I’ve received a mailing and several flyers from the Basile campaign, his web site is the best looking and easiest to maneuver, he’s got several union endorsements, and the July issue of Eastie Latino magazine has a big cover story on the candidate. I’ve been told that the Basile campaign has a well-respected Latino managing its inroads into the neighborhood’s Spanish-speaking community.
The Basile web site does have an “On the issues” pages, but besides vigilance against Massport and opposition to casinos in East Boston, we are told that Basile “will continue to be diligent about issues that matter” to us. There is no discussion of his positions on education, healthcare, public safety, taxes, same-sex marriage, auto insurance, etc.
The same is true for Drago, who has a page on his site called “Press releases,” which is empty. From the start, Berninger’s site has listed her thoughts on a number of topics under the headings “Issues” and “Positions,” and she deserves credit for that. Mota recently added an “On the issues” page that outlines her thoughts on the areas most important to her.
So it appears that the two candidates generally recognized as frontrunners -- Basile and Drago -- are the least eager to share their points of view with the electorate. One way that voters can learn what the candidates think is a debate, which I’ve heard a whisper about from one of the campaigns.
On a final note, it seems that there may be a Republican opponent for the winner of the Sept. 25 Democratic primary. I’ve been told that a woman named Jacqueline Smith was gathering signatures in the neighborhood recently. The deadline for submitting the names was Tuesday, so we should know soon if she made it on the ballot.
1 – 200 of 282 Newer› Newest»Jimbo that last post should land you a job with the Boston Herald. You clearly haven't done any research on the other candidates orginizations. Why don't you do an on-line interview with each candidate? Or ate least cover them evenly not 2 paragraphs on Basile and the other three split a paragraph. You haven't mentiones the thugs from basiles campign intimidating businesses and city workers helping drago stopping in on businesses and telling them they are with the city, support drago and then inquiring about licenses and permits.
Such vitriol toward the moderator!
While I have been a reporter in the past, I am not one now. I am just a citizen offering my observations, which are limited to what I see and what I hear. Those who have been checking this blog for a couple of months know that I have praised and criticized each of the candidates and that my biggest goal is to have the issues discussed.
If you have information relevant to the campaign you should disseminate it here or somewhere, and you should sign your name to it.
there have been worse comments than those, mr basile, made towards you, and all the other candidates, so don't burst your bubble and get all excited over one comment and ask for it to be removed
get your facts straight! Drago's people are the ones who are going around East Boston vandalizing Basile signs and threatening businesses. Drago himself has done it. Let them keep doing it, it is showing all of East Boston how pathetic their campaign is, relying on city hall to win. I don't think so......
I spoke with Carlo Basile today and discovered that some of the comments attributed to him were posted by somebody else. I've deleted those comments. It's unfortunate that people would do that, and I don’t want to be a party to any misrepresentation or character attacks.
Let's stay away from the petty squabbling and unsubstantiated gossip, and instead let’s have a discussion of issues and facts. We are all residents of a neighborhood that we love because of its charms and despite its drawbacks. Let’s do ourselves proud by taking the high road during this campaign.
Hey Hubster, what are you talking about that the best website is Basile's? Basile's website is such a cliche!! Basile does not have any originality. However, Berninger does. Her green and white website, and signs are the most original. Also, how can you say that Basile has the best website, if he does not even have many issues. Again, Berninger is the one with her views listed. She is the one in the campaign that actually has her own views.
check the backgrounds of drago and his people and then tell me who the thugs r remember drogo lost his job for fixing tickets and ask the businesses who is threating them with code enforcmentits all the drago people didnt jeff himself get caught ripping a basile sing down ooo yes he did
hey this is jenni and i would like to hear from either carlo or jeff on the issues. i think the other two ladies are nice enough but let's face it, they're outsiders and have no chance here. i think at the end of the day carlo will win because he is cuter and also has a vowel at the end of his first and last name, therefore, i want to know what he thinks about the casino plan since i want to work either there or at the equire lounge on the EB/Revere line as a dancer. i think the casino is good for eastie/revere and i would love to cocktail there or dance topless at the esquire club once they get their entertainment licence.
Jenni, if you'd like to discuss the campaign in further detail some time, just let me know.
Jenni - I don't know what your definition of "outsider" is but I strongly disagree that these women are outsiders. I don't know as much about Berninger but I've been told she's been living and involved in East Boston for quite a long time.
Mota was raised here, graduated from East Boston High School and is also raising her family here.
You should take more time to learn about the candidates. I do hope you think about making your political decisions on more than just whether a candidate is cute.
Jimbo, I wouldn't mind discussing the campaign with you, however, what difference would that make?
I want to hear from CARLO or JEFF on the ISSUES, and, if the ladies want to chime in that's fine too. The candidates look good on camera but I want to hear MORE. I don't want to hear, "Oh Eastie is SOOOO Great" when most of the girls I know that are in my age group are addicted to oxys, heroin, or the crack pipe. You know that as well as I do. So, with that being said, isn't working as a waitress or a dancer a good job for them (and me)! Jeff went to law school nights and it looks like Carlo did some schooling at nights too, and that's impressive. But what about everyone else? What about the drug pushers in Eastie? What about all the hacks that steal from our neighborhood? What about the long lines to get Health Care at EBNHC? I get insurance from my current job (at a pharmacy) and when I go down to EBNHC I'm treated like a second class citizen. I would be better off as a stripper on Mass Health. What about all the illegal immigrants in Eastie? What happened to Savio and where are our kids going to go to school now, Eastie? Is anyone pushing Eastie kids to go to one of the exam schools? Are the exam schools only for Readville people like Mr. Mayor?
Look, Jimbo, I can go on and on, and so can you, however, WE ARE NOT THE CANDIDATES HERE!
p.s. I still think Carlo's cute, but Mota's not bad.
p.s. again~If I see one more article from the Globe or Bay Windows kissing Mota's butt Im going to scream.
Actually, a couple of the candidates have talked about having a debate and having me moderate. Just like posting the forum questions, it isn't something that I suggested. I have not appointed myself as "the source" or the chief arbitrator of this election. However, I am happy to help in any way, and if the candidates want me to moderate a debate I'd be happy to do so. Otherwise, I'd be just as happy watching.
On another point, I think Jenni is referring to Mota and Berninger as political outsiders, which is true to some degree. Both women have a history of political activism and involvement with community agencies, and Mota worked for Councilor Felix Arroyo, so neither is a political neophyte. However, both Drago and Basile are closer to politicians and political insiders in East Boston and the city. Of course, Mota and Berninger are not in any way "outsiders" with regard to the neighborhood.
As for Savio, as an alum and former teacher there, I have a fairly good understanding -- as well as an inside point of view -- as to what happened. The mismanagement and incompetence of the board and administration at various times in the past six years is clear. I've also heard rumors of malfeasance and outright thievery, but I have no facts to back any of that up. In the end the school ran out of money, including the funds needed to honor the contracts of the faculty. There are a number of families out there who skipped out on tuition payments, making it difficult for some teachers to pay bills this summer. That isn't right.
I don't know about anyone else but it is obvious that Jenni is a guy pretending to be a female. If you want to strip and are as hot as you are, you can go strip at the Squire or go up route one to the Cabaret. Now lets face the truth...Drago is nothing but a Mennino puppet. I don't know about how anyone else feels but the Mayor isn't going to tell me who to vote for. He has been pushing candidates down our throats for far too long now. The people of Boston have just about had enough, just look at the last election. Sal won by the skin of his teeth even though he had the entire City Hall behind him. (By the way Sal Lammattina, I'm glad your big issue this summer was the ice cream truck when gangs like MS-13 and 18th street are writing graffiti all over East Boston and are terrorizing our neighborhoods. Sal did you know that there have been several stabbings at Barneys Grill and Tequilla's...waht are you doing about this??? you just make sure that you go after the guy on the ice cream truck trying to make a living....good job...Oh yeah ..I almost forgot Sal, how about all the litter in Eastie..Its funny I drive through Charlestown and Readville (the hometown of the Mayor) and I don't see any litter..
I'm not telling anyone here how to vote but I'm not going to be part of voting for the same old boy network..Jeff drago is definitely a puppet and isn't getting my vote..I will be looking at the other three candidates.
I see the race between Basile and Mota. I know that Drago has a lot of signs and city hall but I just don't think he has it. His candidacy is the best thing Basile has. With him taking votes from Mota, Basile will rally the republicans and conseravtives who might be Democrats or Independants and run away with this. What do you think Jimbo?
I think someone from the Democratic Party needs to be asking themselves how someone like Carlo Basile who has been a republican activist for years has a place on the Democratic ticket.
I have one question for eah candidate:
Mota: how do you feel about illegal immigrants?
Berringer: What have you done lately?
Basile: Are you a Democrat or Republican?
Drago? Is it true that your mother had the City order one of her neighbors to tear down an addition added to their house to help a handicap child living there. Costing the home owner over 30,000?
Those questions are crap. First of all, Carlo is a Democrat but in name only. He supported Republican after Republican. Also, asking Mota about "illegal" immigrants is very insulting. When my people came here from Ireland they were denied jobs, housing, education and respect. we were discriminated against and shunned for not assimulating. Now look at Boston and what we have contributed. If there were more people who thought like you back then, I would be afraid to see where Boston would be today.
Mr. Turner, it's funny how you addressed 2 of the questions I asked. What happened to the other 2 questions? are they also crap. hmmmm let me guess which of the 2 remaining candidates you are supporting..I bet it's not Berringer....As far as illegal immigrants..the thing you and most liberals don't undrstand is the ILLEGAL part...I didn't ask about immigrants I asked about ILLEGAL immigrants....Obviously you don't understand the difference.
As far as if more people thought more like me Boston and the rest of America would be a much better place to live. Our children would be better off and our Health Care system wouldn't be as it is now which is bogged down by ILLEGALS.
