Drago and I spoke at his headquarters yesterday. I asked him about a pair of incidents that have been mentioned on this blog, as well as his viewpoint on a number of issues. Click on the headline above or on "comments" below to see the entire interview, which I recorded and transcribed in whole.
Two of the other candidates have already scheduled interviews with me next week. I will do the best I can to get those up, but I am not the fastest of typists and, also, I do at times have other obligations.
1 – 200 of 400 Newer› Newest»A conversation with Jeff Drago, interviewed by your humble Hubster correspondent Jim Correale, at Drago headquarters on August 23, 2007.
Jim: There have been some things said about work done on a house near where your mother lives. Tell me what happened on Wordsworth Street.
JD: Sure. I grew up at my mother’s house at 58 Wordsworth Street. I just moved out last year and bought a house on Gladstone. I’m well known in the Wordsworth Street, Byron Street area, and a couple years ago I had just left the mayor’s office of neighborhood services, where I worked for four years, and part of what I did was deal with illegal work being done on housing, permitting process, zoning process, licensing process. So the people in the community knew that I was a good contact if they were having a problem, and it happened before with illegal trucking down in the rear of the street, so they would come to me for help.
In this instance there was a gentleman on Wordsworth Street who had pulled permits to build a rear deck. He already had an enclosed rear porch, but he wanted to build a rear deck, which in that area doesn’t trigger any violation, so I don’t think there was at that time any concern from the residents. This is two houses down from my mother. She is not a direct abutter on either side of the property. The gentleman hired a contractor, and they went well beyond the scope of the permit. They put a tarp and some siding around the deck, so you couldn’t see what was going on inside, unless you went inside the house and out the rear porch, and what they proceeded to build was an addition to their home, with a bathroom, three bedrooms. I think it was for a mother-in-law, and that’s fine. Everyone has the right to build what they want; however, you have to go through the community process and that’s what was not done here. The abutters were not notified. There was work going on at all hours of the day and night.
The abutters to the left had contacted me because they knew I worked for the city, and they asked how they could go about getting the inspectors to come down to look at this to see if it was, in fact, legal. I contacted inspectional services and the building inspector came down and put a stop-work order on the project because they exceeded the scope of the permits. They were building something that was illegal in the area. You would need a variance [a deviation from the building code] for that. Even beyond that, when you build something illegal – even though there is a stop-work order -- you still have the right to go and get it legalized. However, once you start building something illegally the zoning board doesn’t want to set the precedent where, if you start to build something that’s illegal, it’s OK. They frown upon doing the process that way. What you’d normally do is pull a long form from the inspectional services department and start the process the right way, get the community input, notify the abutters, then get it approved, then start to build. That’s what was not going on with this project. So there was a stop-work order.
The direct abutters to the left and the right and my mother were very vocally outspoken on the project. It blocked their view on either side, it was built illegally, no one knew what the project was about and it wasn’t a porch. It was a suite. If you go down Wordsworth there’s parking problems, there’s handicapped parking signs to the right, to the left. Parking is tough. His house is already a two-family with a basement that’s finished. It they wanted to move a relative in you could put them in there. We already have a problem in East Boston will illegal basements and illegal additions. We don’t want to see more being built illegally. That’s what the abutters had a problem with.
Now, the gentleman might have gone up and down to get signatures, but if it’s on Byron Street or Saratoga, if it’s way up or down the street, that’s not a direct abutter. Having worked on the zoning process, the zoning board takes them with a grain of salt because they are not directly impacted by the project. There was a community process at the Land Use Council. The property owner got out of line, started yelling, there was a fight, whatever. The addition was denied at the Land Use Council. That still doesn’t mean it’s denied at the Zoning Board of Appeals, but the community input was involved. They flyered the neighborhood, the neighbors spoke out, the Land Use Council took a vote and they were opposed to the project. They went up to the Zoning Board of Appeal and it was “denied with prejudice,” which rarely happens. Usually, it’s “without prejudice” so you can reapply. “With prejudice” means you can’t reapply for another four years if you want to do the project again. So there was a process, it was a legal process, it was a community process and it was denied, and the gentleman who built the illegal addition had to take it down.
Jim: And the other issue being discussed on my blog is the parking tickets. What happened there?
JD: It was a youthful indiscretion. There were a couple of parking tickets that I had been involved in that were “squashed,” as they say, so I didn’t pay for them. I made a mistake. While I was in the mayor’s office there were a number of us involved in it. There were two tickets that equaled less than $200 and I made a mistake. I paid for it. I was suspended. The way the mayor worked it out with the transportation department and the ethics department, you were suspended a day for each ticket. I was suspended for two days without pay. I learned from the mistake. It never happened again. Anybody can check, and that was it.
Jim: What do you think are the biggest issues in this race?
JD: I’m running on a couple of platform issues. One is waterfront development. I feel that East Boston is, right now, this hidden gem, and we’ve watched other areas -- like Charlestown, the North End, downtown – develop. We’re kind of behind in that area. What I want to see happen is that we push that project on the waterfront forward. I know they’ve changed the design. I know there’s talk of taking the affordable housing component out and moving it off-site, which I would support if it got the project going -- as long as we don’t lose the affordable housing, as long as we keep the affordable housing in East Boston. I would like to see an economic development piece -- shops, restaurants -- to try to entice the developers to come. I want to see that greenery, that Phase II of Piers Park, happen, and I intend to work with the politicians, the residents, the developers to move that project forward. What I’m noticing as I doorknock, especially in precincts one to five, but really in all of East Boston, is that people want that to happen because they feel it will increase their property values. It’s going to bring all new people to East Boston, it’s going to bring money to East Boston, it’s going to bring economic development to East Boston, new businesses and stores, and I really think it’s going to clean up those old piers in an area of Maverick Square that’s really been left dormant, and I want to see that move forward.
The second issue is Massport. I continue fighting Massport day and night, and that’s what I’ve been talking about as I’m going to house parties and meeting with people. I was part of the team that fought Runway 14/32 while I was working in the mayor’s office. The city had hired outside counsel and got that delayed a couple more years, and then with the Republican administration in the White House, Republican judges were appointed, the FAA was run by a Republican that was pushed forward. I believe if there were Democrats in office that would have been delayed even longer or maybe not have happened at all. But we did get it, and I don’t care what anybody says, it has increased air traffic anywhere you go in East Boston. And they’re talking about putting in a centerfield taxiway, and we cannot have that centerfield taxiway. Massport’s argument is: It’ll free up congestion on the ground, there will be less pollution because there will be fewer idling planes. All that says to me is that there is going to be more air traffic up above, and I will not stop until every house in East Boston has soundproof doors and windows. Right now that is not the case, and it’s really odd the way the FAA draws its lines.
Jim: It is. I know people who live in places where it’s just as loud as places that have the windows.
JD: Absolutely. I grew up on Wordsworth Street and my mother has windows. She got them late in the game, but there’s a section of Saratoga Street, right around the corner, that doesn’t have them. How can you say that 50 yards away there’s a difference in decibels. That’s baloney. I own a house on Gladstone Street. We have them, but Waldemar Ave. doesn’t. I try to doorknock and I can’t hear people because of the air traffic. I just think it’s an excuse. They don’t want to come up with the money all at once. If the FAA cannot come up with the money, then Massport -- with its takeoff fees, its concession stand fees -- needs to front the money so that everyone in East Boston has soundproof doors and windows. I also think they need to get more involved in the community, paying for after-school programs for kids, green space. We’ve got a couple of nice parks out of them. Is that worth all we’ve been through the last 20 years, taking over the Neptune Circle area, expanding runways, traffic? I say it’s not enough because East Boston bears the brunt more than any other community.
The third issue of my platform is a mixture of education and public safety. We’ve got a problem with gangs on the streets -- MS-13. We have a great District 1 neighborhood police team, who I’ve worked with on the neighborhood response, as well as when I was in the mayor’s office and they do a good job. We don’t have enough police officers on the streets. I’d like to see them walking the beats, particularly down the Point, precincts nine and ten, four and five, six and eight, where there was some gang violence coming from Chelsea. There are problems in the schools. We don’t have enough after school programs, and we don’t have enough summer jobs for kids. We don’t have money for all this. So I want to fix up the schools, expand after school programs and worry about public safety in the streets as well as in the schools.
The big question is: How are we going to pay for all this? For the areas of education that I want to move forward in, I believe in Governor Patrick’s idea of investing in the life sciences. I believe in supporting stem-cell research and biomedical research in the state. That will bring in more streams of revenue in the state, and that money can go directly to education.
