Gloribell Mota has been trying to break out of "the Latina candidate" label, and strikes that chord again, saying, "I'm not here to represent one section or another." The article notes that Carlo Basile and Jeff Drago are actively courting the Latino vote, while paraphrasing Mary Berninger's position like this: "immigrants should learn English and get more involved in neighborhood causes."
The piece also points out the neighborhood's history of voting "for the candidate whose last name ends in a vowel," as well as how far some coffee and donuts can go at a gathering of senior citizens. As anyone who has been at a polling place on election day for any length of time knows, the turnout in the morning and afternoon is mostly elderly women. Courting them with charm is a campaign necessity.
It's nice that the Globe is paying attention to our neighborhood. But I take issue with the description "gritty waterfront tenements".
It's also too bad that Sacchetti focused so much on personalities rather than on substantive issues. I believe that East Boston residents, including the elderly, are capable of making up their minds based on more than superficial characteristics.
I take issue with her article too. Imagine saying that Blacks wear wave caps or that Hispanics drive low riders. If youread the entire Article it insults italians. I can't believe that she has a vowel at the end of her name. She insulted Travaglini and all italians
stop complaining! Too bad if you don't like it
My mother is 70 and a lifelong Eastie resident. She always votes for the candidate with the Italian last name. My aunt used to vote for whoever the late Tony Cannata told her to vote for. That's the way it is for a significant number of people.
Every decent campaign courts all active voters including Latino, Italian, Elderly, Persons with Disabilities, Irish and everyone else that is a registered voter. I get so many calls from the campaign offices that I actually think it's funny. I already know who is getting my vote, the phone calls are a waste, the signs are a waste, and anyone that has ever been a Republican is a waste.
The Bottom line is that the Italian Pol's were in charge for over 74 years, that's a fact, Today East Boston is a different place, it's rapidly becoming the next Allston Brighton, East Boston is slowly losing it's long time Italian American residents,most of them relocating to saugas or West Revere, it is the last few affordable neighborhoods on the boston landscape where people from all walks of life can call home, with 100's of new residents moving into the neighborhood, doctors lawyers, pre med students, famous radio/tv personalities, you name it, they're here. I see Volvo's on cottage st with HARVARD stickers,things are looking up for eastie.
Ernie, stop using this blog to push your foolish ultra liberal issues. Most of East Boston is still CONSERVATIVE! You and Jimbo better get used to that fact that we don't want to be liberals
Since this is MY blog, I will advocate whatever issues I choose. I could ask you, anonymous who posted at 10:27, to stop using my blog to advance your reactionary agenda, but I don't. Instead I ask that you give us facts and ideas instead of invective, which is usually the approach of a person who doesn't have any facts or ideas on their side.
Jimbo, you stand for everything that life long East Boston residents stand for! I know you probably won't post this but I must say that MOST of US don't think like you. I am more than sure that the people you grew up with think your weird! How do I know that? Because I run into them all the time.
you are a sad case for us residents and hopefully you will move out of Eastie soon.
P.S. You don't own Cyber Space
There you go again with personal attacks instead of facts. I don't much care whether I disagree with everyone in the world, but the conclusions I reach are based upon long hours of thought and I believe in them wholeheartedly.
"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." --Mark Twain
Jimbo, one question! Does your family know your views? I can't believe that your mother must approve of them nor anyone who was associated with the Salesian's Boys Club (where you thought young boys and girls). I for one would never, never, never have someone like you whose views are alot different than mainstream East Boston teach my son.
Your going to say this is a personal attack but its just the facts that I heard when you were at Savio.
One other thing when someone doesnt agree with you, you then feel compelled to either erase it or just write more bull.
Your a great guy with some bad ideas and thoughts
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