House candidate
Mary Berninger has got her web site up, which tells us a little about who she is and how she became involved in community issues. In a section called "Issues & Positions" there are almost a dozen letters that Berninger has sent to newspapers and public officials throughout the years, which is nice, but the letters are generally brief and they don't really tell us much beyond the fact that she is willing to speak out. That is, of course, rather important, but I'd like to learn more about her thoughts on issues that she could face as a legislator: casino gambling, auto insurance regulation, health care, education, same-sex marriage, taxes, etc.
Rival candidate
Jeff Drago has had his site up for a couple of weeks, but it apparently hasn't been updated since then, with some photos of the candidate and supporters at a fundraiser. Also, there is a spot for users to log in, and I don't understand why I would need to do that to find out information about the candidate.
I've seen
a web site listed on signs for candidate Carlo Basile, and as of this morning the site exists, but has no information related to the candidate or the campaign. A search of the Internet found no signs of a site for
potential fourth candidate Gloribell Mota.
FYI - I came across a webpage for Gloribell Mota today at www.gloribellmota.com. Nothing up yet but it says "site coming soon".
Gloribell mota was out knocking on doors Saturday evening in the Point and sounded serious and intelligent. I am pretty torn here. i support the
mayor but i want him to be my Mayor and not my state rep so jeff's out for me. carlo is a republican and Mary doesn't seem persoanble or willing to here opinions that she doesn't agree with. Gloribell seems honest and willing to fight for Eastie while still getting things done in the house. Very interesting race this will be.
For future reference. Carlo Basile is and has been a Democrat. Upon examining his record, you will note that Carlo primarily supports Democratic candidates. That being said, he feels that it is most important to make thoughtful decisions and to support individual candidates and positions that are best for the constituency vs. aligning himself blindly along party lines.
I looked at her site as well. I didnt see much but I do know what Mota is about, just from reading up on her. She seems to be a big underdog from what Im reading and I cant tell how its going to turn out for her if she doenst get alot of voters from the other end( Day Square/Maverick). Because Orient Hieghts seems to be the predominate place where the voters come from and thats home base for Drago and Berninger. Shes got a tough road ahead of her.
And to address the one of the writers below, Berninger is very personable and just because she is very opinionated and stands by her what she says, doesnt mean she is closed off to ideas. She is keeps to her guns and majority of what she stands by is whats right, so why waver. And that goes back to what was said in the paper a few weeks ago, she is not a yes person. She fights for whats right and doesnt let outside influences effect how she makes decisions. Yes Sir is not a phrase Berninger uses.
In response to the comment on Mary Berninger, she has contributed to the very "yes sir" style of politics she claims to be against. She bashes Menino but gives to candidates that are beholden to Menino and tighten his grip on
Eastie politics. Menino forced Eddie (who I would have supported) out of the race because he knew HIS candidate Jeff Drago couldn't win with Eddie in the race. We were once the most powerful neighborhood in the state with the Senate President and the House Speaker but some how other neighborhoods in Boston have cleaner streets and a better housing market. so what did Mary do? she gave Trav money, Anthony money, Maura Doyle money, the only time she backed an independant candidate was Hennigan in 05. She contradicts herself by railing against the establishment and supporting it at the same time. i voted for anthony ONLY because i didn't want some guy from Revere representing me. Same goes for Sal and that clown from charlestown who thought he had a chance. now it's all about Eastie in this race and i'm not going to vote for the Mayors guy (jeff drago), the republican (carlo basile) or the anti-establishment establishment candidate (Mary). I like Gloribell who helped me with a trash issue from Councilor Arroyo's office when sal wouldn't return my calls but I'm not committed to her over a few phone calls to the department of public works to come pick up the trash on the Hill. The race is still wide open so lets see who else takes a shot at it. Coem on Eddie, don't make me beg.
I want to say that Carlo basile worked for Romney who trashes our state every where he goes, Healey who basically told me i could be raped if i voted for Patrick and Republican Plymouth County Sheriff Joe McDonald who last i heard was spending asking for 4 million more from our legislature so he could send his PART-TIME staff on horse riding lessons in other states. So what is it? is he a republican who knows he can't win in our working neighborhood or is he all about whatever candidate pays him to "DELIVER" Eastie votes? And I don't think Mary is an establishment candidate although I didn'y know she gave money to Doyle and Petruccelli or that her husband works for the people who are using our neighborhood for our land. That disturbs me. I haven't heard from Jeff yet but my husband said Mota came to our house today and he's thinking of supporting her. this might be the one time we agree on politics but i need to see if Richie Lynds jumps into the race. I respect Richie a lot. the
Knows Gloribell Motta over 6 years
Born and raised in East Boston, Gloribell has spent her life giving back our latino Community. Gloribell attended East Boston High School.