The other area that I’m noticing as I’m doorknocking is property taxes and water and sewer bills. Everyone is complaining about them, particularly the senior citizens. They bear the brunt of that. They’re small landlords. They might have a two-family with a relative renting. How are they going to pay when property taxes have doubled and tripled in some areas of East Boston? I want to see a bill that is out there, and I’d try to move it forward. It’s that telecommunications bill in which the phone companies and the telecommunication companies that have the poles on the sidewalks pay taxes on them. Every other company, from gas to electric -- the city charges them a fee, and that tax goes directly to the cities and towns. The only group that is excluded is the telecommunications companies. It’s an antiquated law that says they’re exempt. They have poles all over the city’s streets. They are using our space and not being taxed for it. Tax those companies -- nothing huge -- and directly apply that to property taxes and water and sewer bills, particularly for seniors.
Another area I want to work on is directly for senior citizens. Fuel prices have gone way up. They’ve skyrocketed. I’d like to work with the local fuel companies to set aside gallons -- not dollars, because as the price goes up that money is eaten up -- but gallons of fuel for our senior citizens to help them out as well.
Jim: Let me hit you with some issues and you can respond briefly. Casinos in Massachusetts?
JD: I believe in gaming in the state. I believe it’s a way to bring revenue in, and it’s something I do support. However, I know the mayor has talked about putting a full-service casino at Suffolk Downs. The problem that I see with anything at Suffolk Downs, from slot machines to casinos to a mini-mall, is the traffic problem in East Boston. Any time you go up on Route 1A after four o’clock it’s gridlock. We have not seen any plan yet about how many jobs East Boston is going to get from this casino, how much revenue is directly going to be earmarked for East Boston, what traffic mitigation are we going to get -- a truck bypass route? There’s a bill out there to try to get this truck bypass route to alleviate all this truck traffic. If we have this casino are we going to get money for our roads, our bridges, our police force? Because we’re going to need it. What mitigation is there for traffic? Does it bring in prostitution? Does it bring in some sort of illegal element? I don’t know. I haven’t seen any studies.
Even though its large in terms of East Boston, it’s small in terms of a casino, and every casino wants to expand, but we can’t grow. We’re deadlocked. I need to see a plan on what East Boston gets out of any plan that goes into Suffolk Downs, and until I see that I’m not going to let anything go in there. Whatever it is, we need to see how it affects the residents that abut that area. We already have the airport, three tunnels, trains, planes, automobiles. I want to know how this is going to help East Boston. I’m not convinced that casinos or slot machines would benefit the businesses of the community. Why is anyone going to leave the casino grounds and go into East Boston’s streets to spend their money on restaurants around here? Any casino is going to try to keep people in whatever mecca they build, and that is why I am opposed to anything there until I see the plans.
Jim: Same-sex marriage?
JD: I am a strong supporter of same-sex marriage. I was opposed when they wanted to put the amendment on the ballot.
Jim: Should we leave the MCAS as it is? Should we change it?
JD: I’m not the best standardized test taker. I wasn’t in law school and I wasn’t in high school, and I believe that to judge someone based on one test -- whether it’s teachers, whether it’s students, whether it’s performance -- is too difficult. I think it needs to be broadened, whether it’s interviews or something else, I don’t believe that one test can be a really cookie-cutter plan to put someone through. I think it needs to be tweaked.
Jim: Auto insurance deregulation?
JD: First of all, the auto-insurance rates are out of control. I would support any initiative to try to solve that problem.
Jim: Do you think that deregulation will make the prices higher for East Boston residents?
JD: It could. It’s not something I’m really concentrating on right now, but it’s something I want to look into. I think it’s possible that I could go either way, but I do think we need to concentrate on the issue.
Jim: Capital punishment?
JD: I am opposed to the death penalty.
Jim: What would you bring to this office that the other candidates might not?
JD: I have experience. I’ve worked in government for the last eight and a half years. I was a neighborhood coordinator for the mayor’s office, and that’s where I got to see what East Boston’s needs were and how to address those needs, so I am used to delivering services to East Boston. Do I think we need to keep that up? Absolutely. I think that basic city services are something we constantly have to work on. I have the experience, and I have the knowledge. I went to Northeastern University and majored in public administration. I graduated from Suffolk Law School while working full time. I’ve worked in government and I know what East Boston’s needs are, and I think that I’m best qualified to address those needs.
I think we also need someone that can work with the local establishment, with the mayor, with the senator, with the representative. You always need to have bargaining power. You need to work with the local leaders in order to get anything done, and that’s something I also bring to the table. That’s why I’ve earned their endorsement. The other thing is that I’m a true Democrat. Other people in this election are not. I’m an elected member of the ward committee. I’m a six-time delegate to the Democratic state convention, and I think that we have to be careful as voters who we elect. We need to have a true Democrat in that position, or else we’ll go backwards. We see what Romney and Healey have done to the state, and that is why the people in this community came out strongly to vote for Governor Patrick, and that’s something I’ve supported.
Jim: Your critics say, “Jeff is going to be the mayor’s boy. He’s going to do whatever Menino says.” Will you have any trouble standing up on issues that you think are right for East Boston?
JD: Absolutely not. I think that just my stance on the casino alone separates me from the mayor right away. Again, I think that the mayor is a visionary, and he’s done a lot of good for East Boston. He’s a friend of mine. I’m not going to lie. And I’ve gotten a lot of experience from the mayor. However, I have my own ideas. My own agenda, my own platform, and the mayor has to worry about the whole city. I’m only concerned about East Boston right now.
Jim: Thanks, Jeff.
JD: Thank you, Jim.
Jim, thank you very much for posting this interview, and picking up the slack for that rag of a local newspaper we have in East Boston. It's high time Mr. Boston and those other phoney-baloney publishers who have been bought by the Basile camp to move over to make room for civic-minded bloggers like yourself.
Jimbo, will you know go interview the Leone's for their side or you just going to believe Jeff's lies!
He is someone who abused his power to fix parking tickets so what makes you think he didn't abuse his power to have the house torn down?
It's bull Jimbo! look for yourself.
Think about it, his mother's view was blocked? Who the hell is she and what view did she have.
Lastly Jimbo, can you go interview the Leone's?
Jeff a youthful mistake? it was only 3 years ago and you had over 5 1/2 years experience at the time. It wasn't a mistake..matter of fact I would bet that you would still be doing it if you hadn;t got CAUGHT.
A 2 day suspension for abusing your power and being part of a scandal is a joke. You should of been fired just like if any one of else did something like that at our jobs.
I didn't go to law school like you but I would think that fixing parking tickets would be a criminal act.
A 3 beedroom addition and a bathroom. (laugh out loud) it was a room addition with a bathroom
Jimbo, I have spoken with Mr. & Mrs. Leone and they want to know how to get in touch with you. They are very angry that Jeff would lie about the situation and they want their side to be heard. How can they contact you?????
Jeff you are a strong supporter of same sex marriage and you opposed it being on the ballot? Really , so you are smarter then the residents of East Boston? We don;t have the right to vote? I'm glad you made that point clear. I was actually going to vote for you. You see, I'm not saying I'm against gay marriage, I'm just saying that we the people should have the right to vote. If you want to be dictator go live in Iraq, you can take Saddam's place.
The Leones emailed with me. I asked them to read the Drago interview and to reply after reading it if they feel that the incident has been incorrectly portrayed.
they where gouing to build a 3 bedroom addition? really? what was each room going to contain 50 feet ofd living space? give me a break?
go fix some more tickets... anyone else would have been fired but not Jeff Drago
A simple question can be asked. Did the construction reflect what was planned in the building permit?
If not, then it would be illegal.
-jenni's brother
if Jimbo talks to the Leone family and gets their side of the story, can we move pass this topic?
-jenni's brother
At least the first half of the interviews with Ms. Mota, Mr. Basile, and Ms. Berninger will not be about how they did or did not use their political influence to extract favorable results for family and friends.
The ticket incident speaks to character. Being able to say no to something you know is wrong.
The Wordsworth street incident may be legitimate. My problem however is when city workers with influence live in city neighborhoods, they have to be careful how they wield that influence. It would have been better for Mr. Drago, to have taken a hands off approach to this matter. If it was illegal to begin with then it was going to be torn down anyway. If Mr. Drago had told his neighbors who were complaining about this project to contact the city directly and not involved himself in the process, the results, if they happened as stated, would have been the same. That speaks to judgment.
Character and judgment ……..
As I understand the story, the only involvement that Drago had was in contacting ISD. I have no problem with that. That is something that neighbors who know how the system works do for each other. I contact agencies on behalf of neighbors and students when they need it. Sometimes they don't. But some people do not feel comfortable with having to call City Hall themselves. Some people view City Hall as a labyrinth that only certain people can possibly understand.
