I feel that it is only fair to give them space here after posting state rep candidate Jeff Drago's version of the events in an interview I did with him that was posted nearly a week ago. You can find Mr. Leone's written statement describing the events if you click "Comments" below or the headline above. Their description of the way things unfolded is disturbing, including a city hearing in which they were not allowed to speak and a total of $26,000 lost.
Frank's mother-in-law Mary spends part of the year with a daughter in Florida, but when she is here in East Boston with her daughter Patty's family, Mary has to sleep in a crowded, partitioned room with her 16-year-old grandson. (See photo above.)
In response to Mr. Drago's interview:
This all started when my mother-in-law decided to sell her home after her husband passed away. We decided to put a deck on our house and went to get a permit for a deck. Months and months went on and my mother-in-law asked if she could live with my wife and I. She was afraid of living alone, and she also has multiple health problems such as spinal stenosis, arthritis and back problems. I also have to mention my mother-in-law lived on Wordsworth Street for 46 years before selling her home, which she couldn't handle any longer.
So my wife and I looked in the East Boston Times and found a contractor named Ron Spagnolo. We called him and asked if he could build a room for my mother-in-law (it was only one room and one bathroom) and he said he could. The contractor said he would go and get an amendment to the existing permit which ended up being the biggest problem because he lied when he said everything was all set. He started to close in the deck before he got the permit issue straightened out, and that is when all the problems started.
The inspector showed up and stopped the job. He said there was a variance problem regarding the amount of land before you reach the abutters. There was no other problem anywhere else except on one side where we would have to take two feet off, which wasn't a problem. This was an addition of one bedroom with a small bathroom in the corner. At this time I had just got the plumbing permit for my dad who is a master plumber. He and I were going to install the bathroom ourselves.
The addition project now had to go through the city’s board of appeals, but before we went, we had collected signatures from everybody on the street, except the people on my right and the Dragos (two doors away). The people on my left had no problem with it, but the Dragos did. So we end up at the board of appeals where we weren't even allowed to speak. Whatever happened to free speech?
Mr. Mason from the East Boston Land Use Council, who had no idea what was going on, was one of the first to speak. After him, there were people from the mayor's office, Rep. Petruccelli's office, [then-city councilor Paul] Scappichio's office, and [then-state senator Bob] Travaglini's office, taking turns standing and stating they opposed the work being done on 54 Wordsworth St. These people have never even seen the property. It was all set up before we got there that we weren't even going to get a chance to speak. This is all thanks to Mr. Drago and his friends at City Hall.
Variance issues and amendments to permits are done all the time. There have been houses built in East Boston (in driveways) with two feet on either side. Mr. Drago also stated that I have a finished basement where my mother-in-law could have lived. 1) The basement is not finished, ask the inspector, he’s seen it. 2) It is not set up for someone to live down there because of only one entrance in the back, which is against the law. This is how much Mr. Drago knows about permits and building issues.
Does anybody have any idea what it feels like to be politically denied after there were thousands of dollars spent ($26,000) and the problem could have been worked out even if there was a waiting period to get the proper variance and permits to continue? It is done all the time. I was told this by the building department at 1010 Mass Ave.
Mr. Drago stated this was a three bedroom addition. Where did he get that from? I don't remember him coming over to see what was going on. I would have been happy to show him or anyone else that stood up in the appeal hearing exactly what was going on. So I hope the Dragos are happy they caused an elderly woman to have no bedroom of her own. She has to share a bedroom with her 16-year-old grandson. Mr. Drago also mentions tarps or canvasses that were up trying to hide what was going on. This is absolutely not true. Maybe the contractor used a tarp for weather reasons. How could we hide an addition being built?
I would have taken anyone on the property to look at it. All you Drago supporters out there, is this really the type of person you want as you're next state representative? We lost $26,000 dollars. I found out the expensive way. The Dragos twisted and lied about the property at 54 Wordsworth St.
I had to take piece by piece of my addition down in the cold winter. My house was freezing and my family had to live like this. We couldn't hire anyone to do it for us because we already spent a lot of money. When it was all on the ground we called the Home Depot to throw it all away in their dumpsters. A few days before they arrived, somebody called City Hall to come down to my property. When they came down, they told us somebody called them to come down and to give us a violation. Thank God they must have felt sorry and we didn't get one. We told them we were waiting for Home Depot to come down and throw all the debris in their dumpsters because it was close to Christmas and we were told that Home Depot would come down that Monday. We had to pay them $1,000 to remove all the debris. My wife and I know who was behind this one, the ones who started all this to begin with.