I don't have any problems with immigrants..in fact we are all here from immigrants..but I do have a problem with ILLEGAL immigrants and I do have a problem with Drago's mother using Jeff's pull at City Hall to have a father of a handicap child tear down his addition so she could enjoy a better view....so go crawl back under your rock..you fool
For the record I am not supporting Jeff. There is a lot of campaign time left but if the election were today I would vote for Mota. I only didn't speak to the issue of Jeff and city hall corruption because I know nothing about it. Do you have any proof? where did you hear this? These are serious claims. Please fill me in as I would ahev said my second choice is Jeff or Mary.
Also, just to clarify: my family snuck on a boat to come here and to you would be considered "Illegal". My ma is retired and happy and my dad passed away 7 years ago after working for 40 years plus as a sheet metal worker.
Mr.Turner....you want proof...go to wordsworth street...anywhere from 40-52 and knock on anyone's door and ask them where the house is...Any one of the neighbor's would be happy to show you the house and you can take to the homeowner that had to tear his addition down..It is common knowledge on Wordsworth street...You don't have to believe me go ask anyone on wordsworth street..as far as my choice..any smart person hear would only have one choice...and yes its MOTA...I just want to know her stance on ILEGAL IMMIGRANTS>>the magic word is illegal...
not take to the homeowner.. I meant talk to the home owner
The claims made of Jeff are false. He has been contributing to this neighborhood since he was a kid and has kept us connected to city hall. You are just using the hardship of a handicap child to attack a good man
If it's true than it should be made public and he should leave the race. He has no chance any way. He's just helping Basile and his Republicans.
A bunch of crap???? really..this is my last post...Just go ask MR>Leone on wordsworth street about the addition he had to tear down because of Jeff Drago's mother......stop defending a loser...GO ask Mr.Leone or are you scared that the truth may come out???? Forced to tear down an addition built for a handicap person is really really sad and the lowest a person can go...this isn't propaganda this is fact..to all those who don't believe..Go ask MR.Leone (on wordsworth street) he lives 2 doors away from Jeff's Drago's mother. and yes to answer your question Mr Turner..Your grandfather was an illegal...GOD BLESS EVERYONE and GOD BLESS AMERICA...its going to be a sad sad day for BOSTON if DRAGO(Mennino's puppet gets in) Open up your eyes people just look around..East Boston is dirty and full of graffiti and trash..and Drago has done NOTHING to help clean it up. Peolple are not blind just take a drive around and look for yourselves. This is my last Post....Good night and Good bye
I'm new to politics..Can anyone tell me the difference between a Democrat and a Republican- thanks Laura
In cases like Carlo Basile there is no difference. Usually Republicans support tax breaks for the rich,tax cuts and sweet deals for big corporations. Democrats usually support fair tax plans and tax cuts and sweet deals for small/community businesses. But sometimes in a district like Eastie where most of us are Democrats a Republican like Carlo Basile will run as a democrat.
Tony you are a true Democrat. I bet you support Democrats like Kerry and Ted Kennedy. They have done so much for us Democrats. What a bunch of hog wash. The truth is every day there is less and less of a difference between Democrats and Republicans. George Bush is way more liberal then J.F. Kennedy ever was. J.F.K was a more conservative Democrat and would be ashamed of his brother Ted. So what has Deval Patrick done so far. I'm glad you voted for him. I didn't vote in that last governor's election because bvoth candidates su.ked
Which one of you 4 candidates would push for the a Bill for the following will get my vote.
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.
In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check, because I have to pass one to earn it for them??
I like this one!!!
Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass, doing drugs, while I work to earn their check.
Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check.
Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, something has to change in this country and soon.
What a change it would be to see thousands of welfare checks withheld because they didn't pass the urine test!!!
I'm curious why anyone would ask Mota about her position on "illegal aliens" but not the other candidates. I agree with Troy Turner that it is offensive.
More to the point, given that immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue, it is irrelevant in this race.
If you are going to ask questions to the candidates, they should be about issues that a State Representative has some influence over.
Actually, states do have a role on the immigration issue. As governor, Mitt Romney ordered the state police to question suspects about immigration status (another step in moving away from the centrist positions he took to get elected here in order to appeal to the GOP base nationally). I believe that Deval Patrick has undone that order.
Also, the state was involved to some degree in the often-criticized raid in March at a factory in New Bedford. I can't remember now if Massachusetts officials were made aware before federal immigration agents took 350 workers into custody, but in the aftermath the state stepped in to figure out issues of child care.
I have to take issue with your statement “it appears that Carlo Basile is running the best campaign so far”. Mr. Basile is running the best campaign so far for Mr. Basile, not for the people of East Boston. Mr. Basile, having the most signs up tells us that he has the most signs up, nothing more. As you mentioned he has a great looking web site, however when you click on the “on the issues” button it takes you to a page of disingenuous safe platitudes. He didn’t even write it, unless he wrote it in the third person. Why would you write your opinions or lack of them in the third person? Does he even know that some of the things he lists on that page are Boston City Council issues? ......... Parking?
He has answered one of your questions, and it was anemic when compared to Ms. Mota and Ms. Berninger. Mr. Basile has written one guest op-ed piece in the East Boston Times. He is the anti gang, drug, and crime candidate. How does that differentiate him from the other candidates? I have checked out the other web sites, it appears at least on the surface, none of them are pro gang, drugs, or crime.
What the people of East Boston are getting from our “front runners” is an insult. We have one candidate, Mr. Drago, who wants us to call his campaign office to find out his opinions on issues, think they might change depending on who calls? That would be an interesting experiment. We also have another candidate, Mr. Basile, who is against gangs, crime, drugs, and one more thing, illegal parking. These two guys could star in a Saturday Night Live skit if this wasn’t so serious. They are under the impression that the phrase, vote for me because _________(fill in the blank). I am a nice guy, I have an attractive family, I have a lot of friends, I have the most signs, I have a great web site, the mayor likes me, will carry the day. They give us anything and everything except, vote for me because I think________.
Today with grid-lock in Washington states are increasingly taking on national issues, environment and illegal immigration are just a few. It is important to know what they THINK about some of these things.
That corporation was up and running in days. Pepole aren't getting it.Corporationswill always profit if the same old politics continue. This is why we need new progressive leadership. It doesn't matter if your an undocumented immigrant or a Native American, large corporations will find a way to devide, conquer and exploit us.
Is someone going to check on the house on Wordsworth street and Drago's mother?
Let the pointy-headed judges worry about the proper jurisdiction of the illegal alien problem. All I know is that East Boston has, like so many other communities, been overrun by gangs of illegals predominately from south of the border. This is not a prejudice statement, it is a fact. All the candidates including Mota should weigh in on their plans to limit this problem and crime in general. For a candidate to avoid this controversy by deflecting it to the Federal Courts is cowardly! Try telling the storekeepers being harassed or the women being raped that the illegal alien committing the crime is not the State Rep's problem, but is handled by the Feds.
I agree, the number one reason why people choose to move out of East Boston when they can afford it, is because of crime and the gereral decline in civility brought on partly because of illegal imigrants. They are not the only ones causing problems, and I know many of them are hard working... But there enough trouble makers amoung them to negatively effect the quality of life for the rest of us.
By the way, since party loyalty seems to be so important to so many on this sight, What whould we say if the Republican's had toatal control of of things for years and years, and then East Bostn was invaded by a massive influx of criminals who destoyd our community. Would the dominant party get a pass because of loyalty to some nastagic image - while we watched our beloved Eastie slide further and further down the drain?
Absolutly! I couldn't care less if the politician blongs to the friggin "Martian Party", if they can get rid of the punks that are srewing up my home town, They got my support!
Hey, this Dago seems like a nice enough fella, but all those high profile endorcements seem like too much pf a good thing. I don't like being told by the machine that I have to vote for "their man" or I'm not loyal. I'm also concerned with Drago being beholdent to Menino's office.
Is anybody out there awaer of any significant stance that Drago has ever taken, that is not in lock-step with Menino..... Just curious
I appoligize for thre unfortunaate typo in the last posting, Please rest assured I would never intentionally miss spell anybody's name like that. I should have checked and re-checked the posting before clicking on "publish" Again , I sincerly apologise!
I was considering voting for Drago until I confirmed the story about his mother. She did in fact use Jeff's influence in City Hall to have her neighbor tear down an addition built for a handicap person. The only thing I found out different was that it was built for his grandmother not his child. Anyhow I was sad to learn that the story was true.
There is so much wrong with the comments that talk about “the general decline in civility” in East Boston “brought on partly because of illegal immigrants” that I don’t know where to begin. Let me try:
First, the person who left those comments must have a keen eye or a sixth sense if he or she can pick out citizens, resident aliens and illegal immigrants from any random crowd. Do you also go to Irish pubs and restaurants around the city, listen to the accents of the bartenders and waiters, and lament the invasion of people with white skin?
Second, many Italian Americans who moved from this neighborhood did so because they had the means to buy a house in the suburbs, which offered more space and better schools. Oftentimes, these were the children or grandchildren of immigrants who came from Italy, lived with relatives until they could rent and then buy, and worked low-paying jobs. Their hope for the success of their children came true. Now, you want to begrudge immigrants from other countries who are doing the same thing.
Third, there is no “massive influx of criminals” and East Boston is not sliding “further and further down the drain.” That is the interpretation of someone who sees all Spanish-speaking residents as criminals and a neighborhood that is half Latino as not worth living in. Crime in East Boston is relatively low compared to the rest of the city. There is traffic and noise, and some streets are filled with trash. Those same streets were dirty when I was a kid. Places with large amounts of foot traffic are trash-strewn. Too many people –- brown people and black people and white people –- throw their garbage on the ground. It’s unfortunate, and I get angry when I watch it happen, but it happens.
The East Boston that I see now, especially the southwest half (from Maverick to Jeffries Point to Day Square to Central Square to the McArdle Bridge), is filled with local businesses and bustling with people. I wish the streets were cleaner, but I’d rather have dirty streets than have empty storefronts on Meridian and Bennington streets and instead have everybody driving to malls and shopping plazas outside the community to do their business. When I was a child we were at the tail end of an era when East Boston, like other communities, offered every store and service right in the neighborhood. My mother tells me there were at least four movie theaters here in Eastie. When I was growing up there were none. Interstate highways began the inexorable process of urban sprawl and television brainwashed everyone into believing that they needed to keep up with the Joneses.