I've called ISD myself and learned that once you do that, it sets in motion things that you, as the person reporting, have no control over. Obviously some people do not understand how these processes work. In the end, it is the Land Use Council and the ZBA that are responsible for whatever happened at that house. If you want to complain, go talk to them.
I agree with Rocinante that the parking ticket issue speaks to his character. He should have known better. But that example of poor judgment does not rise to a level that deserves the kind of vilification seen here. It's just hard to be sympathetic to anger directed at someone who tried to get away with not paying $200 worth of parking tickets. Not paying his property taxes or condo fees is something a little more worthy of righteousness than not paying parking tickets.
I'm not voting for Drago. I think he's lacks the kind of substantive experience I'm looking for in a candidate. I'd rather have a candidate that has a little more work experience than working at City Hall. More importantly, he's not engaged this community directly about substantive issues, neither through his own website, the Hubster, or the Eastie Times.
The Eastie Times reported this week that Drago and Basile objected to participating in a community forum because the moderator was to be an "outsider." This says a lot more about his character and political confidence than the parking ticket scandal. If you are going to get upset with something, get upset about that.
Luna, just curious, what grade do you teach?
I teach at Northeastern University and occasionally at Suffolk University. I believe that two of the candidates also have degrees from these institutions. Sorry, I cannot look into their grades.
By the way, it's starluna. Luna is someone else.
The law requires each police chief to return audit sheets to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, listing every citation -- which were written out, voided, destroyed, or lost. All voided citations are supposed to be returned to the Registry and explained. Failing to follow the no-fix law is official misconduct, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500, and imprisonment up to a year.
Jeff a 2 day suspension is a joke for fixing a ticket
Boston's new Transportation Commissioner was driven from office after revelations that he failed to tell City Hall about two recent parking tickets, including one for blocking a ramp for the handicapped while in town for his job interview.
The Commissioner, William Luster, resigned on Thursday after only eight days in the job. Mr. Luster, who as Commissioner was in charge of traffic safety and parking, already had at least five speeding tickets and three accidents on his record before the latest violations.
I believe that my future effectiveness in the job has been damaged beyond repair," Mr. Luster said in his resignation letter to Mayor Tom Menino.
Mr. Menino, who learned of his appointee's driving record only after Mr. Luster took office, had defended him until recently.
In accepting the resignation, the Mayor said: "It's about judgment. It's about being forthright. It's about credibility. This isn't a standard I want a department head to be."
Mayor, I couldn't agree with you more.
Are you alleging that the police chief engaged in official misconduct?
I don't suppose this occurred when Basile was working for the Registry.
In accepting the resignation, the Mayor Menino said: "It's about judgment. It's about being forthright. It's about credibility. This isn't a standard I want a department head to be."
I agree Mr. Mayor, so why did Jeff only receive a two day suspension?And now Jeff wan'ts to be a State Rep. thats the funniest thing I've heard in years
Any response to Drago's thoughts on waterfront development, airport expansion, legalized gaming, public safety, etc.?
Forget about those answers Jimbo!
After realizing what Jeff did(abusing his power twice) who cares what he thinks about anything else!
Please voters vote for anyone but him or else we will be stuck with the same old network.
Yes Jimbo I do. His thoughts on those issues mirrors the Mayor's thoughts.
I'm disgusted that Jeff doesn't think that the people of east Boston have the right to vote on issues. having an issue like gay marriage should be put on the ballot. The people of East Boston have the right to vote. This is America not old USSR
I think the Jeff has a few good points but many are just the Mayor's thoughts and I can't get past the fact that he used his position to have his parking tickets fixed.
Jeff, there are lots of signs all around Waset Boston for yourself and Basile. The one thing I noticed is that you have alot of signs on empty Buildings and lots. That alone speaks volumes.
Not being able to get beyond a foolish mistake with parking tickets and letting the EBLUC and City Hall decide what needed to be done on Wordsworth Street is crazy. Our real concerns are the proposed casino, crime, the potential of East Boston's waterfront and its development. Jeff's interview is teriffic and you know it. I need to know more about the benefits of having a casino at Suffolk Downs for us before I'm for or against it, focus on that also. The added noise from Logan, focus on that. Ideas that will make it a little easier on our Elderly, to pay their taxes and utility bills, focus on that. Take pride in your own neighborhoods and clean the sidewalks when you see trash. Report crime when you see it happening. Jeff is the only qualified candidate in this race. He is a true democrat. He will be our State Representative long after Mayor Menino is no longer our mayor. He may be friends with TMM but he's not "his boy". He's not a closeted republican like another one of the candidates is and the two women do not have the experience needed to make East Boston a better place to live. Stop GROPING.
Jeff, why did you leave the mayor;s office of neighboorhood services? I heard you were removed from that position as a result of the parking ticket scandal. Is this true?
Ernie, stop groping? groping is a crime....Report crime when you see it? Jeff says he had the addition torn down because it eas illegal. You preach that we should report crime. So let me ask you this..why do you say that jeff isn't a vigilante when he door knocks and sees 10 differente last names on a mailbox? Isn't that illegal? Oh I see, it's only convenient to report illegal additions if it involves someone on you mother's street.
One more qquestion what view was Mr. Leone's addition blocking. Was it a waterfront property? was it the Boston sky line? or was it someone's dirt backyard? just curious
Jeff...The people of East Bostonshould be outraged that you supported the gay marriage amendment be kept off the Ballot. what else will you keep off the Ballot? Will you keep the casino issue off the ballot? We the residents of East Boston will just have to put up on which ever way you decide? WE the people should have a voice and when the majority of the people sign a petition to have something put on the ballot you have no right to support otherwise.
Hey Ernie or E.T... fixing parking tickets is not a foolish mistake? why can't you understand that. It was done with perfect knowledge that it was wrong.Kids make mistakes, adults make choices. You either Decide to do the right thing or you decide to do the wrong thing. Its that simple. Being sorry and saying that it was a youthful mistake is insulting to me and others. you want me to believe it was a youthful mistake and then you want me to believe that 3 years later he is a mature individual. Ok so at 25 your still foolish but at 28 you are an unbelieveable candidate for State Rep? Ernie, be serious will ya...
Jimbo, give the Leone's their fair shot. To tell them to email you their side isn't fair. Give them 10 minutes of your time. They have a right to be heard.
Groping is not a crime. The meaning of the word is: To reach about uncertainly; feel one's way; to search blindly. It is not Jeff's job to count the names on mailboxes, however it may be an illegal dwelling, the Post Office, BFD and the ISD are responsible for reporting and inspecting those properties. The neighbors should be making the complaints. The neighbors on Wordsworth Street did make a complaint and the illegal addition was stopped, as it should have been. Again, stop GROPING...
In response to comments critical of my dealings with the Leones: I never asked them to email me their side. I asked that they email me after reading Drago's explanation if they disagreed with it and then we'd see if there was a convenient time that we could talk. Please don't jump to baseless conclusions.
Also, let me be clear that my time is more limited as school begins for me in the coming days. I will interview the candidates and do the best I can to get that information posted, but I cannot be meeting with people all over Eastie.
Jimbo, I just wanted to take this time to say thank you. I just submitted latest post and I thought for sure you would not post it. Thank you for being fair. you have just earned my respect. Regardless on how this election turns out, I would like to buy you dinner. I thought this election was going to be between Drago and Baile but after reading some of the things Drago said in his interview, I believe the race is now between Basile and Mota,
Jimbo, the Leones will be nore then happy to come to you..anytime and any place you like. Sorry if you thought I was throwing dings at you. The Leones are upset that Jeff said it was a 3 bedroom addition and they want to be able to have their story heard.
This is in response to Ernie's post:
Adults make choices, some choices are great, some are good, some are bad and some are down right wrong. Using your position at City Hall to have your parking tickets dismissed is wrong. It was a very bad choice and it shows alot about a person's morals. Now, I agree with you that we need to move on from this topic but please do not ask the voters to ignore this act.
Jeff, you said you contacted Inspectional services. Inquiring minds want to know....what are the chances that you contacted Pat Caprogreco at Inspectional Services, the same Pat that walks around with you and poses as your bodyguard
I read during Jeff's interview how serious he was about illegal basement apartments and illegal building on your property, but I 'm wondering how serious he is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION !!!!!!!
Jeff was the Leone's case dismissed with prejudice as a favor to you? To make sure that the Leone's would have to wait 4 years before resubmitting. You did state that this rarely happens. It's just odd how it happened in this case!
Why can't we all get along?
Jeff Drago, if I was your campaign manager I would of never allowed you to do that interview. Boy, what a foolish move. Remember the old saying, It's better to be thought of a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I have some gay friends. In fact I'm closer to some of them then I am to my straight friends. I have no problem with someone being gay. I don';t believe being gay is a choice. However, I do not believe that gays should be married. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Two gay people could have a civil union but to call it marriage is absurd. My gay friends know how I feel and believe it or not most of them agree with me and don't want to be married. Jeff I oppose gay marriage and on September 25th, I will oppose you. My vote goes to one of the other 3 candidates.