Gloribell has the leadership and experience to be the next State Representative in the 1st Suffolk District. She has consistently given back to East Boston, and now she needs our Latinos support
Reminder to all my fello's Latinos to vote for Gloribell Motta
Hola Amigos
Reciba un cordial y atento saludo, por medio de la presente me tomo la libertad para informarte que en Septimbre del presente año se estará llevando acabo una elección especial que cubriera la posición que dejo vacante el Representante Anthony Petruccelli en la casa del Estado solo es la ciudad de East Boston que se debe ganar siempre es un gusto muy agradable saber que Gloribell Motta anuncio su candidatura para Representante de East Boston
Estoy totalmente convencido de que Gloribell Motta tiene la habilidades políticas y experiencia como la candidata más serio para ocupar esta silla en el State house," manifiesto.John "Adiferencia de muchos que han hecho carrera en la política
I want to say that we the Latinos are supporting Gloribell motta because. Carlo Basile worked with Healey who trashed our Latino Community In response to Mary Berninger, she has contributed to the very "yes sir" style of politics she claims to be against. She bashes Menino but gives to candidates that are beholden to Menino and tighten his grip on
I want to say that we the Latinos are supporting Gloribell motta because.Carlo Basile worked with Healey who trashed our Latino Communityin East Boston In response to Mary Berninger, she has contributed to the very "yes sir" style of politics she claims to be against. She bashes Menino but gives to candidates that are beholden to Menino and tighten his grip on
Gloribell mota is very honest women
inteligent that speaks two languages that our community can be helpful
siempre un un gusto muy agradable tener nuestros latinos trabajando con la comunidad latina buena suerte Gloribell
Gloribell mota was out knocking on doors Saturday on the latinos homes
sounds serious and intelligent.it seems that the election will be on september 25, that's not a lot time to campaign especial for a special election, so organization always important in a race, become more so each one knows the key is personals contacts, house parties ,getting your face, personaties and message out there who ever gets 900 votes will be the next rep
I Came across a webpage for Jeff Drago Today at www.jeff Drago.com
nothing up yet.I can believe the dim- bulb state senator fron eastie whose father made $288,000 as an electrician at the pike a few years back? Now mr señor petruccelli is supporting mr yes menino They pay $65,000 to thieving tool takers who colud be replaced by $7.50-an-hour supermarket cashier. they pick up 100 percent of heath care cost for T retirees. they let MBTA bus drivers retire after 23 years. All that stuff is Ok, apparently . but you known what really frost 'em at State House,
I grew up in Eastie, but I'm Irish not Italian. Anyway, I like Santarpio's and Italian girls and I have a few things to say about this election.
1. Carlo is going to win, as he's well connected, organized, and knows how best to market himself.
2. Mota and Beringer (sp.) have 0% chance in this election.
3. Drago only has a chance because of the Menino machine, but, that machine is not what it used to be. Take for instance the City Council race that Sal LaMa won by 500 votes. Pretty sad considering the population of East Boston is like 35k, while the population of Charlestown is 10k. Years ago the East Boston candidate would have blown the Charlestown candidate out of the water. Not anymore.
mota has no chance, get over it
My name is Ricky and I'm going to vote for Mary because she stands up to Logan. Mota is a non candidate and the other two are too politically connected for my tastes.
Why do you respect Richie?
Do you know why Carlo is going to win? Its because he has done so much for people and this community and did it with out asking for recognition! I only know Carlo because he knew my situation and I couldn't afford to buy my 3 kids Christmas presents. He made sure that my kids had presents.
As interesting as this race seems to be to some has anyone out there examined the candidates backgrounds?? Take a minute to do so....you will be unpleasantly surprised by what you find out about a candidate that I will leave unnamed.
just read Jeff Drago's ad in the Times(Aug29)--its now obvious that he is way behind and attack ads are the strategy they will employ to try and get back in this race.His own poll of last week showed him running behind Basile by over two to one!!Carlo is a class act and will remain a gentleman throughout the mud-slinging---
Drago's own poll last week shows him running behind Basile better than 2 to 1--so now in desperation he runs attack ads(EB Times 8/29)-this doesnt surprise me at all--betcha Carlo remains a gentleman even though he has plenty of TRUE things he could say--class will prevail on Sept 25th--
Come on now. Jeffs' hands are clean as far as those Ads in the times(8/29)go! That union paid for that ad for a reason. It is clear the question where Basile stands. Worked for Republican candidates and now is running as a democrat?? Mud slinging? That is a joke! Jeff is the gentlemen here with nothing to hide what so ever. Perhaps Basile and his camp are getting nervous that his skeletons are starting to fall out of his closet for all the Eastie public to see!
And your right about one thing, class will prevail on Sept. 25th. However, more importantly, the MOST QUALIFIED candidate will prevail! There is quite a buzz around Eastie about encounters with Basiles' campaign! You won't hear one single bad story come from Jeffs. You can't dismiss the facts of that ad by placing the blame on Jeff. If nerves are getting rattled there must be a real good reason why!
ON THIS ISSUE, something really need to be done...this problem is hurting our community...we need to get together and need to find people in power to see the reality about what is going on here...racist got nothing to do with this...someone need to address those comments in the spanish newspapers...and try to let the truth go out...I'll try to get in contact to El Mundo, but, we really need to see what's going on on the political side, they have the power to work for the East Boston community.
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