Today, young professionals and artists are moving to East Boston because of its diversity and its genuine blue-collar qualities. Meanwhile, most Latinos –- like Italians before them and Russian Jews and Irish before them –- are working hard, raising their families, paying taxes and hoping that their children go off to college, get good jobs and buy a nice house in the suburbs.
Jimbo, how many Italians, Blacks or Irisih kids are in the gang MS-13th and 18th street. Get your head out of the clouds and come down to earth. I challenge you to go down to District 7 Police station and talk to any cop. I will bet you 1000 dollars that if you ask them how serious and vicious these gangs are they will tell you that they are extremely vicious and dangerous. But I bet you won't ask because you might have to deal with the truth besides I think the author of those pieces was talking about illegal immigrants.. Which by definition are committing a crime just being here.
Jimbo, why is it that every time anybody ever tries to point point out the prolems brought on by large numbers of illegal alliens the knee-jerk reaction of you liberals is to say the Irish and Italians of several generations ago faced problems too.
The Irish and Italians of several generations ago did not sneak into the country knowingly breaking the law. They did not form gangs like MS13. There was poverty and crime but the natives of the time complained about the crime and for good reason - crime is bad. When your first official act as am illegal allien is to break the law - you may be less respectfull of the countries laws. Also - the legal immigrants of gererations aho were proud of their heritage but bent over backwards to assilimate including speaking the language the their new country.
Immiretion is a great thing new comers should be welcome and celebrated for all the diversity they bring - I happen to love all the different kinds of food. But immigretion should be controlled and the host country has every right to kwon who is enterring its borders. Why is it that enyone who dares to point out the problems with uncontrolled illegal imigration and large groups of non assimilated youth gangs like ms13, you liberals always bring up our legal ansestors? At least address the point that our Irish and Italian grand parents did not sneak into this country.
One last point just to get your blood loiling a little more - evrey Sons of Italy hall or Knights of Columbus, makes a point to display the American Flagg inside and out!
Please excuse all the poor spelling of the last post - I type too fast and carelessly when I'm passionate about an issue - plus I've become too dependent on spell-check
JImbo, I would love to hear your comments about the last 2 posts. Maybe yopu would be happy to open up all our borders. Since you think its ok to break the law and enter this country illegally maybe there's someone out there who thinks it's ok to enter someone's home and make it their own. Maybe someone will think it's ok for someone to come to your house, kick you out and move in. Oh you wouldn't like that? but you want to be able to chose which laws of this Country get enforced. GEt it through your thick head that illegal anything is bad including drugs, guns, rape, etc and yes even immigrants.
Hey guys, let's not forget this blog is about the campaign. Anybody know how the camdidates feel about controlling crime and / or ilegal immigration.
Well I can tell you one thing... if you want to know how Drago feels about controlling crime or any other issue, just call the Mayor's hotline
Lay off Jeff. He's a good kid with a good heart. Maybe all those political connectios would pay divedends down the road for Eastie - with alittle extra clout up at the State House.
Yeah, but at what price? What happens when the interests of our community dieviate from the Political Powers up at the State House or City Hall. Is Drago the Guy who will put Eatie first? When the Fat Cats put their arm around Jeff and explain what is in his best interest even if it may not be what Eastie wants, is he the type of guy who will break ranks (when necessary)and go out on a limb for priciple, for Eastie? I fear not.
I heard Boston might become a "Santuary City" for illegals. I'm for it. Any idea how the Candidates feel?
Come on people. I don't care about what immigrant group is cooler or who is legal. Lets get down to business. I want to hear what the candidates plan to do about our small businesses. Jimbo, can this be the next question? What will you do for our small businesses? Thats it. One question. What will you do for our small businesses? Lets see how much thought the candidates put into this our economic stability.
how about we start by protecting them and creating a positive environment that is condusive to business, where the law abiding public feels safe to patronise our shops and our friends from outside the city feel comfortable comming into East Boston and shopping and eating in our terrific resteraunts. Which are better and more resonable than the North End.
I second that idea. We have several small businesses that need true investment.
Troy Turner and Tony get a life and stop whining. The two of you probably live together and have nothing else to do but to bash people.
I bet the two of you are full of hate and want to push your own agenda. i pray that the two of you arent parents because your kids would be thought all the wrong ideas.Please I beg you Get A Life!
Lets be serious. The North End has been gentrified to the extreme. The working families that made that neighborhood great can no longer afford to live there. We need to ensure that this neighbrhood remains affordable. I want my son to have the choice of raising his kids here in 30 years.
Wasn't Jeff Drago the Mayor's liason to the Small Business community in East Boston. Maybe he has some ideas on the subject.
I agree with the post saying that Troyturner needs to get a life. this is the first time i'm posting because I couldn't help myself.
Jimbo, I read all your blogs and the one thing that has stuck out is that this Troyturner seems to be a trouble maker.
Jimbo, I think you can make this a better blog by blocking people like Troyturner who tries to start trouble.
I disagree, he hurts his side when he posts his rediculous ideas and arguments - no to censureship
talk about hate. Lets leave the families out of this. this has to be about Eastie and who brings us resources.
I agree with the earlier post for small business.
Finding creative solutions to assist small business is the proper role of any Representative. But no small business can thrive without a safe neighborhood in which to operate.
Healthcare is vital, but the best health protection is small consolation if your stabed or shot.
Educatioanal investment is underfunded and overdue, but it doesn't matter how much the teacher is paid if your child is harrassed or acosted on the way to, or inside school.
And affordable housing is of little comfort when we become prisoners in our own homes.
Public safety is by no means the only issue in this race, but all other issues become more acheivable with good public safety.
I'd like to hear all the candidates chime in on their ideas to ensure it.
Well I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that all the candidates are in favor of "Public Safety" but who will emphisize it and who has a plan to improve it?
Drago thinks everything is peachy keen under Menino's management.
Some of us think your emphisis on Public Safety is really code for a more sinister impulse. Is there a darker message that you're pushing designed to spread fear, particularly fear of the "new commers"?
Yeah, I guess you figured me out. Just explain one thing to me though...
Public Safety helps everybody, I thought. It seems you are implying that these "new commers" don't care about, or are not concerned with safety. And I'm the one with the "sinister" thoughts?
Hey, I thought this was a blog about the election?
Carlo Basile cares about Public safety and isn't shy about demanding it for East Boston! Safe streets benifit everybody. If you're offended by the fact that he mixes no words in damanding safe streets than you probably weren't going to vote for him anyway.
Drago won't talk about public safety because he's been coached by the pros in City Hall that just mentioning the issue could turn -off key constituants.
My uncle ownes a convinient store in Maverick Square. It got robbed three times last month. Where's the outrage?
Does anyone on this blog send their children to East Boston High School (Umana)? or this that just an old fassion dream.
This week's Hubster question was about public safety. So far, Mota is the only one who's answered it.
With that said, if you look at the numbers, East Boston is the 4th most safest neighborhood in East Boston. We have some of the lowest rates of crime in the city whether you look at the totals or break it down by property versus violent crime. A quick check of the most recent report finds that East Boston's violent crime rate is 10% the city's violent crime rate.
There's always room for improvement. Certain businesses, like convenient stores and liquor stores, are easy targets and need specific kinds of assistance. There's also a need for more jobs and activities for the kids so that they aren't in the position to do the stupid things that kids are prone to do when they are bored and unsupervised.
But let's keep it in context. Compared to some of the "better" neighborhoods of Boston, when you look at the numbers, we are all very lucky to live in such a safe neighborhood.
The numbers are right. East Boston is one of Boston's safer neighborhoods. But that doesn't mean that your wrong. A lot of crime goes unreported just like in other neighborhoods. The trick is having the police officers know the people, know the businesses and know the community. It's too bad that only Mota answered the public saftey question (I guess Basile was busy demanding safety) but she makes a great point. We need to invest in officers walking the community and building trust. It is pretty simple. I don't mean to start any trouble but like to discuss things. Lets just keep it clean and on the issues. I personally agree with nancy that this weeks question should be about small businesses.
Nstarluna said "East Boston is the 4th safest neighborhood in East Boston". I hope that was a typo.
I will vote for any candidate that supports the Death Penealty. Which one of you 4 will do this? I doubt any of you will thats why I will not vote in this election. Besides not one of the 4 candidates will tell it how it really is. Illegal immigrants hurt our economy. Just go to the East Boston Health Center and sit there. The only people I see paying their Deductible are Americans. When our grandparents came to America they did not protest at the State House waving Italian, Irish (or whatever Country they came from) Flags. If I was in charge when those illegal immigrants protested I would of ordered for the National Guard to intervene and arrest every single Illegal and deport them.
We should talk about how to prevent crime not who supports killing people for committing the worst crimes. How do we keep our kids off drugs, out of gangs and in schools?
Jimbo, what about small businesses for tomorrow's question? I think it's a great follow up to public saftey.
I rather see "what do you plan on doing about Illegal immigrants? that would be a much better question
The story about Jeff Drago and his mother having Mr. Leone (on wordsworth st) tear down an addition built for a handicap person are true. It's been confirmed
First, let's please refrain from crudity and personal attacks in our comments or I will delete them.
The death penalty is rationally bad public policy. I listed the reasons why in comments on the crime question, but to sum up: it's not a deterrent, it can't be undone when mistakes are discovered and it is unfairly applied according to a defendant's ability to afford skilled counsel. The only motivation to use it, then, is vengeance, so the question becomes one regarding the legitimacy of the government exacting vengeance. I don't see that as the government's role.
With regard to the effect that immigrants have on the US economy: The entire country would grind to a standstill without them.
I have written this week's question with your suggestions in mind. Thank you.