Joe, I know all 4 of the candidates, some I know well and some I don't want to know at all, I just happen to. The women are definately not qualified and Carlo flip-flops. Talk about a spin on the truth...republican, independent, now a democrat. What's next? How about Green party for the next election when he goes up against Representative Drago?
"I think we also need someone that can work with the local establishment, with the mayor, with the senator, with the representative. You always need to have bargaining power. You need to work with the local leaders in order to get anything done, and that’s something I also bring to the table. That’s why I’ve earned their endorsement."
Do they really think he is the "best candidate for the job"....or the only candidate they know they can work over.
Joe, In 2004 Andrea Cabral ran for the Suffolk County Sheriff's seat. Andrea Cabral was a Republican, who was appointed in 2002 by then Republican Governor Swift. In 2004 Cabral switched parties from Republican to Democrat and ran against a life long Democrat (Steve Murphy). Why did Senate president Travaglini, Ted Kennedy,and Scappiccio(sp) all back the switch hitter Cabral? Please answer this question/
Ernie's phrase "the women" used more than once shows ignorance and disrespect to women in general when you name the male candidates by their name, but not the women. More importantly please explain in detail Jeff Drago's experience and also in detail give us Gloribell Mota's inexperience and Mary Berninger's experience.
Ernie, nice try...you see a mistake is when my son colors and goes outside the lines. A mistake is when my daughter adds 25 and 25 and gets 49. A mistake is when she spells apple with one p. A mistake is when something is done unintentional. When you abuse your power in an official capacity its not a mistake. the only thing Jeff Drago regrets is the fact that he got caught.
Maybe the courts and the NFL should forgive Michael Vicks and suspend him for one game for evry dog he had killed. You see, it was only a mistake. he didn't mean to do it.
You imagine what this Boston and this world would be like if no one was accountable for their actions. We could call anyone who abuses their power a mistake. Next time a boss grabs his assistants butt, he can just claim that he is sorry and it was just a mistake. Be real Ernie..IT WAS NOT A MISTAKE, it was done with complete disregard for the law.
A 2 day suspension is an insult. I bet if you call around to other cities and ask their mayor what the punishment for someone who works at City Hall and gets caught fixing tickets would be, they would reply TERMINATION.
My guess is they think Drago is definiteky the only one of the 3 that the Powers to be can push over. The other 3 candidates will stand up to whats write for the people of East Boston. Ernie keep dreaming and thind that Jeff Drago will win. I can't wait to see your face as Jeff makes his concession speech. Will you be crying. I'm not sure who will win this race but I'm pretty sure that the people of East Boston are alot smarter then you think they are.
Why would anyone vote for someone who already abused his power in at least 2 incidents that we know of.
Ernie i would love to hear your answer on why Ted Kennedy and Travaglini both solid Democrats endorsed Andrea Cabral for sheriff in 2004. She switched her party from Republican to Democrat and ran against Murphy, who is also a solid Democrat. are they traitors? In your opinion that should never of happened
I agree with n.starluna, neighbors help one another. However I think it is one thing for a private citizen (assumption) to make a phone call for those who are less savvy in the ways of city hall, it is called advocacy. When a city hall employee does it, it’s called a favor. It’s a distinction with a difference. N.starluna calls up and gets an employee at ISD, Mr. Drago call up and gets the head of the department. N.starluna’s complaint starts the ball rolling and in the end the structure has to be torn down and the process started again. Mr. Drago’s complaint starts the ball rolling and in the end the structure has to be torn down, but the finding is with prejudice, and the process starts again in four years.
In the end, before Mr. Drago made the phone call, was there any way to mediate a solution? Bring the disparate parties together and form a compromise. Politics is nothing if it isn’t about compromise. Was there any way to bring the abutters, the Leones, and mom together to work out a situation that everyone could live with? Maybe not. But there is no indication that it was even proposed.
I think my problem with this incident deals more with the subtleties. He had political ambitions. Did he not look at the long term ramifications of his actions? Speaks to judgment. Did he not think something like this would come up and surface during an election? Speaks to arrogance.
Mr. Drago may be completely correct in his interpretation of the facts in the Wordsworth Street incident. The ticket incident is over with, paid for, done. Unfortunately however these incidents point to a wishy-washiness that speaks to a person still forming, the clay hasn’t quite hardened yet. Unhappily for Mr. Drago he finds himself up against candidates whose clay has formed.
For the record Cabral was always a Dem but switched when asked by the Govenor in order to be appointed. Backing several Republicans throughout your life like Basile has done is very different. Opening an office in Eastie for a republican like Basile did for Kerry Healey is diffrent.
I feel like Drago really handed this campaign away. Eddie would have made us proud and beaten Carlo Basile who we all know to be a republican activist for years. It's down to Mota and Basile now.
Tony, How is it different.. because you said it's different. You make no sense at all. How is someone who gets appointed as a Republican and then run as a Democrat always a Democrat.
Tony for your information always means:
al·ways –adverb 1. every time; on every occasion; without exception: He always works on Saturday.
2. all the time; continuously; uninterruptedly: There is always some pollution in the air.
3. forever: Will you always love me?
How was Cabral always a Democrat. Maybe starluna can give you some lessons on the English language
I agree with Rocinante 100 % or as Chris would have said 110%
If the events on Wordsworth Street happened as Jeff Drago said they did -- and at this point I have no reason to doubt him -- then this, for me, is a non-issue in this election. I disagree with the idea that he should have directed his neighbors, probably family friends for years, to call ISD rather than volunteer to make the call himself. If he was the mayor or an elected official or even the head of ISD, then it would be wise to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but at that point he was just another City Hall employee trying to help local residents.
How many of us would complain if we knew someone who worked at City Hall and they refused to give us a hand when dealing with the sometimes-unresponsive city bureaucracy? My mother, on Chelsea Street, recently had concerns about an abutting house, so she and I both placed calls to Neighborhood Services. When I saw John Forbes, Eastie's neighborhood liaison (and also a former student of mine), a few days later I told him we'd called and I asked him to look into it for us. Was I wrong to do that?
The East Boston Land Use Council and the Zoning Board of Appeals have policies and regulations that they follow, and I doubt that either was bullied into their decisions by a mid-level City Hall employee.
Well Jimbo, I disagree with you. Drago has alot more clout then a mid level City employee at City Hall. He helped raise money for Menino which is always key.
I'm glad you addressed the Wordworth incident and said you don't have a problem with but how come you didn't address the parking ticket scandal? you don't have a problem with someone abusing his power?
by the way Jimbo, who did Jeff contact at IPS. I bet you dinner that it was his good friend and now body guard Pat Capogreco.
Jimbo, why do you suppose the Leone's case was dismissed with prejudice? in Jeff Drago's own words he stated that this rarely ever happens. BUT IT DID HAPPEN IN THE LEONE'S CASE.
Fred, thanks and I guess you have a point. Her is my point: Cabral was a long time Dem before being asked to switch for an appointment. Basile, gave money several times over the years to Romney and Healey and opened Healey's office in Eastie.
Ernie, First of all look up the word qualifications. I read your blog entry; you stated “The women are definitely not qualified.” I have read some outrageous statements concerning this campaign, yours goes to the top of the egregious category. What are you talking about?
First, they have names. Second, Ms. Mota appears to have grass roots experience, Mr. Drago does not. Ms. Berninger has over twenty years experience dealing with city, state, and federal agencies. Mr. Drago has eight, no wait! a whole eight and a half years dealing with city agencies.
Who is qualified? Have you looked the word up yet? You can’t know what the word means
Oh my God he opened up Healy's office here in East Boston. Sound the alarms. Who cares??? Basile, Mota and Mary will make a better Stae Rep then Jeff could ever make.
Imagine the scandals he could be part of as a State Rep. The list is endless.
I'm a Democrat and I voted for Duval Patrick. Now I'm kicking myself in the ass. I wished I voted for Healy. Democrat or Republican how can you be happy with what Patrick has done so far?
Jimbo, You are doing a wonderful job with this blog. I have discovered some interesting things on here. Keep up the good work.
I don't think Basile would make a better rep than Jeff. Niether would Berninger. Mota, the OTHER woman being belittled by some angry men on this blog would but lets look at this. The order from best to worst in my eyes are as follows. Mota, Drago, Berninger and Basile. Basile isn't getting anything from the democrats in terms of committees or laws passed as he is a republican. Berninger is very agressive which is sometimes good but she seems to lack the skills to build bridges needed to bring home the bacon. Drago could get things done as he is the Mayoor's candidate but when we need the independance for Eastie he'll have to stay in Tommy's pocket. Mota has a grassroots base that is needed to pass laws, seems to have great diplomatic and coalition building skills and is respected by the establishment enough not to be sabotaged. What do you think Jimbo?