Frank I feel for you and your family. I'm really not suprised that no one has posted regarding this iusse. On the other posts people (or A person posting as if he or she was several people) were outraged. It was never about the poor Leones. It was about how bad can we hurt Jeff. Now I'm voting for Gloribell Mota and so is my wife. She has the knowledge, heart and communtiy backing to win and push things in the legislature. I agree with previous posts about corruption and Jeff in my view is another old time, corrupt politician. But we should not exploit a REAL fasmily with a REAL issue just to hurt Jeff. He's not worth it. Lets pick the best person for East Boston. Not the best for Mayor Menino and the establsihment (Drago) or the Best for Mitt Romney, Kerry Healey or George Bush (Basile).
I remember this story and it is an unfortunate one. I think the City must remain strict with enforcement issues or Eastie will look like a dump. I remember another case like this on Montmorenci Ave (two streets over from my house). There was a dispute between two neighbors because one built an addition that was more than he was allowed and came too close to the other guys house. But the outcome was much different. Both sides hired lawyers and in the end the whole thing got worked out with the city...so I am sure its possible for this to have been worked out too- I think its about who you know (and it should not be). In this case, it looks like the Leone's just did not know the right people.
This absolutely could have been worked out but when you have a power-hungry system that doesn't repsect the community, people who work for that system like Jeff Drago slowly detroy the lives of hard wroking honest people.
While I can't say I'm surprised, I am profoundly saddened by this story. ZBA's and their ilk are infamously corrupt, but this kind of cronyism is a simply inexcusable. And all of the people involved should be held accountable.
I wish I was a land use lawyer because it appears to me that the Leone's might have a good case against the city. If there's one thing that the law hangs it's hat on, it is following proper procedure. If this story is accurate, there appears to be all kinds of procedural problems here. Of course, who wants to go to court after experiencing this?
My heart goes out to the Leone family. I do hope that East Boston voters keep this in mind when they go into the voting booth. I know that I personally could not vote for Jeff after hearing this story. I'm pretty sure I will not be voting for Anthony next time around either.
No anthony I agree. He'll still win but without my vote. Now Jeff on the other hand will pay and so will Carlo Basile. We have to stop the establishment from winning. that goes for the Democratic establishment and the Republican establishment.
TroyTurner, Jeff was never going to get your vote anyways. You have been with Mota since day one. He doesn't want or need your vote. Keep it.
A disagree with troy. The earlier post were both about the evil things Jeff did and the poor Leone's. When a person goes to trail for a crime such as rape, assault, murder, they don't concentrate on the victim. They tell you all about the person who committed the crime. They do speak about the victim and the victim gets to make a victim impact statement but the trial is mostly about the bad person. In this case Jeff was the bad person and thats why he was emphasized.
Sorry for the confusion. When I said now I'm voting Mota I didn't mean I was ever going to vote for Jeff I meant to clear up that I'm voting for her and felt Jeff is corrup while recognizing we are exploiting a family's hurt.
I wonder if Howie Carr or any of the other reporters from the Boston papers would be intereted in this? I will start calling them on Tuesday. I will call every single one. Thanks Jeff
To Troy Turner, you think people on this blog are stupid! Jeff wouldn't want your lousy one vote.
We would rather you give it to someone else because your not on the same page or issues as us! So stop pretending and vote for whomever you want but us!
P.S I bet ONE vote is all you bring to the table!
What a sad, sad, story. The Dragos should be ashamed of themselves
I'm thinking of starting a fund to help the Leones retain an attorney in order to sue the Dragos and the City of Boston. Does anyone have any idea on how the best way to do this is? Should I set it up through a bank or a P.o. Box. Any help would be appreciated.
Ha ha ha. Thats funny. Jeff sent me an mailing asking for my vote. Maybe it was an error. I like Jeff. I just won't vote for him. Is that bad? He's a good kid that got corrupted by bad people. I feel for him and his mom. They are victims of a machine not meant to work.
East Bostonians,
Click and paste this link to your web and you'll see the page of the office of campaign and political finance.