East Boston is the 4th safest neighborhood. The overall crime rate per 1000 per neighborhood in order:
Roslindale, West Roxbury - 20
Mattapan, North Dorchester - 37.5
Allston, Brighton - 39.7
East Boston - 44.4
Jamaica Plain - 47.9
Hyde Park - 48
South Dorchester - 59.9
South Boston - 69.2
Roxbury, Mission Hill - 87.2
Downtown, Beacon Hill, Chinatown/ Charlestown - 97.9
South End, Back Bay, Fenway, part of Roxbury - 133.8
For violent crime, East Boston ranks 4th safest. For property crime, East Boston is 3rd safest. This is based on the 2006 published crime statistics.
Unreported crime is a problem in every neighborhood. There's no reason to think that it's any bigger problem in East Boston than in other neighborhood.
I've lived in other neighborhoods and I can say from personal experience that I feel much safer in East Boston than in other neighborhoods.
I agree with Jimbo, one person being put to death that was innocent is not good policy.
Also the immigrant issue: if they didn't do the jobs they perform us americans would be lost without them because we think that we are too good to do the jobs they perform.
JImbo, so if anyone else has a different opinion then you that automatically makes us wrong? So what do you think should happen to a person who kills and mutuilates a small child...shall we put him in jail and give him 3 square meals a day and a chance to kill a guard? or what do you suggest we give a person who kills a cop in cold blood? a year in jail? maybe 5 or 20? what would you give a person who got caught blowing up a mall? jail time? I see hang the bastard!
Nowhere did I write that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I am just stating my opinion along with the reasoning behind it. I believe that public policy should be created using facts and common sense. If someone killed someone close to me, sure I'd want to kill them, or -- just like anyone else -- when I see an innocent kid killed or a case of mass murder I feel no sympathy for the perpetrator; however, I don't think emotion should be the motivation for law and policy, which needs to be created from rational thought. Make sense?
JImbo, I actually know who you are and I think you are a wonderful person. Our political views are just different and thats ok. I appreciate you giving me and others on here the chance to vent. I just think that EAst Boston could be so much better. I don't have all the answers but I do know that voting in the same regime is not going to change a thing.
Jimbo, I'm not talking crap. When you have a chance take a walk to the police station and talk to some of the officers (especially the ones on 4 to midnight) and ask them about whats going on. I bet you would be suprised. I know that you are not out of touch but I do believe that you, like most people in EAst Boston, don't realize how dangerous its getting out there in Eastie.
Please don't reply about this without taking a walk to the station. If you do that and find out that I'm blowing things out of proportion, come back and post it on here and I will personally approach you, shake your hand and apologize but I have a good feeling that you will be shocked to find out what the cops will tell you
Neenah you are a neird. I knew you would do soemthing irrational and outrageous like that. i love you though.
What are cops supposed to say? "there is no crime"? They are only called when a crime is committed, this is why we need cops walking around and preventing small crimes which would also prevent big ones. Think about it.
Nancy, first of all, my challenge was directed to JImbo not you. THe cops will tell him things that would shock peolple like you, who have no idea whats going on..There are more fights, stabbings,robberies and sexual assaults then you can imagine..and ony a small percentage gets reported.
JImbo, like I Said don't take my word for it...go to the station and talk to the men in blue/
So are you just ignoring the numbers? I know there are a lot of crimes that go unreported but thats the same in every neighborhood. Lets get the cops out of the cars and they will catch the fights, satbbings and sexual assualts.
Once again Nancy is out in left field! No one said there isn't any crime or the police can completely stop it. What we are saying is that East Boston is getting worse with gangs so please Nancy please leave your house once in a while and look through all the clouds.
Have a great day
I just don't see the problems that you all seem to see. You must be watching too much TV or paying too much attention to the Eastie Times crime log. According to the Boston Police Department, crime is down. For most violent crimes, crime is down significantly compared to last year. For others, there is no significant change. If things were getting worse in East Boston they would be reflected in those numbers.
There are gangs here in East Boston but if it doesn't affect the crime rate, what are you complaining about. I don't think I or Nancy have our heads in any clouds. I know I have my head in the numbers produced by the police. And I actually do talk with our local police officers and A-7 leadership.
This feels more like fear-mongering to me. In my experience, fear of gangs usually translates to fear of teenagers. It seems that every generation fears the ones that come after it.
I suggest that you take one commenter's advice and go talk with Sgt. McCarthy at A-7. The East Boston Collaborative could always use a volunteer in their efforts to address youth crime and public safety. I'm sure EBHS and the Umana Barnes could use a volunteer for their tutoring and mentoring programs. Maybe when you work with some of the kids that live in our neighborhood, you'll be less afraid of them.
First of all i did not write the last post and do not like looking at crime by the stats as it is often unreliable. But to be clear anonymous, do you support Mota's plan on increasing beat cops to crack down on crime, small and big? If there were more cops walking the beat they would see where the gangs hang and who are the regulars and leadesr. They could build relationships and puul out the kids who are just misguided and arrest the leaders who are preying on our families. In terms of robbery and sexual assault, I would feel safer coming home at night knowing there are cops walking around my community who I know and trust. Is that left field?
I am amazed at how many posts there have been since I last posted. Sgt McCarthy is amazing. He gets it. Community policing has to include the community. If our crime rates are down lets go further. Lets get the kids before the gangs do. I have to run but I hope more than one candidate answers this week's question as at first we had Berninger, Mota and Basile. Than for week two we had Berninger and Mota. For week three only Mota. Whats going on? Are the other candidates afraid because this blog has cultivated a good space to exchange thought and ideas. We sometimes fight but as long as we are all fighting for Eastie lets keep it up. Read you all later.
However, all three weeks were minus Drago. Why doesn't he answer anything? Talk about being in a political cocoon.
At the risk of sounding gingoistic, I remember an East Boston were the sons and daughters of thoses Italian and Irish immigrants would hang out on the streret corners and the parks and ball fiels. the teenagers would feel safe hanging out long past suppertime. The worst behavior you ever would see might be an ocational fist sight and some beer drinking,(usually kept very discreet). Now those parks and street corners are empty because the current generation of Itaians and Irish kids don't dare hang out the same way the past gerations did. It is a more dangerous time and people have addapted by staying in their homes anfer dark. The old neighborhood with its sence of community has been lost to the new reality of residents being forced to retreat home.
Things always seem like they were better in the past. That is human nature.
I grew up on Chelsea Street, not far from Santarpio's. Drugs and violence are always problems in urban settings, and that was no different in East Boston. There were problems at the high school, problems in the projects and problems between sailors on shore and local residents.
At the Boys & Girls Club priests had altercations with older teens and young men with drug problems who hung outside the fence on Paris Street. When I was in high school a guy was executed gangland-style right below my bedroom window. When I worked at the Boys & Girls Club there was a stabbing just outside the gate when two white teenagers didn't like it that blacks and Latinos were playing basketball there. I called 9-1-1 while applying direct pressure to a kid's gut. I know quite a few young people from the Club and from Savio -- white kids, and now young adults -- who are battling addiction problems. Some didn't make it.
So don't tell me this was a neighborhood of milk and honey for all those years. Urban communities all over have the same types of problems that urban communities always have, and today there are people hanging outside and kids playing, though most of them aren't the sons and daughters of Italian and Irish parents, but rather of the latest wave of immigrants.
Once again someone brings us back to the past. Get over it. Back then the mafia made sure there was an economic base in the community that made up for the goverments lack of attention. As long as there is a base of jobs and money flowing in and out of a community crime will be low.
Lets not forget drugs. Many of our kids are hooked on oxy contin and heroin and all the goverment does is lock them up and give them criminal records that will prevent them from geting jobs. Jimbo, next week lets hear what the candidates have to say about drugs in our communities. What do you think?
Jinbo you are ablolutely correct. But can't I agree with you that there problems before and you agree with me that some things have changed and changed for the worst. I bet if given the time, (neither of us has), you and I and 95% of Eastie would generally agree about most of these things. We aproach it from a dferent point of view but deep down, we're decent people woh agree more than we admitt it.
Of coarse there were problems in the past, but things are diferent and it is not just the hairstyle of accents of the kids on the street.
Oxcys are a huge problem Nancy but besides removing the addict from the neighborhood what should the Police do. Try living next to a "tratement center" for addicts or a methedone clinic and after a few weeks you'll be yelling to lock'em up louder than anybody.
I don't get it. If the Cops arrest a ms13 gang member for some crime and it turns out they should not be in country, why don't they drive them over to South Bay where the Feds hold and deport illegal alliens all the time. I bet after a few of there friends got flown out the rest of the illegal criminals might get the message and nock off the crap. Then the hard working immigrants and the native born residents could move on with things.
I know half the cops in town and they tell me they arrest the same kids all time,lots are illegally here and no they can't even tell the Feds about them. Maybe we should ask Menino - I think Drago can get in touch with him.
Hey, on a slightly different topic, I've been checking out this blog and I'm no closer to deciding who to vote for than before I started.
Anyone who really knows the candidates want to chime in?
I don't personnally know either of the front runners. But just from driving around town I have definately noticed a very interesting trend.
All the houses around Basile's house where he grew up and his new house where he now lives are chock full of Basile sings. The people who would tend to know him the best seem to to be very enthusiastic for Basile.
On the other hand the houses on the street where Drago lives and his Mother's street are going with anyone but Drago. What's up with that? The people who would tend to know him the best seem to be running from Drago.
I support gloribell Mota because she is the best candidate on education and public saftey. Check her answers on the Hubster forum week two and threee and you'll see what I mean.
I am voting for Mota also but to be fair until drago and Basile put some specifics on their webistes we don't really know who the best candidates are on education or public saftey. Lets see how the race turns out and attend the public debates before we say one candidate is best. i will have no problem swithcing from Mota to someone else if they are better on the issues i care about. and Yes education and public saftey are two of them. the others are economic stability and housing.
I agree with Mota about more Cops on the street an Neighborhood policing. But we can have a thousand cops out there and it won't matter if we don't give them the tools to be efective.
What is Mota's stance on this "catch and release" of the criminal who happen to be illegal? I know lots of police officers anf there's real frustration out there.
Wouldn't "catch and release" be a problem regardless of person's civil status? Is it o.k. to arrest and then release a rapist born in Revere?