Who cares? That says a lot about a person. He backed the person that wanted to keep the loopholes for big corporations. The person who essentilaly told women they could be raped of Deval Patrcik where Governor. The person who union bashed. THAT person. Basile opened an office in our community for Her. Kerry Healry. A REPUBLICAN. It really kills me he is even on OUR ballot
Just one thing, Tony and Fred you are both foolish ans i'm embarrasses by the fact that yhe two of you even exist.
What about Trav endorsing Cellucci?
What about that the majority of DEMOCRAts endorsed republicans for 16 years? does that make all the citizens that voted republican democrats? Jimbo, please Do Not Delete this! we all want to see there answer
Tony, Go vote for Drago. I am happy you support him but, please don't try to insult our intelligence. He is not the most qualified person in this race. He is actually the least qualified person and the only candidate that had to answer questions about political corruption. I will take Gloribell, Mary and Carlo any day over Jeff.
Yes inquiring minds want to know why Travaglini endorsed Cellucci, a die hard Republican and Andrea Cabral, someone who switched back and forth from Democrat to Republican?
I guess Healy was wrong when she warned that if Patrick won women would be raped. Didn't 12 women get sexually assaulted in East Boston alone this year? Din;t some woman get rapped last week in East Boston? Wow Healy was wrong...LOL
Patrick has been a disgrace so far
Summary of Jeff Drago:
1) he used his polital connections at the IPS and City Hall to force Mr.and Mrs, Leone to tear down their addition in the middle of the winter thus leaving a exposed exterior wall.( small children where living in the house)
2) He used his City Hall connections to have his parking tickets fixed and was caught when the scandal was uncovered.
3) He supports gay marriage. Jeff do you tell all the elderly men and women this when you go door knocking ? Did you know that this is a sin in God's eye? I'm sure all the elderly and (young) Christians are disgusted by your position.
4) he supported to keep the gay marriage Bill off the ballot thus telling the people of East Boston that we have no right to be heard.
First of all, the number of rapes in East Boston is down 33% so far this year. I mention this not because any number of sexual assaults is an acceptable amount, but because of some recent comments blaming Deval Patrick for the 12 reported rapes in this neighborhood so far this year.
Secondly, just because one thing happens after another doesn't mean there is a causal connection. When I wake up in the morning, the sun is up, yet I'd be wrong to believe that my waking has anything to do with bringing the sun up.
I would not say that Patrick has been a disgrace so far. I would say that he got off to a poor start, likely due to the lack of experience of much of his senior staff. He seems to be doing OK now.
I would say that Mitt Romney was a disgrace as governor. He never really cared much for the job, clearly took it as a stepping stone to a presidential bid, and then bad-mouthed the state after he left.
The following is a quote from Patrick's chief of staff
I didn't even know what a chief of staff did," Wallace-Benjamin says with a laugh. "Leo McGarry from 'The West Wing' was my image," a reference to the fictional White House operative played by the late John Spencer. "Of course, he's dead now," she adds wryly.
That's all you need to know.
Jimbo...he isn't a disgrace?
Unlike former Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. Deval Patrick is not internationally renowned for his fabulous head of hair.
Maybe that’ll change, as Patrick has hired a PR firm whose clients include the swish Lord’s and Lady’s Hair Salons.
The Patrick campaign recently paid Alipes CME $19,032 for “media consulting.” In addition to work for governor, Alipes has consulted for the hair-salon chain and a spa.
Maybe the connection will pay off in a few years if Patrick makes a push for higher office and needs some Romney-esque primping.
Unfortunately for Deval, no PR firm can stop him from being a bad governor.
After years of living high off the subprime-lending hog at Ameriquest, Gov. Deval Patrick now seeks his penance by punishing any business foolish enough to loan money to poor people.
It started with his first-in-the-nation moratorium on foreclosures, giving every borrower - honest and otherwise - a reprieve from paying his bills. Then he proposed a $250 million taxpayer-backed fund to buy up bad loans.
Now Deval’s Department of No Good Deed Goes Unpunished wants to force banks to pay the rent of the borrowers who don’t make their mortgage payments.
That’s right: I borrow money for a house I can’t afford. I don’t make my payments. And Default Patrick’s solution is for the banks to give me more money!
It’s like a deadbeat’s dream come true.
Jimbo.....Patrick is a friggin disgrace, admit it
Recent signs on Beacon Hill indicate to some that Deval Patrick is not quite the progressive, populist lefty that many of his supporters — and detractors — think he is. On issue after issue, Patrick’s instinct is to offer breaks and incentives to corporations and large nonprofits, and it’s beginning to diminish the support of an increasing number of legislators — including several state senators who are crucial to the success on his more ambitious agenda items.
Pushing several would-be allies over the edge was the announcement this past Monday that Patrick’s insurance commissioner, Nonnie Burnes, will end Massachusetts’s decades-long experiment with auto-insurance-rate regulation...
This auto-insurance stunner, along with other perceived pro-business policies, has helped push progressive senators Joan Menard, Frederick Berry, Steven Panagiotakas, Marc Pacheco, Dianne Wilkerson, and Patricia Jehlen to sour on Patrick, to varying degrees. These are pols who supported Patrick’s candidacy, and should be solid allies now that he is in office. “There are a lot of unhappy people in the building right now,” says Wilkerson
Jimbo number of rapes are down 33 % this year is correct. There were 18 last year and this year there have been 12. Is that supposed to make the residents of East Boston feel safer?
Tell that to the 12 women from East boston that got raped and hundreds of there family and friends who were affected by this.
I hope Fred Thompson runs for President. I would be terrified if Hillary or Obama ever got in.
Jimbo are you going to post this or are you going to delete it?
Deval Patrick certainly does watch a lot of TV. He lifted his gubernatorial campaign slogan (Yes, we can!) from Bob the Builder. Now he appears to have “liberally” borrowed from the TV show Scrubs:
In addition, the governor plans to kick off a “Help Us Help You” awareness campaign next month that aims to preserve critical resources for first responders by encouraging the general public to develop personal and family emergency response plans.
The slogan is awfully similar to Dr. Cox’s “Help me to help you”. The man doesn’t seem to have an original thought in his head.
When taking a quote from another source please let us know the source or give us the URL so (1) we know it isn't the person posting, but something he or she wants to show us and (2) so we can read the whole article or blog post or whatever it is. Thank you.
Jimbo I can go on and on but I won't.
Governor Patrick is in fact a disgrace. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Governor Deval Patrick is using the executive privilege page from the Bush administration’s playbook.
He has refused to make public the background reports on casino gambling that he is reviewing, reports the Boston Globe today:
Governor Deval Patrick and his administration are fighting to keep secret the completed studies that the governor is reviewing…In a letter to the Globe this week, O'Connell's general counsel, Gregory P. Bialecki, cited an exception to the state Public Records Law to justify withholding the records….The so-called "deliberative process" exception to the public records law has limited application, according to state Secretary of State William F. Galvin's website. The exception applies to "interagency or intra-agency memoranda or letters relating to policy positions being developed by the agency, but this subclause shall not apply to reasonably completed factual studies or reports on which the development of such policy positions has been or may be based," according to "A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law," published by Galvin's office.
“Together We Can” decide by ourselves what is best for you.
Please look at the context of what people are saying. I referenced the rape statistic because someone had said there were a dozen rapes in East Boston and it is Deval Patrick's fault. I wasn't saying it was an acceptable amount, but it is undeniably fewer than last year, so if the person posted wanted to draw a conclusion based on those sexual assaults they should draw the opposite of what they were saying.
The bigger picture, however, is that the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone that the victim knows: ex-boyfriend, estranged husband, next-door neighbor, a relative, someone in the community, etc.
Before you all go off on a rage, I am not diminishing the awfulness of a woman being sexually assaulted by a stranger. I am just saying that those types of attacks are less frequent than our collective consciousness assumes (while the overall number of assaults is even greater than we might think). Of course, we all want as many of those attacks to be eliminated as possible. No one is arguing against that.
If you noticed I ranted and raved against the withholding of the casino report in a previous post. That is clearly an illegal move.
However, equating that with the secretiveness and subterfuge of the fascists in the Bush Administration is a stretch.
So are you saying that a Governor who you believe is involved in an illegal move is not a disgrace?
Come on Jimbo..I know that you are a liberal but give me a break.
Jimbo, I wouldlove to give you a call on Tuesday and have a discussion about politics. How can I reach you by phone?
