- it's too big, it's too corrupt and it no longer serves the needs of its citizens," said one supporter in a story at

Web sites for groups such as The Second Vermont Republic, Free Vermont and the Middlebury Institute offer manifestos and arguments on why the Green Mountain State should go it alone. (The proposed flag is pictured above.)

I understand their position, but I believe that I have a better idea. A few years ago I myself wrote "A Resolution for Secession," where I advocated the separation of New England from the US (except, of course, the Yankee-loving southwestern part of Connecticut). I think this idea has legs.

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