Again, the assumption is made that all criminals are immigrants. Or worse, all immigrants are criminals.
Unless we are targeting youth at an early age and rehabiltiating those who committ crimes we are not even making a dent in crime. Deportation will not solve the problem unless you deport all young people, poor people, working class people, people who are on drugs, people with anger problems and people who have ever committed a crime. Citizens or not. that make sense? The only way to ensure public saftey is to ensure that we have a stable community with jobs, services, good schools, affordable housing, clean streets and trust between cops and residents. Irrational and impulsive thinking based on hatred and anger will get us no where.
I agree, crime happens in poor and working class neighborhoods wether that neighborhood has immigrants or native americans. Why is that? Could it be because the schools have less resources in those communities, or families not being able to afford living there anymore, or a lack of jobs and programs for young people? No! its those damn immigrants! Come on people. Lets think about this seriously. If you don't have the patience to help come up with a comprehensive strategy to keep our streets safe than don't say or write anything. But don't do more damage by throwing out crazy and impulsive views that won't accomplish anything. If we deport every undocumeneted immigrant the schools won't just magically find money, housing won't magically become affordable. in fact, developers will be licking thier fingers and buying those empty homes to build million dollar condos. We have to do better than this
Lets see who answers this weeks question an small businesses as i think crime plays a big role in the success of small businesses. Hopefully we won't just have 1 candidate answering.
Does anyone know how many small businesses in East Boston are run by illegal immigrants as a front to launder money from their drug deals?
I bet you it's fewer than the number of white-owned businesses that do the same thing.
Oh really JImbo.????.Do you know of any???? because I can name a few
Did you know that libralism is a mental disorder? Jimbo are you an American hater? Sure sounds like it
Did you know that anyone who tends to be liberal doesn't have children, mainly aren't married and don't have much morals. That is a fact my friends because if they did they would want the best for their children and families and the Liberals don't.
I beg all you conservatives out there to remain vigilante against these immoral people who try to brainwash our children and to you Liberals I will pray for your mental disorders.
Jimbo, its obvious from your earlier posts that you are friends with Jeff Drago and Carlo Basile, or else why do you ignore the fact that Drago used his pull at City Hall to terrorize a family with a handicap person by forcing them to their down an addition built for this poor handicap person or the fact that Basile swapped parties and is a REpublican in sheep's clothing
Hey JImbo and the rest of you liberals....Do you think I'm making this stuff up...WEll read these stats submitted by the FBI...
Boston (especially East Boston is next> JIm I bet you will remove this post:
New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens
Sunday 12 November 2006, by admin
After reading these statistics, I could cry. We have an invasion and no one seems to care. Worse, the "McKennedy" Bill (McCain and Kennedy) would give legal status to these law breakers. If we want to control murder, rape and vicious crimes, we may not need Three Strikes, what we need is to find and deport the criminals who are here as illegal aliens. The FBI already has a list of sexual predators here illegally. In May they, along with the Salinas, California police picked up 40 of them. Why not pick up the thousands of sexual predators that the FBI know are here in this county illegally?
Now is the time for crime groups, police and law enforcement groups to stop playing politics, stop endorsing candidates, and to start enforcing the law. Our public officials must act now, the citizens of Simi Valley, Ventura County, of California and of the nation are not safe. Read this FBI/ statistics and weep for the victims of our government not enforcing the laws.
These statistics were published at www.polipundit.com
Write your thoughts directly on the web site for all to see and discuss. Pass this along to your friends, family and especially to law enforcement and elected officials. Ask them why they are not doing more to protect our community from the criminal element of the illegal aliens. Steve Frank
INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants
2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants
CRIME STATISTICS 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually
53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.
71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".
47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens
66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.
BIRTH STATISTICS 380,000 plus “anchor babies” were born in the U.S. in 2005 to illegal alien parents, making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens.
97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.
66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers
Wow, are those numbers for real. Damn I never knew it was that bad. I guess you have a point. I want to know how all 4 candidates feel about illegal immigrants Since Mota is the only one who is constantly answering JImbo's questions, I'm sure she will see this. So Mota how do you feel after reading those numbers?
Good job! I want everyone to check the website from which those stats were taken. It says at the top "Elections and politics with a Conservative bent. If you're a political junkie, get your fix here!" So it's a conservative website and very very partisan. Those numbers are part of a fear campaign. At the end of the day what will the candidates do about the schools, the housing, small businesses and taxes. Deport the immigranst is an ignorant answer. We need something smart and thoughtful and something that would work.
illegals are the same as burglars just on a larger basis, my country is my home and I’m offended by politicans giving it away to anyone but tax paying citizens .maybe the politically correct think that if a burglar breaks into your house they have a right to live there and you have to give them welfare.\ maybe we should change back to the immagration laws of the fifties, where a immagrate had to have a sponsor( someone to pay for their needs and our politicans have alot of money to spare.
Thank you to all the people who had more important things to do other than vote. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Wait until the politicians give amnesty to all of the illegals just in time for the ’08 elections.They’re coming to America everyday in droves. This is why they’ll fight tooth and nail against showing ID or citizenship to vote. They’ll also try and get rid of the electoral college and start whining that felons should be able to vote. We’ve got a frontrow seat to witness the destruction of America as we’ve known it! God help us!
I want to say that this all seems to be part of a strategy to pidgeon Mota becasue she is from an immigrant family. I am pretty suprised that the other candidates are that afraid of her. I thought she was a non candidate? I thought she had no chance of winning? This has to be the working of Carlo Basile as the race seems to be between them. I say Jeff and Mary join her in defeating the Republican Carlo Basile like we did in 2006.
For those interested, America is not found in Bible Prophecy. Russia, China, Africa, the Arab nations, Israel and the European Union or the One World Government is. While I am deeply saddened by this I wonder exactly where we will be. I have surmised one of 2 things happens. We have become part of the One World Government, no longer the nation of America and under the rule of Europe or that we as a nation have become a third world nation like Mexico and countries further south of the border. Mexico’s plan is to conquer America and Bush knows it. They are doing it without firing a shot. They are doing it with illegal aliens flooding our borders and with anchor babies while Americans watch football and American Idol.
We cannot sustain the welfare state we are now, and should millions more be allowed to come here and suck our well dry we cannot survive. The handwriting is on the wall for America. Either we stop the madness of illegal aliens, corrupt judges overruling the American people’s vote, uphold our Constitution and give the nation back to it’s people or it will soon be too late to save us.
The UN, Kofi and other leaders are nothing but murderers having allowed millions of helpless, innocent people to die around the world. Their hatred of America and Israel has never been hidden. The UN will do anything it can get away with to destroy us.
Americans must wake up and begin to fight back. Whatever takes up your spare time should be committed to educating yourself about what is happening here in America and the world. We cannot afford to be stupid and lazy anymore.
If it were not for my faith I could not face what’s coming. At least I know there are better days ahead but tragically after billions of people are destroyed in the wars being readied right now.
I almost cannot watch the news anymore. Not because of fear but because of the mindless dribble foaming from the mouths of people like O’Reilly, Hannity and such. It’s not just FOX News. There is really no one out there telling it like it is, except for the gallant effort of Lou Dobbs. The storm truly will come as a thief in the night.
Once upon a time it was the Irish. Then it was the Italians. Then it was the Jews. Now it is the Mexicans and others from south of the US border
Hey I'm pretty sure that Carlo and Jeff are from immigrant families too. SO go brown nose Mota...Mota Mota mota..you sound like Marsha on the BRady Bunch
I meant Janet on the Brday Bunch....Marsha marsha Marsha but only you say Mota Mota Mota
The use of the automatic citizenship law is illegal. That law was put in place to give citizenship to the slaves brought here from Africa. When they were freed, that gave them citizenship and a home country. It was never intended to be for anything else or anyone else.
This week the Mexican government has decided to push Bush to give ALL illegal immigrants that had babies here citizenship. They don’t want families broken up! The right thing to do is send them back with their children. It was the choice of the parents to come here illegally and have babies. But they knew their children would be their free pass to stay when using the false anchor baby law.
See online : http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c...
That long list of statistics about immigrants that is posted anonymously has apparently been floating around on the Internet for a number of years and has no ties to the sources it supposedly comes from.
I like the post that implies that I am secretly working for the election of both Drago (labeled as the candidate of the Democratic machine) and Basile (labeled as a Republican in Democratic clothing). I must be pretty damn good.
Following is a link to a federal government report that supports these crime statistics for those that doubt their validity: http://www.gao.gov/htext/d05646r.html
See online : ’Information on Certain Illegal Aliens Arrested in the United States’
The statistics shown in the post referring to a report titled "2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants" is so obviously fake it is laughable.
I hate to break it to you guys but the INS hasn't existed for 4 years.
If you are going to use fake reports, at least try to cover your tracks and get the agency right.
Those latest statistics are official and the GAO is the nonpartisan arm of Congress. For the report they looked at 55,000 illegal immigrants and saw that they were arrested 700,000 times. Before jumping to conclusions, however, let's look again at the report and think about those numbers.
How did they select those 55,000? Is it a random cross section of the immigrant population? No. The people in the study were selected from the prison population. Of course people in prison have been arrested. There are an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the US. I'm not surprised that at least 55,000 are in jail (I know a lot more are), especially because one of the two most frequent reasons they were arrested was immigration violations.
Yes, some were arrested for drugs (24%) and some were arrested for violent crimes (12%), but these numbers are vastly different than the list that was posted here earlier.
I am not saying that illegal immigration is not a problem. I am not saying we should throw open our borders to whoever wants to come.
What I am saying is that we should stop vilifying immigrants and calling for their heads. They are, mostly, people trying to feed their families. Who among us wouldn't take drastic steps and break laws to feed our families?
You fool INS has been around a long time ...matter of fact its no longer called INS ....Its now called ICE...get your facts straight Luna or what ever your name is crazy luna
Please refrain name calling.
NStarluna's point is that the agency is now the ICE instead of the INS, so a recent report with 2006 statistics would not refer to the INS if it was official. It is a point well taken.
