One feature that her site has that the others, so far, don't is the option to read the information in Spanish. Of course, that is a no-brainer for Mota, who hopes to draw heavily from East Boston's Latino community, but the other candidates should consider doing the same or else they are writing off a chunk of their prospective constituents.
Mary Berninger's web site is still the only one with some specific information about her stand on issues in the campaign, while Carlo Basile's web site is easily the best looking. Though the candidate assured me otherwise recently, I'm still getting nothing at Jeff Drago's site.
I understand that Gloribell Mota's kickoff will be postponed a couple of weeks. When it does happen, I'm sure it will be a great event.
I wanted to confirm that Gloribell Mota's kickoff has been postponed. I will be sure to post again once we have a date set. We are having a few technical difficulties with our website but it should be up and running tonight. Thank you all for your interest and support.
I would also like to propose using The Hubster as a forum to discuss issues. I know that Gloribell is excited to talk about the issues that matter most to families in the neighborhood. I am looking forward to hearing from the other campaigns, and I hope that we can get a dialogue going very soon.
I'd be happy to host some kind of discussion of the issues and, in fact, Gloribell Mota suggested that I have a question of the week for candidates to respond to.
While it feels a bit presumptuous of me to appoint myself as the arbiter of a forum for this race, I am certainly willing to do so if the candidates are open to it.
I like the idea of using hubster for questions on the issues that candidates would answer. I propose a question on education. What are some key things candidates will or have in the past, supported.
The campaign to elect Mary Berninger will agree to a weekly question put forward by the Hubster. After reading the other candidates web sites we know their opinions on themselves but nothing else. Web sites, aside from being good looking, should also inform. This may be the only way to draw them out on critical issues such as insurance, healthcare, education, etc.
We have sent a request to the East Boston Chamber of Commerce and the East Boston Times Free Press asking each to sponsor a debate. We think it is important that the people of East Boston see their candidates up close and personal in an unscripted situation.
The Hubster, volunteering to put forth a weekly question is good, but that gives the candidates hours, and maybe days to come up with the best possible answers they and their campaign staffs can craft.
We think immediate answers to complicated issues confronting the people of East Boston and the Massachusetts legislature will give the people of East Boston a good idea as to who has thought about these issues, formed his/her own opinions, and have the convictions of those opinions.
Committee to Elect Mary Berninger State Representative
Michael R Berninger, Chairman
Cool blog. Thank you. Personally I'm very interested in both Mota and Berninger. I'm already a little ticked off at Drago and Basille and the race is just getting started. My little section of Eastie (Jeffries Point area) has been inundated with Drago & Basille signs, on public property, attached to stop signs, etc. I took two down there were in front of my house!! What nerve. Name recognition isn't always a good thing - OK? Respect would be nice.
eastboston resident
I'm curious what the candidates have to say about crime in Eastie. I've heard some real horror stories about gangs, although my own experience has included mostly law abiding family-types in my local area (Jeffries Point). I do kinda get creeped out sometimes by the homeless hanging out around Central Square (aka Liberty Square). Doesn't seem safe to be out there alone, at night. From the press you'd think all the danger is over in Mattapan or along Blue Hill Ave., but all us city dwellers have to be aware of safety issues, especially with kids. Thoughts?
eastboston resident
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