The gentleman who answered the phone a short while ago at Massport's Noise Complaint Line (617-561-3333) was courteous and listened to my complaint ("The planes woke me up!") and took my name.
A glance at the Massport web site brought me to a chart that tracks the number of complaints registered by the Complaint Line. This year, so far, there have been more than four times as many calls by Eastie residents. There's an even bigger jump -- 1,500% --in calls from residents of Chelsea. It is possible that this year's weather patten has caused the huge increase in calls, but more likely the culprit's name is Runway 14-32, which went into operation late last year following a 30-year court battle.
Read first, blog later..... words to live by in this hasty age of ours
First of all, chelsea isn't on the approach for the new runway, not by a longshot..... In fact, a quick check of wikipedia and satellite images in google maps would tell you that the new airport actually DIMINISHES the amount of air traffic over Chelsea, by eliminating the need for Runway 15L/33R which points directly at Bellingham Square.
Further, a quick look at logan activity at 6:25 that morning shows that the new runway was in fact not being used http://www4.passur.com/bos.html The wind was indeed probably from the west, but the runway being used has been operational likely since before you were born, let alone when you moved to Chelsea.
If you're going to cyber complain, at least know what you're talking about
I appreciate you reading and commenting on my blog, but what's with the attitude? I didn't say I was sure about the reason for the increase in complaints, just speculated. Massport's own data confirms that there is an increase.
Oh, and by the way, it's clear from my entry that I live in East Boston, not Chelsea. And I didn't move here, I was born here. Also, my family lived here before there was an airport next door, so if I want to gripe, I'll gripe.
In response again to Pierce, who was nice enough to post a comment on my blog: Here is a quote from a BostonNow story (which appears to be based on my blog)...
"Matthew Brelis, director of media relations for MassPort, admitted that when the new runway is used during northwest wind patterns, flight paths on other runways are adjusted, sending more planes over Chelsea and East Boston."
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