JImbo well said...so next time I can't pay the rent .will you back me up when I break the law and sell drugs? remember its ok to take drastic measures to support a family.. Next time I can't buy groceries will you back me up when I rob a liquor store? CRIME is CRIME...and crossing our border illegally is a CRIME...if you don't like then pass a BIll to change the law..as of right now its against the law just like stealing or raping is
All of these anonymous posts are by the same bitter person that has nothing better to do because his girl left him for a cool Lationo named Jose. He now hates Jose and feels Jose should go back to Mexico. The thing is no matter how mad you get at immigrants.....IF JOSE GOES TO MEXICO IT'S TO VACATION WITH YOUR GIRL.
I'm saying that we need to develop a public policy based on rational thought and not on racism, fear, narrow-mindedness and made-up statistics. Citizens and elected officials need to talk about how best to solve these problems instead of shouting at each other. I don't have all the answers, but I am willing to listen to those who can talk about the issues intelligently.
Here's an overlooked fact: People have migrated throughout human history. They've migrated in mass waves to places with more food, more space and better climates. Oceans didn't stop them. Mountains didn't stop them, either. Glaciers only slowed them down. National borders are a modern creation, and they also have little success putting a top to migration.
RE: The GAO report titled "Information on Certain Illegal Aliens Arrested in the United States"
The commenter doesn't appear to have read this report. It certainly doesn't support the statistics cited in the fake 2006 INS/FBI report.
If anything, here's what you can surmise:
1. A grand total of 18% of immigrants arrested for or convicted of any crime are undocumented. This wasn't a random sample. This was a count of all immigrants in prison during specific time periods.
2. Most arrests are for drug or immigration violations. This shouldn't be surprising - the majority of arrests and convictions in the US are for drug offenses. And generally it is going to be an unauthorized entrant who will be convicted of an immigration violation. The sampling method used, however, is a little problematic, given that group of people they followed were chosen for being in jail sometime in 2002-2003 (it differs for federal versus state inmates) but the arrest records were collected into 2004. This creates a bias in their final numbers that overestimates the number of offenses per individual.
3. Most arrests or convictions of undocumented immigrants occur in 3 states (CA, TX, AZ). Also, not a big shocker. These states hold the largest populations, the largest prison populations, and the largest immigrant populations.
There isn't much more that this report can tell us.
I can't wait to tell my students I've been called Crazy Luna. That's just too funny. I guess a rational discussion is just too much for this person. Or perhaps the commenter has just finished reading Harry Potter. I love to end the evening on a laugh. Thank you for that.
Your a teacher Luna? No it makes sense! If this country allows people like you to poison our children then of course you want to finish it off!
Thank God my child doesn't have you and please parents out there don't make teachers if you really are a teacher(i hope not) ruin our children. Go away Luna
Hey guys. I bet you're all handsome and want a debate, like I do, between the candidates in this election. Let's make that happen!
Anyway, we talk about filth, but the real garbage is in our friends' bloodstreams, and it is peddled by white, brown, and black alike now in Eastie. I'm talking about oxys, heroin, coke, perks, etc. Quick question: Can and will Mota, Beringer, Ivan Drago, or Carlo Carlo fee falo do anything about it? I doubt it.
Anyway, I think the Casino idea has legs, and, the Esquire Club wil be rockin with fine young fannies like mine, prancin around in our undies or less even!;) Legs and eggs will be the order of the day my friends!
Quick question: How many girls that grew up in Eastie and Revere are strippers/hookers now? I bet it's more than those that possess advanced degrees!
BTW: Free Johnny Bart! I like guys that ride bikes. Plus, Johnny's cute and I LOVE older men.
p.s. call me: 867-5309
Wow. It's obvious that illegal immigration is bad bad bad. Why does Mota support it? Do you think she coddles illegals because she is Latina? I think so.
867 5309
Hey Jenni, I'm glad taleast youagree with me. People on here like troy, luna, tony and Jimbo think it's unfair to ask the 4 candidates their stance on illegal immigrants. (they feel its especially not fair to ask Mota) Waht a bunch of hog wash....Illegal immigrants are draining our economy and are terrorizing our neighborhoods. GOD BLESS AMERICA
I appreciate the discussion, but I ask that readers don't post huge blocks of text from other sources when it is just as easy to post a link for everyone who wants to read it. Certainly the items you make reference to are relevant, but the space here is for your thoughts. I deleted the two long posts and found the information online. The links are below. In the future please supply the link or I'll just delete the post without taking the time to find the source.
Jimbo, why would you delete such pertinent information? Are you running out of space? I don't think so. Or is it that you know that most people on here won't take the time to type in such a long web address. You provided the website address but its not a link. A link is something that you click on and it brings you to the website. I can't click on yours. Please don't delete such important information.
By the way Jimbo, I'm shocked that you didn't comment on the two articles. You clearly like to point out ones that you think are not accurate.
East Boston street gang linked to Al-Qaeda
"Eastie gang linked to al-Qaeda," from the Boston Herald, with thanks to Kemaste:
A burgeoning East Boston-based street gang made up of alleged rapists and machete-wielding robbers has been linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist network, prompting Boston police to ``turn up the heat'' on its members, the Herald has learned.
MS-13, which stands for La Mara Salvatrucha, is an extremely violent organization with roots in El Salvador, and boasts more than 100 ``hardcore members'' in East Boston who are suspected of brutal machete attacks, rapes and home invasions. There are hundreds more MS-13 gangsters in towns along the North Shore, said Boston police Sgt. Detective Joseph Fiandaca, who has investigated the gang since it began tagging buildings in Maverick Square in 1995.
In recent months, intelligence officials in Washington have warned national law enforcement agencies that al-Qaeda terrorists have been spotted with members of MS-13 in El Salvador, prompting concerns the gang may be smuggling Islamic fundamentalist terrorists into the country. Law enforcement officials have long believed that MS-13 controls alien smuggling routes along Mexico.
The warning is being taken seriously in East Boston, where Raed Hijazi, an al-Qaeda operative charged with training the suicide bombers in the attack on the USS Cole, lived and worked, prosecutors have charged.
Also, the commercial jets that hurtled into the World Trade Center towers in New York City were hijacked from Logan International Airport.
``The terrorist aspect, especially when you think in terms of 9/11 and how intent these terrorists are, will turn the heat up on our efforts with MS-13,'' Fiandaca said.
MS-13 members congregate near the Maverick Square train station sporting white and blue bandannas, their skin inked with spider webs and ``laugh now, cry later'' clown faces.
``MS-13 is the most dangerous gang in the area,'' Fiandaca said. ``They are big. They are mobile. Now they have a terrorist connection.''
The theory that Salvadoran criminals manage to smuggle people over the border was bolstered this month when two Boston men described as MS-13 leaders were spotted on the North Shore days before Christmas - a year after they were deported by Boston Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators for gang-related crimes.
Thanks Jumbo, oops, I mean Jimbo. Jumbo was that big Mafia guy that died. My bad.
My friends are telling me that Mota is trying to register illegal aliens. But, illegals are not supposed to vote. Hmm, what can be do about this Jim?
Warm Regards,
Hey Jenni, we don't have any gang problems (mostly made up of illegal immigrants) here in East Boston....Just read above what Detective Fiandaca had to say. Troy, Luna, Tony and the rest of you guys who think that this is based on make believe fear. MS-13 is real and they will playing in a theater close to you. oops they are already here, Beware.
Where are jeff, carlo, mary and Mota. i want to hear what they will do about illegal immigrants. Are all 4 candidates afraid to touch this subject. I know Mota posts all the time. Please answer this I might even vote for you if you plan on doing something about this epidemic.
Jeff Drago called me this morning and he wanted to set the record straight on what happened on Wadsworth street. The property owner pulled a permit to build a back deck. What they built was a three room addition to the house, including a bathroom.
It was an illegal addition that blocked the view of many houses on that street, and severely affected the abutting property, which, for the record, was not Ms. Drago's property. His mother lived down the street from the offending property.
Jeff protected the members of the community by fighting against rogue property owners who ignore the law.
Chris, his mother lives down the street? really?
she only lives 2 doors down (stop lying) and why does the person who lives next door to Mr. Leone, (who had to tear his addition down) have a Basile Sign on his house. If Jeff was such a hero to them then why isn't he being supported?
I will tell you why. Everyone on the street including the people on the abutting property signed a petition for Mr. Leone. The only one who wanted it torn down was MRS DRAGO.
thge addition was built for a handicap person.
Good job Jeff
Exactly. Seems like we have a lot in common. We should meet up for a drink sometime I'm 21 now.
Anyway, I think Mota is cheap, she gave a measly $35 dollars to Patrick's campaign, and $0 to everyone else. Funny how "ethnics" take care of each other, but when white people do it it's institutional racism. First Mota donates to Patrick's campaign, then, Patrick appoints Carter to head the National Guard. Wow, maybe the Patriots should trade Brady for Vick, aka Ronnie Mexico.
Sometimes I wish I just moved back to Florida years ago. When I attended Rollins College I went out with this big guy on the baseball team. Nice guy, half Cuban half Italian. He was Republican and very conservative. We used to always fight about politics but maybe he was right. Pretty sad that the Republicans couldn't come up with a candidiate for this election.
Anyway, illegals and drugs are the biggest problem in Eastie and Revere. When I used to work at 10s up in Salisbury a couple of the girls were from the area and they used to shoot up in the dressing room. Gross gross gross.
Chris why don't you drop defending this creep before I have to post the petition signed by all the neighbors, including the people that live next door to Mr.Leone
Sounds like Jeff is all done in this election. Why doesn't he use his law degree in the dreaded private sector? Anyway, he's goin down and so is Mary Beringer and Gabby.
Carlo, if you're ever lonely, call me. I love Italians with blue eyes!
617 867 5309
RE: Herald Story linking MS-13 to Al-Qaeda
"The FBI, in concert with the US intelligence community and government of several Central American republics, has determined that there is no basis in fact to support this allegation of Al Qaeda or even radical Islamic ties to MS13 [a.ka. Mara Salvatrucha]," says Robert Clifford, director of the new force, who is in El Salvador this week to discuss cooperation with his Central American counterparts."