A reader named Jennifer made reference to this entry on a blog that is critical of the Boston Globe:
I'd prefer to stay away from posting long articles or blog entries from other sources. Give us a quote or two that you find relevant and give us the link. You can add as much of your analysis and opinion as you want, but don't cut and paste the whole piece.
I found the entry, read it and cut and pasted its address above. The gist is that the Globe doesn't mention problems with illegal immigrants as much as it should.
As for giving out my phone number, I'm thinking that'd be a mistake. You can email me using the address on the home page of this site.
Jimbo, you seem like a swell guy but you should start reading "squaringtheglobe"
I think you are way to liberal.
They say the Most liberal person to ever walk on earth was a man named Jesus.
I say Jesus was awesome and I wish I could be more like him. That being said Jesus respected the laws of the land. I'm sure he wouldn't be for illegal immigrants or for gay marriage.
It is wrong to vote on civil rights, and all you "let the people vote" advocates who think that it's a good idea to put gay marriage on the ballot should go back and read your history. What if they put slavery on the ballot in 1860? The people would have voted for slavery. What if they put interracial marriage on the ballot in 1950. They would have banned interracial anything. YOU DON'T PUT PEOPLE'S CIVIL RIGHTS UP TO A POPULAR VOTE. If you don't like it, move to Alabama.
Put a sock in your mouth, Kim. Speak for yourself, and not the Lord. You homophobes and zenophobes who post hateful comments about gays and immigrants are going to fade away with history, just like the racist southern slave owners. Congratulations! How does it feel to be members of the American Taliban?
This is to the person who posted at 4:49 about civil rights.
Are you comparing gay marriage to slavery? Do you realize you just insulted all of the African Americans? S;laves were tortured and kept captive. To even mention the 2 in the same sentence shows how ignorant some people can really be. Did you know right now in Massachusetts its illegal for a man to marry his aunt but it's perfectly legal for a man to marry his uncle? Where does it all end. Like the Romans, America will not be destroyed by another Country it will be destroyed from within, by a bunch of liberals, who continue to poison and brainwash our children.
"Jesus respected the laws of the land. I'm sure he wouldn't be for illegal immigrants or for gay marriage."
Go back, Kim, and look at your Bible. The New Testament tells of a Jesus who repeatedly violates the laws of the land and stands up to authority for the rights of oppressed minorities. The Biblical Jesus would clearly be comforting immigrants and homosexuals, and he'd be telling those who persecute them to look to their own sins and to stop preaching falsely in the streets.
I read Kim's comment, I didn't see anything hateful about it. Are you seeing things?
Does anyone who disagrees with gay marriage and illegal immigrants automatically a hater?
Jimbo, since you want to quote the Bible doesn't it say "marriage is between a man and a woman"
The collapse of the Roman Empire was caused to a large degree by a government that tried to extend its military domain and influence over an area that it eventually couldn't defend. Sound familiar?
In the Bible, people who marry are supposed to be fruitful and multiply. How does a gay couple do that?
Jimbo, America will be destroyed from within by liberals who brainwash our children. Why won't you post my previous long comment?
Jimbo, seems like you defend alot of people on here. Why don't you defend Kim, who is being called a hater only because she expressed her views. Isn't Americal about freedom? Toi call a person a hatewr because she doesn't agree with gay marriage is sad, very sad.
Look closely. I didn't quote the Bible, but rather offered an interpretation of part of it. As Shakespeare wrote, "The devil can cite scripture for his purpose."
Jimbo, well interpret the part about being fruitful and to multiply.
Or are you speechless for once?
1. I didn't call anybody a hater.
2. I can't defend everyone, and sometimes I choose not to.
3. All comments now have to be approved by me in advance. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. I can't scan the site constantly to delete offensive posts after they are up. I don't have the time, and I don't want to be a venue for inappropriate comments. If I don't post your comment it's because you've personally insulted someone or said something offensive or I haven't got to it yet.
Jimbo stop playing chess with me. Direct question. Do you think Kim is a hater because she doesn't believe in gay marriage or in illegal immigrants?
I still want to hear from Tommy, Tony and Ernie: Why do you think Senate Travaglini endorsed Cellucci (a die hard Republican) and Andrea Cabral,(changed from Republican to Democrat).
Are you guys still here?
Humans make mistakes. End of story. We're ALL guilty at one time or another.
Now with regards to this race there is NO BETTER candidate than Jeff Drago. I love the other 3 dearly...i really do, all great people but Carlo claims he's a Democrat?! Only on paper he is a Democrat and I can't have my Republic Rep. pretending to be something he isn't. Mary is a great, classy, intelligent lady but she shouldn't be Rep.... Gloribell is also great but no experienced in government enough.
I've met Jeff a handful of times and every time I've gotten a straight forward honest answer....Which is all i can hope for. I am so sick of people commenting on "the mayor's boy" or the comments about Jeff being a just like all other politicians. I'm tired of that. Just b/c Jeff works for the Mayor, doesn't mean they share all the same opinions and views.. Suffolk Downs is JUST ONE example. Me and My dad have different political views, I love him, I'm loyal to home but it doesn't mean i think the same way he does all of the time. Jeff is an individual as was Trav, Sal and Anthony P. Just b/c they have friendly and respectful relationships doesn’t mean they're the same and anyone who can't be open to that is ignorant!
May the best man and best DEMOCRAT win! AND that person is Jeff Drago.
Vinny, I didn't call anybody a "hater," and I try to avoid simplistic labels like that. I'm not sure I even know what it means. Is it someone who hates everyone? Or someone who hates some people? Most of us, probably, hate somebody.
I don't agree that someone who opposes gay marriage and illegal immigration is ignorant or hateful. I do think that the legal issue of same-sex marriage is one that must be decided as a public policy issue alone, with no weight being given to marriage as a religious institution. Churches, temples and mosques can continue to perform weddings for whomever they choose, but we are talking about government policy and in that context it is illegal to discriminate against certain groups.
Anonymouses, not to snap at you all but I don't give a damn about Gays or immigrants. I want our schools improved. I want cops on the street. I want a stabile economy and an end to corporate tax loopholes. I don't care what Jesus would do if he were here today. I want to do through my vote what is good for me and my family. When we move past immigrants, wether Jesus is a republican or Democrat and gays i'll post more. Lets keep it to the issues affecting Eastie.
You met him a handful of times and you know he is the best candidate? wow incredible. He gave you strifgt forward answers? what did you ask him? what time he had?
HE is so different then the Mayor but all I keep seeing and hearing is the casino issue
What other issues does he oppose the Mayor on???
If there are so many name ten.
hmmm can you nmae 9?
how abouit 8?
do I hear 7
maybe 6?
or just the casino issue???
Let's see. Travaglini, Ted Kennedy, and Scappicchio all backed Andrea Cabral for sheriff in the 2004 race. A Republican who switched her party to Democratic.
Guess you Carlo backed up? Thats right Steve Murphy (a die hard Democrat)
Carlo was not involved in a parking ticket SCANDAL. JEFF DRAGO WAS.
Jimbo..I want to marry my dog! Shouldn't I have that right? Will you support me?
Why is it that this State is the only state that gays can marry?
is the rest of America wrong or is Massachusetts wrong?
Jimbo, did you know that in Massachusetts its illegal for a man to marry his aunt, but its perfectly legal for a man to marry his uncle?
My uncle is a rather handsom fellow.
Will you support my right to marry him?
Or should I be discriminated against?
Maybe that looked better on their political resumes for Travaglini, Kennedy and Scapicchio to support a candidate of color. That would be keeping with their liberal views, right? We all know lots of people who vote for someone other than the most qualified person. Maybe our little election will show somehting else.
Hey Mr. Carlo Basile Supporter:
Andrea Cabral was a candidate for Suffolk County Sheriff. Your man backed Mitt Romney, Kerry Healey, and George W. Bush. DO NOT EVEN TRY TO EQUATE WHAT TRAV DID AND WHAT BASILE DID. Carlo Basile is a conservative. They call those Republicans. It is disingenuous to represent himself otherwise. I don't like being lied to.
Jeff, if you care so much about illegal additions and illegal apartments. How come you don't call City Hall or your boy Pat at IPS and report all the illegal apartments you come across when you go door knocking? Is it because they don't block your mother's view of someone's backyard?
Hey Mr. Anonymous you must be a man of honor. What else could you say about a man who would back up someone that was involved in Public corruption.
Hey Jimbo. doesn't using your power at City Hall to have your parking tickets fixed a form of Public Corruption?
I'm insulted by the many people who assume that all liberals will vote for Jeff Drago. I am a liberal and I would never vote for Drago in this race or any other race. He has compromised his Character.
Jimbo, how do you feel about a Bill being passed that would require anyone getting Public assistance to pass a drug test?