Click the top link that says "Searchable Database of Campaign Finance Activity" and it lets see which candidate gave money to who. Under search contributor if you click a candidates last name you can see how many contributions not only Carlo Basile gave to Kerry Healey but also Lucia Basile (1,000), Paul Basile (500), Allesandro Basile (300) and of course our good old Carlo (750) http://www.mass.gov/ocpf/homepage_data.htm
Danny, and search for how much money he gave Anthony Petrucelli, Sal Lamattina, Steve Murphy, Scappichio, Secretary Galvin, and a whole alot of other democrats.
Face it he gives to who he thimks will do the best for this community.
What do you have to say about that Danny Boy?
At least he gives, who did you give to? If you did, mention your name so that everyone can go and check for themselves
Poor Leones this is a disgrace. You people should sue evryone involved. Do we live in America or is this a communist country?
So Anonymous, funny you ask for my name and you don't post yours. Anyway, so what is the truth. Is Basile a republican activist or an establishment activist. He claims to be independant but gave to a bucnh of entrenched politicians you just named. Got you.
Danny.....you got no one, what i'm saying is that he gives to just about anyone and always gives to my league! How much money have you donated? I'm sure nothing
Danny, if your that much of a man, why don't you go by his headquarters and ask him for yourself? i bet my life you won't, because your only confrontational behind a fake name
Anonymous, He'll give to "just about anyone". Wow! Would he give to me? what about George Bush? Oh, he backed bush in "04" by the way. Jimbo, you have to weigh in on this. It turns out Carlo Basile will give to just about anyone. Thats good politics.
Like I said Danny boy, he gave to All causes. You still haven't answered how much you gave.
The other thing I mentioned too is that why don't you be man enough and have that discussion with him face to face?
Poor Leones. Will Jeff sponser a fund raiser for the Leones. I would like to attend.
No. You said "he'll give to just about anyone". Why change the words? It sounded bad huh? Come on. What are we doing here? He mailed 3 pieces of lit. My mom got one just for seniors. He has a lot of money huh? From the REPUBLICANS. Are you a republican
wow, I feel bad for the Leones. What an awful thing to do to your neighbor.
Have you all forgotten that this is a four person race. Lets show some respect to the two women running. I have been reading the blogs and just want to share some of my thoughts about the back and forth stuff.
First let me say that I know three of the four candidates, and have issues with all of them. However this stuff about the family on Wordsworth Street is not being accurately portrayed by either side. I know because I chaired the Community meeting of the Land Use Council and attended the City of Boston hearing on it.
The construction was Illegal to a certain degree because they performed work "outside" the scope of the permit "that they obtained legally". They had a chance to work out this problem by amending the permit that is done routinely.
They chose not to work with myself and members of the Land Use Council, as well as I.S.D.
When it came time for the community meeting I told Jeff not to come because it was very ugly, and I felt it would be better if he not show. He agreed and did not show.
At this meeting this family became so verbally abusive to the public, as well as the neighbors, and I was forced to put myself between Jeff's mother and an outraged family member. We were forced to do something unheard of: call the police.
As far as the City hearing, I asked the family to ask for a deferral so that we could find common ground, but they refused. I don't know if they took it down, but they did not have to. All they had to do was take it away from the City by appealing it in Suffolk Superior Court, and they would of won.SO PLEASE PLEASE LETS END THIS,AND TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES. If Jeff influenced the decision it would of been exposed in court. I am not saying he didn't, but he would of had to testify under oath.
Now to his tickets. Wrong Jeff 100% Wrong.
As far as Carlo, Mary or Gloribell, I do not know too much about them, so I challenge them to issue a statement on this blog.
Now to the debate and the ridiculous rules they have ALL agreed to:
1-only 12 questions will be asked;
2-NO ONE in the audience can speak or ask a question, yes that's right NO ONE;
3-Seating is first come first served;
4-both moderators are NON East Boston residents,(doesn't say much for Eastie);
5-the candidates are getting the questions well in advance;
6-no food or drinks (what if its hotor the elderly?)
I just downloaded and printed these from the people running the debate. If you want the full text email us at eblandusecouncil@aol.com. You will be shocked.