Please see the Christian Science Monitor article at:
Interesting point by site some credible source.
Christian Science Monitor has its own agenda. Bunch of silly liberals
This entry was posted on 7/12/2006 8:44 PM and is filed under Boston Area.
Police step up patrols at Breakheart to prevent turf war
The Boston Herald:James Haynes and Chris Stevens:July 11th 2006
Members of MS-13 have recently began trying to claim beach turf at Breakheart Reservation in Massachusetts. Breakheart is a forested lakeside park, which is popular with families and children. Recently, suspected members of MS-13 attempted to intimidate other park visitors and try to establish dominance over the beach area. Police have responded with shows of force and added patrols. However, on as late as July 4th there were fistfights involving gang members from the Chelsea area.
Interesting that MS-13 was trying to take over a park/swimming area. Presumably, they were either planning on using it for themselves or charging rent. For the record, Breakheart Reservation has no waves for surfing.
I heard that, if elected, Mota plans to join Patrick and Michael Dukakies in declaring Massachusetts a sanctuary for "illegal immigrants, gays, bisexuals, and the transgendered."
Anyone know if this is true?
Jenni with two ns
You do realize that the last comment rises to the level of libel that is actionable in court.
I do also hope that you know that just because you can post anonymously, you are not anonymous on the internet. Your identity can be easily established because your IP address and the physical location of that address can be ascertained through a subpoena to the Blogspot company.
Also, you should know that the phone number you gave from Tommy Tu-Tone's "Jenny I Got Your Number" is the phone number to a local company that has threatened to sue people for knowingly posting their business phone number as their own.
How is it lible when I am asking a question about something I ACTUALLY HEARD.
The June 2006 story with the headline "ICE Arrests About 2,000 Illegal Immigrants" can be found at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/06/14/national/main1711067.shtml.
I don't believe I can link web addresses from the comments section like I can from the main post section. Sorry, but I don't know HTML.
Again, I think it's best to provide the URL to a story instead of pasting the whole thing into the comments box. Give us an excerpt of the most relevant part and those who want to read on will go to the story.
It's not a question of running out of space (I don't think it is ... is my space limited on Blogspot?) but rather of making the comments section ridiculously long and daunting for readers.
what is ridiculos is the bias of this blogspot
Some legal tips to stay on the right side of the law (mainly for commenters as Jimbo has refrained making defamatory statements):
Libel is the publication of defamatory material in permanent form. Defamation is the injuring of a person’s good name or reputation.
Hearsay is gossip and rumour. Hearsay evidence is what has been reported to a witness by others rather than what the witness has observed or experienced. Hearsay is defamation by inference.
Can statements be protected by the use of the words "alleged", "it is rumored" or by use of quotation marks?
This answer is no. One cannot escape liability for defamation by putting the libel behind a prefix such as "I have been told that ..." or "It is rumored that ...", and then asserting that it was true that one had been told or that it was in fact being rumored.... For the purpose of the law of libel, the hearsay statement is the same as a direct statement.
Pleae keep in mind that these same rules apply to slander, which is the same as libel except it is spoken. So, if you stand up at a meeting and made this statement, you might be liable for slandering Ms. Mota.
The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory must also be a false statement of fact. That which is name-calling, hyperbole, or, however characterized, cannot be proven true or false, cannot be the subject of a libel or slander claim.
The defamatory statement must also have been made with fault. The extent of the fault depends primarily on the status of the plaintiff. Public figures, such as government officials, celebrities, well-known individuals, and people involved in specific public controversies, are required to prove actual malice, a legal term which means the defendant knew his statement was false or recklessly disregarded the truth or falsity of his statement. In most jurisdictions, private individuals must show only that the defendant was negligent: that he failed to act with due care in the situation.
A defamation claim -- at least one based upon statements about issues that are matters of public interest -- will likely fail if any of these elements are not met.
I'm not sure, who you are talking about but as far I can see no one slander or libeled against anyone here. I'm not an attorney but you would have to prove that someone's reputation was demaged. This is my opinion. and another thing Good Luck in getting a subpoena for anyone on this website. Do you really think some Judge is going to authorize it. They can't even stop NEMBLA. For thos of you not familar with NEMBLA its a disgusting group which stands for Man boy Love assn. it promotes or ta;lks about men having sex with little boys...how much more disgusting is that..well back to the 4 candidates......I want to know which one of the 4 will fight illegal immigrants.....by the way I'm not against immigrants. I'm just against anything illegal. So far not one candidate has taking the time to address this situation.
OK, we're a long way from libel here, which -- as I studied back in my journalism ethics classes -- must involve demonstrably false statements and "malice aforethought." However, I hope to keep this going as a civil forum and not a whirlpool of gossip and accusation. I ask the cooperation of all readers and posters.
In response to the person who is "against anything illegal," would you have owned slaves in pre-Civil War America or tormented Jews in the ghettos of Nazi Germany? The law isn't always right. I look to the words of Henry David Thoreau on these matters:
"Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right."
JImbo, I agree....but unlike you I think its RIGHT to deport illegal immigrants....Maybe I'm stupid but isn't there a process for one to enter this Country legally?
Hey Jimbo, I would appreciate if youstop deleting people's post on here. I don't care how long it is. If someone took the time to post it, then I want to read it. I think other people on here would want to read it to. I can't delete anyone's post on here but you are playing GOD and erasing whatever you don't agree with. I tried going to the web address of the post you deleted but I can't get on the page. Can you tell me what the post said??
I clearly don't erase everything I disagree with, but instead ask a few simple rules of people: be civil and don't post entire articles. Maybe there is no need for the second. I thought it'd made the comments section easier to read, and I am unsure if there are space limitations on this site. The URL of that last story is http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/
Jim is this better I only attached a small piece of the article. Now I hope I don't get accused for leaving anything out that might be in favor of illegals.
CBS/AP) A swarm of federal immigration agents sped silently, headlights off, down a Boston side street early Wednesday and surrounded an apartment house.
"Police! Policia! Police!" yelled Daniel Monico, a deportation officer, holding his badge to a window where someone had pulled back the curtain. "Open the door!"
Moments later, agents led a dazed-looking Jose Ferreira Da Silva, 35, out in handcuffs. The Brazilian had been arrested in 2002 and deported, but had slipped back into the country. He now faces up to 20 years in prison.
Roughly half of those arrested had criminal records for crimes that ranged from sexual assault of a minor to assault with a deadly weapon, to abduction, a news release said. The operation has caught more than 140 immigrants with convictions for sexual offenses against children; 367 known gang members, including street soldiers in the deadly Central American gang Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13; and about 640 people who had already been deported once, immigration officials said
Jimbo, you should thank guys like me....look how popular your blog is getting....166 posts.....wow..the more post that you have on here the more powerful your blog becomes...Even though you're an ultra liberal..I still think there is hope for you.Maybe someday you will open up your eyes and see evil for what evil is. I don't think that all illegal immigrants who come to America are bad. Some came here to run away from chaos in their own Country but with that being said I do believe that we need to protect our borders.
Jimbo, did you know the same of those terrorist that blew up the Twin Towers lived amongst us here in East Boston. I am disgusted by that thought. Jimbo, would you take a walk down Shirley street in Revere at 1:00 am.If you say you will I will follow you in my car with a video camera. I bet you don't make it from one end to the other without getting jumped. Chances are the people jumping you will be illegals. If you are up for the offer I will meet you Friday night at Santarpio's at around 10:00..we can have a pizza, talk some and then at around 12:30 pm we can head to revere, where I will drop you off at the top of Shirley ave.
It's pretty shocking to hear that some of the 9/11 terrorists lived in East Boston. Do you have a link to more information about that?
Normally I would walk down Shirley Ave. in Revere at 1 a.m. without fear. However, you or some other reader might be setting me up here as a way to take vengeance on my ultra-liberal views.
Take note of Mary Berninger's response to the week #3 questions on crime. Her comments join Gloribell Mota's on that topic. Take a look at:
I think that Jimbo is cool. I also think he cares about us and wants the cammpaign to go well. It is obvious that this campaign has generated tremendous interest, and that this blog has been a wonderful sounding board for it.
Unfortunately, I also think that there are some folks that are blogging here who are partial to Drago and Mota, and that's unfortunate because they're trying very hard to silence their critics.
I plead with those folks to grow up and let it all play out. Ya know what though, it doesn't even matter, because in the end they are the ones ruining it for their own candidates.
To the Drago supporters: Let's face it, Carlo's dogging you right now.
To the Mota supporters: It is foolish to think Mota DESERVES to win just because she isn't Italian.
Peace out.
Sexy Jenni~xoxo
p.s. I still think that Carlo and Mota are cute.
WE here in East Boston don't have problems with gangs:
At about 4:00am, on Saturday, April 14, 2007, officers from District A-7 (East Boston) responded to a radio call for shots fired in the area of Princeton Street. Officers were told (via the police radio) that five to six Hispanic males, dressed in dark clothing, were seen running away from the area. As officers approached the location, officers observed a group of kids fitting the description broadcast over the police radio. As a result, officers approached the group. As officers were talking to the suspects, the suspects (using profanity) became loud and belligerent. As a result of the commotion, officers noticed that the disturbance was affecting the neighbors in the area. Specifically, officers observed neighbors turning on lights and looking out windows. Officers then arrested Victor Palacios, 27, of East Boston; Hamza Kajjame, 19, of East Boston; Edwin Miranda, 18, of East Boston; Jose Loza, 18, of East Boston; Dennis Rodriguez, 19, of East Boston; a 16 year-old male from Chelsea and charged all involved with Disturbing the Peace.
Jimbo, I just received a letter in the mail from A Jim Ogonowski..he is running for US Congress... This is not about him, I don't know anything about him.