I'm generally against such tests, Jack. Without probable cause I think they violate the Fourth Amendment's protection against "unreasonable searches and seizures." Also, someone could be a recovering addict or still an addict, but they may be using public assistance to feed their children. I don't believe in punishing children for their parents issues.
Further than that, however, I see most public policy issues through the prism of class, and I think that there are many more wrongs perpetrated by big business and the wealthy than by the poor and working class, and if we measure the cost it is much greater.
Well Jimbo, I have to pass a drug test to keep my job. Acording to you that is unfair. Why should my kids suffer, if I decide to smoke a joint or two?
Basile has made a very calculated lie running as a Dem. He knows he's toast if he runs as a Repub in Eastie, he's seen the trends of the past few elections. To the thousands of East Boston voters that see Basile's name under the Democratic Party on election day, he has lied to every one of their faces, straight up. Just cause it was politically easier for him. How is it that we have Kerry Healey's freakin' campaign manager on the ballot as a Dem?? Does he think we're stupid?
JIm 99.9 % of people who live in East Boston Are working class people. By definition I would consider myself poor. I don't like what the rich are doing anymore then you, but that doesn't mean that I want to see the poor get away with free hand outs.
You stated that you don't want the children to suffer. How about drug testing people with no kids or with adult children?
The problem with America isn't illegal immigrants, its lazy Americans, who want to sit on their butts and collect welfare.
I also disagree with the assumption that Liberalls would vote for Jeff. I'm also a liberal and am voting for Mota. We need people who don't bow the Democratic or Republican establishment. Mota seems to have her stance on issues but isn't beholden to either side like Jeff for the Democrats and Carlo Basile for the Republicans.
Jeff, why did you take this interview with all the talk about the tickets and house issue. You let Chris respond for you and he got you in more trouble than you come to clear things up and dig in further. You should leave the race now if you care about us and don't want Carlo Basile who is a Republican win.
I'm still waiting to hear what other issues Jeff disagrees with the mayor. ZZZZZZZZZ
Still waiting I thought there were several issues? what are they?
wake me up when you can dig some up.
Drago's camp is too funny. You guys are getting him deeper and deeper into the hole. I think he finishes 4th in this race and thats because only 4 people are running..or else it would be worse
atleast Mota, Basile and Berninger haven't been involved in any scandal. Can't say that for Jeff. Face it Jeff and Jeff supporters he is done, toast, finished.
Jeff, before your interview with the Hubster, I thought all those stories about having your mother's poor neighbors tear down their addition were just rumors. Thanks for confirming them. I would hire a new campaign manager. Bad move my friend.
no vota for bsile or drago. vote for mota she nice and she prety smart please vote for mota
Jeff, if you are going to compromise your character for $115. What will you do for bigger numbers?
Lets not let this election become about Jeff. IT HAS TO BE ABOUT US. His campaign is pretty much over. Mary seems good but not this election. Maybe City Council. The question is Mota or Basile. I say Mota. Lets talk about this. Forget the tickets and wordsworth street. Do you trust Carlo or Gloribell?
i'm voting Mota too but seriously who cares that she is nice and pretty. So maybe she is sexy but that alone means nothing. This is cleary a Basile supporter that is scared because Jeff is out and Mota seems to have the orginization needed to win. And lets respect and acknowledge Mary as a candidate. She isn't doing bad although I don't think it's possible for her to win. She might even be close to Jeff. Keep dismissing her and you'll be suprised come Sept. 25th.
JIMBO, is it true the liberals want to remove the phrase "IN GOD WE TRUST" from our money? I hope not
The only way Mota wins is if the other 3 candidates drop out.
No disrespect intended but the race is between Drago and Basile? The machine vs the man. it's David and Goliath all over agian. If this was wrestling it would be the bad guy (Drago) vs the good guy (basile)
Only 4 weeks away before the Drago supporters go in hiding.
by the way Berninger is alot better choice then Mota and remeber libralism is a disease. Get some help
Stacy... I trust No one....
I want to know how all 4 candidates feel about illegal immigrants. I mean 3. Kudos to Mary for having the intestinal fortitude to speak her mind. Mary gets my vote on September 25th. If the rest of you want to start feeling safer again, vote for Mary.
We need to do something about illegal immigrants before our Health Care System and Social Security fall apart. There are numeorous hospitals in California that are boarded up because of illegal immigrants. People I beg you to wake up and forget about the trash talking on here. Vote for Mary Berninger on Sept. 25th. Thank you
what will Mota do about MS-13?
Last Wednesday the East Boston Times had an interesting add on the back page of the first section. It showed Robert Travaglini, Senator Anthony Petruccelli, and Jeff Drago together smiling at the camera. Nice photo. The caption said “continue the tradition”. I started wondering. What do they mean by tradition?
Do they mean the tradition of public service, working for the public good, making sure the people of East Boston are duly represented at all levels of state and city government. An excellent tradition that Mr. Travaglini and Senator Petruccelli can defiantly lay claim to. On another level a tradition Mr. Drago, Mr. Basille, Ms. Mota, and Ms. Berninger could lay claim to also. Although not elected officials they have been citizen activists working in the community to make things better for the people of East Boston.
I might be willing to give Mr. Drago the benefit of the doubt were it not for the fact that I was not born yesterday, don’t live under a rock, and have no intention of buying the Brooklyn Bridge from him.
The tradition is, a politically connected (city hall), male is elected to that seat. Well Mr. Drago, half of East Boston is female, a tradition you may not have noticed. Half of the people running for this office are female. A tradition you might have to start getting use to. Half of East Boston is made up of various minorities, they tend not to vote but they are constituents none the less. If more people like Mota become politically active that will probably change. That might be a tradition you may want to take note of.
Mr. Travaglini doesn’t have to worry about it anymore but Mr. Petruccelli may want to look over his shoulder if he keeps appearing in ads like that. The tradition is changing.
The same goes for Jeff and Mary. Carlo Basile is in the lead because he has united republicans helping as well as some dems who are not informed about his past. If Jeff stays in Carlo Basile and Republicans win. If Jeff drops out than Mota wins. Lets see how this turns out.
Whats the matter anonymous? Don't like Mota? why? She and Mary seem to be taking a lot of heat because they are women daring to run serious campaigns. Is that it? You a Republican? or are you a disgruntled Drago supporter that is going to throw away your vote and Let Republican Basile win?
In response to the question directed at me at 9:00 p.m.: Some liberals, myself included, agree with Thomas Jefferson's belief that there should be a "wall of separation between church and state." As a result I would be in favor of removing "In God We Trust" from any official documents or currency. I hope you'll agree that "E pluribus unum" is a much better national motto.
Anyone who wants to remove "IN GOD WE TRUST" from our money or from anywhere else is a puke. You disgust me. Libralism is surely a disease thats going to rot America from the inside out.
I would love to know how the 4 candidates feel about this issue?
Jimbo, I heard you went to Savio, how does your mother feel about removing "In God We Trust" from our money?
There are alot of Christians in East Boston who will be disgusted with your stance.
How about you librals get your own money and put "WE HATE AMERICA" on it. Thats exactly what librals are "American Haters"
I'm sure many people disagree with my feelings about "In God We Trust," including my mother. That doesn't influence me to change what I believe or to keep from expressing those beliefs.
Who cares about the damn money? There is no money. It's going to tax cuts for rich people and big corporations. Jimbo, you engaging this non sense is diappointing. And you know me. Next time I see you I'm going to bring this carziness up.
Jimbo, I am shocked. I would of never guessed that you would or could feel that way about God. It's a shame. It's only a matter of time before he comes back and destroys this unforesaken planet.
Stacy, I trust no man or woman but I do trust God. Now the librals want to insult God by having "IN GOD WE TRUST" removed from our currency.
Jimbo, when I was in the 5th grade, a teacher asked me to throw away the piece of gum I was chewing. I ignored him. He approached me grabbed me by the ear and walked me to the bucket and made me spit it out. I went home and told my father. My father response was a whack across my ass and a stern warning to listen to the teacher. I never disrespected that teacher again. Now-a-days a parent would run up the school and demand to see the teacher and principle and threaten to sue.
You librals have invented the "timeout" theory as a result of it kids don't respect their teachers or cops and thats why you see these young teenaagers blowing up their schools and shooting their classmates. I say spank your child when he is out of line and you won't have to visit him in jail or the cemetary when he is older.
Jimbo you and the other librals in this county are all the same. Freedom of speech you preech until someone disagree's with you. That person then becomes a hater. For example: Gay marriage in your eyes you believe it's right and you have the freedom to proclaim it, but when I say it's wrong I become a hater an evil person. A libral is a very simple minded person with a will to destory our language, culture and borders. IN GOD I TRUST and remember your will to have it removed is my right to make sure it never happens. Please post this and respond !!!!!!