Although I like Jeff as a person, in my opinion he will have a difficult time winning because of how unhappy the average East Bostonian is with the Mayor, and Sal LaMattina. We have the dirtiest streets in all of Boston, our parks are a disgrace, taxes are too high, and the return of the town drunks. Sal has fought very hard to get his friend from Marblehead a liquor license, and when 184 abutters were against it being in their 3 family zoned area. 75 are over 70, and 24 are school aged kids under 12. They appealed, won, and then lost in the matter of a month.
To ignore those people, along with the fact that I hear from people every day that they feel a vote for Jeff is like a vote for Sal, and the Mayor who took sides with an outsider over so many good people. Its unfortunate, but a fact. Jeff will be hurt by this. In the area of the liquor license alone they have a following now of over 300 people who are furious that their neighbors were ignored for an outsider.
One last thing every candidate should be fined 20.00 dollars for every sign not taken down within 30 days of the election, and all proceeds given to charity. If you Don't Vote, Don't Complain!!!!!!!!
Lifelong Eastie resident.
Joseph J. Mason
The East Boston Land Use Council
I have two questions? When did Carol Basile graduate high school and which high school did he graduate from????
Hey Joe, who are you voting for? You backing the republican? It sounds that way.
Carlo went to Savio.
Hey Georgio we all know that your sitting up at the Bennington St headquarters, your not fooling anyone. Please refrain from thinking that Jimbo's bloggers are dumb
The only reason I've decided to vote AGAINST Drago is because of the fact that he won't take stances for the people of this community, instead he will check with the mayor's office
Unfortunately, representatives of my committee were not able to attend every meeting regarding the planning for the forum - they have their real-life jobs to go to each day and the meetings are during the morning. Also, the forum planners only allowed committee representatives to be "observers," and they weren't allowed to speak, according to the agenda for each meeting. My treasurer went to the first such meeting, tried to speak about one of my concerns and he was told to be quiet, that he was only there as an "observer." I had concerns about NOAH's, EBEC's and the EBNHC's having a strong influence on the forum/debate, since one of the four candidates appears to have such strong connections to those organizations. That seemed too incestous. I wanted my representative to suggest that audience participants have an opportunity to ask the candidates questions, but, again, he was told he's only an observer. I did tell John Dudley that I thought the forum should be held at East Boston High School, so I am happy that is the venue. However, I will still attend the forum and try to present my views on the issues as I see that they impact East Boston.
Joe Mason, I'm ashamed to have Sal Lamattina and the Mayor Menino even say that they are italian. I bet neither one can even speak the language. East Boston is a dumb. How come I see someone (city employee) sweeping the streets up the heights but Meridian, Marion, Brooks , prescott and basically the rest of East Boston looks like a tornado hit it. Trash is everywhere. Why is it that people are allowed to rip into our trash bags and look for cans. this should be illegal. I'm not against someone trying to make a living but this causes our streets to look horrible. I think it should be a crime to rip open trash bags. Look at your streets after trash gets picked up, it looks nasty. Sal, wake up and do something positive for east Boston. I bet noone goes ripping up the trash bags in the mayor's neighborhood.
the only thing Menino knows about East Boston is Cafe Italia. He goes there to eat and then retreats to his home in readville
Mr. Leone states that his mother-in-law lived on Wordsworth Street for 46 years. Mrs. Drago has lived on Wordsworth St., for 54 years. This is really not an issue - Mr. Leone was building 3 rooms on an addition and changing the landscape on the backside of Wordsworth St., forever. (WITHOUT a PERMIT). Imagine if all of the residents built additions on additions.
Mrs. Drago was a widow at 50 and has heart problems. She goes to work full-time everyday for the last 40 years. Took care of an invalid mother and a very sick husband for 5 years but she never infringed on her neighbors like Mr. & Mrs. Leone were trying to do. Mr. Leone, most of us have had sickness and death to cope with but that does not give us the right to infringe on our neighbors' way of life. Go up and down Wordsworth Street and see how many of Mr. Leone's neighbors are in sympathy with him. All his Carlo Basile signs are on his own house. Come on Leone - grow up.
WRONG >WRONG WRONG. get your facts straight and stop stretching the truth. The Leones were building a one room addition with a bathroom.
They were building 1 room (plus a bathroom) so an elderly woman had a place to live. They wern't infringing anything.. I susgest to get your facts straight before making yourself look stupid.