But I like what he wrote about Immigration:
"I believe true immigration reform and border security does not include amnesty for illegal immigrants and that leaving ourborders unprotected threatens our national security. As the grandson of Polish immigrants, I believe that we must first secure our borders, reaffirm our legal pathways to citizenship, and penalize employers who break the law by hiring people who are here illegally."
This is the kind of response I would like by any of the 4 canddidates but so far none of the m has even addressed this issue. How sad for all 4.
Read Mary Berninger's comments under week three.
I just read Mary's answet to week #3.... Mary, I would never of imagined voting for you but your answer to week # 3 has 100% changed my mind. Thank you for having the fortitude to stand up and take a stance. On September 25th I will be voting for you.
I urge anyone with a family to come out and vote for Mary...of course the other 2 candidates still have time to post but I doubt they will.
I'm voting for Mary.
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo for Mary.
I second it.
Vote for Mary, only candidate that will keep us safe.
Thank you Mary
Hey Christopher! Don't come on this blog like your just a reader! We know that you are working for Dragon or Drago.
The story is true what he did to that old lady and if anyone wants to know the truth just go down to Wordsworth St. and ask Mrs.Leone.
So Christopher stay up on the hill and don't come down from there, the air you breathe there is full of dust.
I agree with the last post, Christopher must work for the Drago camp.
This is my first post and I've been reading this blog for the last 2 weeks.
I wanted to know for myself if that story about Drago terrorizing an old lady on Wordsworth St was true so I went out for myself to investigate.
I rang the door bell and this old lady answered.i explained what I was doing there and she rushed me in the house for fear of anyone listening to us. The wonderful woman offered me coffee and we went through the whole story, by the end of the story I felt so sorry that an old woman who spent nearly thirty thousand dollars just to have to demolish everything she saved for in life.
I challenge any of your readers Jimbo, including yourself to go there and speak to Mrs. Leone to find out the truth.
After leaving there I asked myself what can i do? My answer is to help one of the other 3 candidates to defeat this tyrant.
Again, I challenge any reader to go to Wordsworth street to find the truth and after you do please spread the word of this massive injustice! Have a great night to all
Drago I'm not taking anyone's word taht you did this but I plan on going to Wordsworth Street tomorrow and meet this Leone family. If they confirm this story then I don't know how anyone with a conscious could vote for you. I will be back tomorrow to post my findings.
Hey Jimbo, Look what else I dug up on Jeff Drago..............maybe you will delete this too. This guy is a real winner..My God, he has no shame:
Council wants ticket scam details
By Donovan Slack, Globe Staff
April 15, 2004
Raising questions about a parking ticket-fixing scam and whether it goes deeper than officials acknowledge, two city councilors have asked the city to release full details of its investigation.
A measure by councilors Felix Arroyo and Maura Hennigan asks for "any written document" used to conclude that two parking hearing officers dismissed tickets, without cause, from January to March for seven city employees. The order, approved by the full council, gives the administration seven days to respond.
Arroyo and Hennigan said a city investigation concluding that at least 28 parking tickets were dismissed raises the possibility of a wider problem.
"It's hard for me to understand how these hearing officers decided on their own to start doing people favors," Hennigan said after the meeting yesterday. "It had to come from somewhere that this would be OK, that they wouldn't get in trouble. "
Mayor Thomas M. Menino insisted that police thoroughly investigated the case. But he said the city has retained the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to look for problems in the office.
Menino, meanwhile, continued to guard the names of some city employees involved, saying they had only a few tickets dismissed. "I'm not trying to hide anything," he said. "They're good people, and they just didn't use good judgment."
Hennigan, noting that problems like parking ticket-fixing are rarely isolated events, said the council needs to examine investigation documents to determine how thorough the inquiry was and whether it could have missed additional incidents.
"People want to feel that there's an even playing field, that government is transparent," Hennigan said. "This is very important to get this information to the public."
City officials said on Monday that seven employees had been disciplined for having tickets dismissed. They named two: Michael Kelley, who works at the city's Rental Housing Resource Center and was Menino's campaign manager in 2001, and Peter C. O'Sullivan, who runs the city's street furniture program.
Yesterday, two sources at the departments where the employees worked named several others: Boston Redevelopment Authority employees Anthony Gilardi, who had two tickets totalling $20 dismissed, and Lara Valentine, who had one $45 ticket dismissed; and Department of Neighborhood Services employees Jeffrey Drago, who is the mayor's liaison to East Boston and had two tickets totaling $115 dismissed, and Allison Rogers, the mayor's liaison to Jamaica Plain, who had $131 in fines for three dismissed tickets.
The employees were suspended for one day without pay for each dismissed ticket, and they must pay their tickets, along with late fees and interest. The hearing officers, Hayley Snaddon and Karen Rencus, were fired.
Andrea d'Amato, Boston's transportation commissioner, said transportation department authorities grew suspicious when they discovered irregularities while performing routine reviews of department records.
what a nerve. Is this kid for real?
Talk about corruption
Jeff drago, first you have the nerve to fix 2 parking tickets to save yourself $115 and then using your political clout with Mayor Menino, you force your mother's neighbor to tear down a $30,000 addition. You want me to vote for you?
Let me ask Mr. Leone what he thinks of you.
Wow, sounds like Jeff is in a world of trouble. You know what, it's not all his fault. In a world of: you rub my back, I'll carry your bags, it is easy to see how something like this happened. That's why my pretty little self thinks it is time to vote out the old and in with the new.
I'm going to make a prediction that Jeff comes in 3rd in this election, not second. Any takers?
Hey Jeff, I don't really care who I vote for. I haven't voted in quite a while. Anyway I do have several outstanding parking tickets. So Jeff, I was thinking we could work something out. They say every vote counts. Your the man to see for parking tickets. I'll be in touch.
I wonder if Eastie will ever regain its previous splendor?
a dear friend of mine just brought up a very good point...if mr. drago loses this election, mayor menino might be viewed as vunerable to challenge.
Jeff, since you have such little regard for handicap people as evidenced by your callous disregard
for the accomodations of the resisdent of Wardswouth St. I wonder if any of the parking tickets you had fxed were for handicap parking abuses?
I read somewhere (I think the Globe) that East Boston and South Boston combined take up the majority of handicapped spots available for the entire City of Boston? Do you know if this is true or not?
"In fact, according to Registry officials, an East Boston woman turned in three placards that had been issued to relatives who have since died."
In response to the comments above, petition or no petition, the property owners were in violation of the law, building an illegal multi-room addition to their house when they had a permit to build a back deck. Jeff stood up for what was right and protected the abutters' property rights when this happened two years ago. One of the abutters has since moved, and someone else is in there, and whatever reason the new residents have for putting up a Basile sign is their own business.
By the way, I have already made full disclosure of the fact I am proudly volunteering for Jeff and his campaign in previous posts on this blog. That's because he's the law-school graduate candidate with the widest range of experience serving the community, their daily concerns, helping businesses get loans, going to bat for residents as he did on Wadsworth Street. He has always been out there, in the trenches, helping people, and I support him %110.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something,
sometime in your life."
- Winston Churchill
Hey it's Jenni again.
Quick Question: Do you think that Jeff will do something about the abuse of handicapped parking spots in EB?
The only person opposed to the addition that was built for a HANDICAP person was JEff's mother and she got what she wanted. It got torn down in the middle of the winter. GOOD JOB JEFF
If people want to insult others, do so elsewhere. For the umpteenth time: Let's keep the discussion civil.
I agree with Jimbo. Some of these issues, however, do seem important.
How is the scheduling of that debate coming Jimbo? I would love to see if Jeff would be willing to answer these questions at an open forum. After all, if he believes that what he did was right he should own up to it.
FYI - Its Wordsworth Street not "Wadsworth" - just thought I would point that out - being from East Boston and all.
Praise the Lord!
Hey Jeff, I'm kind of lazy and I hate moving my car for street cleaning. If I decide to sleep in will you have my ticket fixed like you had your's fixed?
Chris, I can't insult you or else Jimbo will delete my post again. I'm glad you are proud to be 110% behind someone who was involved in a "Parking ticket scandal" and I'm glad you are 110% behind someone who would use his clout with Mayor Menini to have a poor family tear down an addition built for a handicap person. But please stop making Jeff appear to be a hero. No one on (and its spelled) Wordsworth street wanted the addition teared down except Mrs.Drago. So stop inventing other neighbors and why would you write that MRS.DRAGO lives down the street when she actually lives just two doors down.
By the way the I know I haven't been to school in a long time but I thought 100% was the MAX...can you explain to me what the diffence between 100 % and 110% is?
and could you be 125 % behind someone?
I think this a legit issue because while it may seem anectdotal it goes to Jeff Drago's outlook as a public official.
Is he running for higher office to serve the people and try to make governmaent work for all of East Boston, or is he in it for the connectios and clout he can then parlay into even more personal gain?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I'd like to get beyond this issue..
I do however think Jeff Drago owes the voters who care enough to find out about the issure, like the ones wo read this blog, an explination. Then we can get on with the issues that effect all the people in town.
Chris, if Jeff doesn't care to decend into the blogisphere, maybe you could chime in.
Chris, i know you. You should be ashamed quoting Winston Churchill and talking about Deval when you are now backing the same guy who was with Rielly. You lost this one. You will have to learn the hard way so keep on defending Jeff bu the Race is between Mota and Basile so waste your vote and help elect a republican if you want to
Hey I was born and raised in Eastie and have no dog in this fight.
One observaton though...
At the Basile stand-outs all the volunteers are from all kinds of different jobs and profesions. They seem genuine.
At the Drago stand-outs they are either relitives of Drago, or work for the City of Boston and are told to help by Menino...or else.
I know from personal information that the City workers are being srongely encouraged to assist Drago.
Any help will be rewarded by the Menino machine, any comfort given to Basile will be punished.
Ask any one in City Hall.
Chris, why would Jeff call you to set the record straight? Did he read this on his own but thought he was too big or too important to respond? Did he call you and ask you to come up with an explanation (excuse) for his behavior.
last but not least could you ask Jeff to please explain the parking ticket scandal? Thank you Chris..by the way How does Jeff like his coffee?
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