Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tire slashed over parking spot

Channel 7 reports that an East Boston woman had her tire slashed after she parked in a spot that someone had "reserved" after shoveling out. If you've lived in this neighborhood long, you've probably heard and seen stories like this -- though I thought in recent years we'd gone away from such behavior.

The story says that, "It is considered an unwritten law in East Boston and South Boston that if someone digs out a space in the snow, they (sic) own it," and then goes on to explain that Mayor Menino tried to change this three years ago, but eventually back down.

"We live in the United States of America. I don't think this is the way it should be," said Nicole (whose last name and street are not provided in the story, most likely out of fear of retribution), and she is right. People shouldn't save their spots with cones or furniture, and if they do, then damaging someone else's property for some misguided sense of injustice is wrong.


Anonymous said...

I whole-heartedly agree that slashing someone's tires is destruction of private property, and a crime. BUT...as someone that spent hours cleaning out my car and making a safe, usable parking space, if you come by and steal it, I'm going to be pissed off. Not to mention, this is NOT and unwritten rule, in fact, it's WRITTEN:


"# Any Space-savers in on-street parking spaces that have been cleared should be removed 48 hours after a snow storm has ended."

So there you have it. 48 hours to save a space. If Channel 7 had done their job (hah) they would have reported this is allowed in the city.

The woman was just too lazy to dig out her own space.

People keep grumbling that all the snow has turned to ice. Well on Sunday morning, it was still snow and easy to move. If you dug out then, you could have easily saved your spot for 2 days, then you wouldn't have to mooch on someone else's hard work.

Jim said...

While the city ordinance allows people to "save" spaces, it does not sanction retaliation. That is infuriating.

Anonymous said...

If you want a parking spot buy a condo or a house that comes with one. If not, don't complain! Living in the city comes with these issues, learn to adapt or stop complaining. East Boston doesn't need complainers, there are already enough of those types of people that live here.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in E.B. all of my life. We never had to put cones or
furniture into spots because neighbors respected others parking
spots. Since, the old time neighborhood is gone(the new-comers) feel that they don't have to respect their neighbors. I wouldn't damage someone's property for taking my spot, I would dope-slap them.

Anonymous said...

So what if I cleared out your car am I entitled to your spot when you pulled out. As a lifer I did this and the person was perplexed. Where is it written that you can't clear a spot for someone else and take the spot. If I I was Nicole I would move out of this ignorant place and then go back and smash all of their windows. I can play Eastie too I am one with an education. Oh the person that questioned the legality of clearing out another spot. If I find so much as a speck I will hold you responsible and burn your house down. It is a sign of urban blight and ignorance. For the illegals that accept this behavior two words Las Migras. And all of you in the fellowship of educated men and women rise up. This does not occur in affluent urban neighborhoods. Don't give me Southie not affluent. Even in Charlestown the practice is waning.

Anonymous said...

What an ignorant comment...you would dope-slap someone?! This issue has nothing to do with how many years a resident has lived in East Boston or any other part of the city. City roads and parking spaces are open to all residents. Noone owns these spots or is entitled to one. Yes, shoveling snow is a pain, but welcome winter!! This is what happens and we all make the best of it.

Anonymous said...

If we are going to be pointing fingers, then let me say that in the five years I've lived in East Boston, I've noticed that the lifers are the most adamant about saving spaces and the most shrill when their spot is taken. Until Menino ordered the space-savers removed, there were people on Everett Street who had a trash barrel saving their spot for weeks.

But that's not really the point, is it? The point is that we all live here, and we all have to share limited resources such as parking. Can we all try to be a little nicer?

And on a related point, could we all agree to shovel our sidewalks? It's been very difficult to get around this week, with so many sidewalks unshoveled.

Anonymous said...

E.B.Rules Says
To those ignorant fools who stated as fact that they would "Dope Slap" "Move out,then return ,and smash alll the windows"etc.

I say that you are nothing short of demented,and "IF" you live here,then you should move out.

As far as the Mayor goes ,he is simply to afraid to tell people "ENOUGH,IS ENOUGH",and end the Bull s**t about space saving.

Get a life ,we live in East Boston,and just like every section of Boston (excluding the 24 hour a day police protected Mayors house)there is a parking problem everywhere.

Just like Handicapped Spaces "NO ONE OWNS THE SPOTS,THEY ARE PUBLIC".

Thats right,even if a person gets a H.P.spot put in front of thier house it does not belong to them,ANYONE who has a Plaque can park in it.

There is hardly no snow on my street ,but people are still using barrels,chairs,vacum cleaners etc to reserve thier spot. Its a mentality,that is MENTAL.

To those who would post that they would do the things posted on here is INSANE.

Jimbo You should remove those nasty posts.They incit violence towards others.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Yeah, It is 9 days later and jamokes still are holding spots. This is urban blight. I have been in other communities and have not witnessed this behavior. People are concerned about presidential candidates stand on water boarding. This tribal behavior on spot saving is ridiculous. Unless people relinquish spots after 48 hours they are ignorant. You don't own a spot. I encourage all to challenge in court. Spots are being held for more than 48 hours.
Yes, I have been communities with higher population density. How will our quality of life improve with behavior like this. The cuteness and nostalgia have worn off. And to think people are turning to malicious destruction.

Nicole don't take crap. I will dig you out and I'll debate for you on ordinances.
Like I said I am from Eastie this has to stop. It is a joke. And maybe the the mayor could have a better plan for snow removal instead of snow piling and pushing.