You know, we are all clear that Drago's campaign is done. But we should stop posting on this subject. This is not about an 85 year old woman being abused. This is Carlo Basile supporters cashing in on a major scandal. Let it go! Jeff can't and will not win. I'm not voting for him. Lets stop exploiting a hurt family for politics. Jeff won't even take 2nd. Thats going to hurt. Let it go! This is wrong. Now lets talk about which of Basile or Mota won't be corrupted by elected office.
Joe Mason Says to Georgio,I value my right to vote ,and have never endorsed anyone running in any race my entire life.To me its a sacred thing,that many people like yourself just don't get.As far as the questionsbeing asked such as "how does Jeff get Trav,Anthony,and Scapicchio to testify for him?
Let me say for a fact ,that the Board of Appeals room is similar to a court room. Many deals are brokered at the last minute outside in the hall.Its a give,and take.Just like a prosecuter,and a defense attorney do outside a court room before they go to the judge.EVERYONE knows its who you know ,as opposed to who you do not know.
One more final clarification on the Wordsworth street family,that I can prove.They had a valid permit,and it was to repair the deck,and like many they worked outside the scope of the Permit.Secondly they built the following "ONLY,one bedroom,One Living Room,and One Bathroom".Unfortunatley for them in East Bostons zonning code it is looked at as another apartment.
I will again state as fact that The Land Use Council had offered to help as we allways do,and have helped extended members of that family in the past.They didn't commit murder,so to me it was not impossible to fix.His case was not the first of its kind,and will not be the last. However when you refuse help,and when your own attorney calls the Land Use Council,and says I quit because they are impossible to deal with,you are on your own.An amendment to the permit was all that was needed.Even then if they lost it is appealable.They were informed of this by the Land Use Council on more than one occasion.However the biggest mistake was to not ask for a deferral,because it would of frozen the case ,again as is done with court cases,and hundreds of Board of Appeals cases.
I can not repeat the things that were said on my home phone,or at my meeting ,but I will tell all of you this.Me,and my family are to this day spit at,cursed,and in one instance challenged to a fight by his son ,while in line at O.H.Dunks.All caught on video tape. Again the police had to be called. How many years later is it? What did my kid ever do to them,who they all know very well.
There is an old saying "Stupid is as Stupid does.Enough is enough about this,PLEASE !!!!!
To the person who claims Sablones was supported by people,you are wrong. The bigger picture is that our Mayor,and City Councilor went against our own East Boston residents,for a guy in Marblehead. In my opinion that is an insult,and people like you probably work for THE MACHINE that has destroyed East Boston.Both Sal,and the Mayors office testified in person ,despite numerous abutters who came in person to oppose.
Now how come you guys,and girls out here are not furious about the Mickey Mouse rules for the debate?
I feel bad for those who will show up expecting to ask questions. The local rag only printed the time,and location,but not the actual rules they helped shape. Face it East Boston residents The Machine is not in your corner.Eastie in my opinion is for sale to the highest bidder.
Case in point,and 100% factual C.V.S.just gave 100,000.00 dollars to the Mayor,and has a proposal shown at an O.H.meeting to take over Brooks,and open 24 hours a day with drive through ATM,and Prescription pick ups.Can we say Sold!!!!!!!!(yes I have a confirmation from C.V.S.,and was told by their V.P. in front of Joseph Ruggerio).The property owner the Lombardos has chosen NOT to renew their lease.
Joseph J.Mason
East Boston Land Use Council
Joe Mason, what can we do to protest to Sal Lamattina and the Mayor? I voted for Sal and it was the biggest mistake in my life. Everyone knew that Dan Ryan was way smarter but we felt bad for Sal. How can we now make them accountable?
Oh, when the saints coming marching in, will be the song JEFF hears from someone elses camp
Jeff is not our future in East Boston. I'm not saying which of the other 3 is but I know he isn't. I worked with him trust me no one knows what i really know
The biggest injustice took place on Wordsworth St...You all know the story But what makes America great is that you can be involved in a scandal, you can use your political influence to destroy an 85 year old woman's house and you can still run for office.
Make sure you go and vote!
Anyone interested in helping The Leone's obtain the proper permits to bulid their addition please leave your email address and I will get in touch with you. If the permits are granted I would like to hold a small fundraiser for them. They were done a huge injustice at the hands of the Dragos. Let's come together as a community and help them. An old woman shouldn't have to live the way she is right now. Today is the 13th but don't ever forget
9-11 and May God Bless everyone.
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