Which is the most libral State in America? I will give you 3 guesses.
Which State do child molesters flock to because of lenient penalties?
Which State has way too many libral judges?
One answer fits all.
Hint: it starts with "M"
Who is Jeff Drago? I lived in East Boston all my life and before this race started I had no idea who he was. What has he done for this community besides giving the Leones' alot of heartache?
Stacy there is "no money"?
what kind of off the wall comment is that? Looks like you can afford a computer and internet access.
I'm not rich but I have money and even if I only had a one dollar bill to my name, I would want it to say "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Librals are multiplying at an alarming rate because of our college professors , who are brainwashing our children.
This should be sang to sammy Davis "candyman" melody
Who can take a parking ticket
Give it a hearing officer
Cover it with a favor and have it ripped in two
The Drago man can
oh, the Drago man can
cause he fixes it with clout
and makes Menino look good
Who can take an addition
Have it ripped down
Call Pat at IPS and make it crumble down
The Drago man can
oh, the Drago man can
cause he fixes it with clout
and makes Menino look good
The Drago man fixes everything he touches
because he's Scandalous and unethical
Now you talk about your childhood wishes
And think your gonna be elected
Oh, who can take tomorrow
Dip in a dream
Separate the truth and insult our intelligence
The Drago man can
oh, the Drago man can
cause he fixes it with clout
and makes Menino look good
Oh my GOD. I am very liberal and don't want "in god we trust: off of money. I want politicians to pay attention to working people and thier needs. I want them to invest in our kids education.
This is really killing me. While we are argueing over who should and shouldn't get married, Beacon Hill is giving away hundreds of millions of dollars to rich people and big corporations. While we argue over where the commandments and the word God can appear politicians are letting our schoolds deteriorate and forcing parents to work three jobs to send thier kids to a private school or PRAY thier kid is able to focus and succeed in a school falling apart with 40 student, 1 teacher and 29 text books to a class. Don't let the wolves divide us on our religions or our values which go hand and hand. Please think about it. Your being pulled into this arguement by people who want you distracted. RICH people who you can count don't follow the code of the bible.
I almost pissed myself when I went and googled Sammy davis + Candyman melody. It brought me a clip put on "youtube". I satrted singing the song out loud with the new lyrics and I almost pissed myself. Very original. and very very funny.
Thanks for the laughs before I go to sleep. Poor Jeff
First of all Jeff doesn't disagree with the mayor. Just is on the fence,he wants to learn more about it. Which in the end I bet he sides with the mayor.
Secondly, what are the other issues that he disagrees with the mayor?
You can't think of any?
Do you know why you can't think of any?
Massachusetts the most liberal state in the U.S.? Hardly. Liberalism is the history of this country and it is spread wide and thick in just about every state. Just a sample of some liberal laws that we don't have here in Massachusetts:
Texas and Utah allow undocumented children to pay in-state tuition rates at public universities.
Alaska's Supreme Court has ruled that personal possession of small amounts of marijuana is protected under their state constitution.
Oregon has publicly subsidized health care for the majority of its residents, including adults, since the mid-1990s.
Hawaii's Supreme Court was the first to recognize the constitutionality of same-sex marriage.
Nevada allows and even regulates brothels.
Minnesota allows victims of predatory lending to sue their lenders.
The list goes on and on. I've lived in three states, including once in the South, and Massachusetts is not nearly as liberal as you might think.
By the way, for your information, our economic system is defined as a "liberal market economy."
Starluna, I'm talking about real issues, not someone smoking a joint or a whore house.
What does a child molester get in this State?
Why was Judge Lopez run out of town? Only because she pissed off the wrong peple or else she would still be giving out slaps in the wrist for kiddie touches.
In which State do they want to give illegal immigrants FREE in state tuition?
OVERALL Maasahusetts is by far THE MOST LIBERAL STATE.
Thats why when I travel to other STATES I tell them I'm from NH.
How does in illegal immigrant cross the border in Texas and in less then a week ends up running over A Peabody Cop doing a detail?
Imagine what terrorist can do.
Secure our Borders before it's too late
Liberals like to blame everyone else for their problems.
Although I think mortgage brokers and Banks took advantage of people, isn't it the individual's responsibilty.Today tons of kids are said to have A.D.D., When I went to school you were just considered dumb.
If you get caught molesting a kid, the liberals will come out and say "He must have been molested himself as a kid" I say execute all child molesters. (they can not be cured and are likely to strike again)
I just have one thing to say, anyone but Jeff Drago! The people who are voting for him don't have a mind of their own and need to have the enthrenched politicians do all the thinking for them. Menino backers Do Not Think For Themselves
I'm not aware of any state that gives free tuition to anyone, regardless of residency (the exception of course is scholarships - the majority of which go to athletes).
I am aware of 10 states that allow children in the process of regularizing their civil status to pay the same tuition as other residents. Those states include:
Texas, California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, New York, Illinois, Utah, Washington, Kansas, and Nebraska
Massachusetts had the opportunity to join those states in equalizing the opportunity for children who work hard in high school to go to college. Unfortunately, Romney vetoed the bill and people who blame immigrants for their problems helped to make that happen.
At around 5:30 tonight I drove by Wood Island Station and there must have been over 50 sBasile Supporters holding signs. I thought to myself, these people must really believe in him. A minute later as I was approaching Dunkin Donuts further up on Bennington street. I observed another 50 supports holding signs and waving. Over 100 on a Tuesday
night? He must be doing something right.
I;m glad Romney Vetoed that bill. Smart man
Jimbo, over 160 post..You are becoming famous. You should go into this field, you are good at it and could make money
First of all if you take a look at Carlo Basile's "sign holders" you'll find that most are unemployed "boys" with nothing else going on. I know many of Jeff's loyal supporters and workers and they're all hard working East Bostonians, not a bunch of guys just looking for day of hanging with the guys at the club.
And regarding the Leone's.... there are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in the middle. I live on the same street and it wasn't "the poor little Leone's"- they're nice people but often nice people can do wrong. I ask you,go on to all the candidates websites, read the literature, watch the upcoming debate and then decide. But determining your choice on how many people stand out isn't fair. If I were running and all my friends and their friends didn't work then I'd have 100 people on a Tuesday too. Read up on the issues, on who best represents your beliefs and your political party & make an educated decision. Someone just said to me Carlo has more signs. Look our street is filled. Well our street is filled with landlords who live in Saugus, Swampscott, Lynnfield etc. who throw signs on their property b/c they know one of the Basile boys, which is fine and their right, however that doesn't mean their 2nd floor tenant, the actual voter, is voting Basile, Drago, Mota or Berninger. The guys are getting nasty and npotice the ladies are acting like ladies, in a classy dignified manner.
All 4 candidates are great, I just think basing your opinion on a standout doesn't mean anything.
And to Stacy etc., Who says his campaign is over? Where do you base that information? I don't think any of the campaigns are over until September 25Th!
I think by "tradition" they mean true DEMOCRATIC representation on Beacon Hill. I think if a woman, such as Mota or Berninger , were to win they'd too carry on the tradition as being divine leaders however that's all that was meant by it....Let's not read into it an make it a sexist issue. Give me a break! Travaglini, Petruccelli have provided a wonderful estbalishment now lets continue ...and I think they feel Jeff would continue that tradition, not becasue he's a male but becasue he's the best candidate.
Jennifer, your points are valid. I've known Bobby Trav for years and find that always supports the person he finds best (in his opinion) to do the job. A perosn who sticks up firmly for what they believe in....and that's why he's backing Jeff I truly believe. If Jeff was constantly flip flopping back and forth from political party etc. i don't think he'd be with Jeff today. I don't think it's the Republican/Democrat thing he has a problem with... it's the person behind that party classification.And I've always found him to be a stand up guy who doesn't tell people what they wnat to hear..he tells the truth and I value his opinion so when I vote I will keep in mind that he's backing Jeff. Not positive that will be my choice but knwoing Bobby Trav backs him means something for me...he'll at least get my consideration.
I bet MaryBeth (who spelled her name "MaryBeth" and Mary Beth" )
Dennis Mac and Lisa are all the same person.
Good tactic but your not smart enough to pull it off,
Jeff Drago is sorry he had his parking tickets fixed? Let me get him a box of tissues.
Dennis you make absolutely no sense at all. Are you up with the times? Tarv backed Andrea Cabral, who swithched from Democrat to Republican to Democrat. Get your facts straight.
duh which way did he go?
MaryBeth, I was at the standout today and I have to jobs. I'm insulted by your comments. You should be ashamed of yourself.
There were mothers, children, grandmothers, young, old and from all walks of life. I didn't see one criminal
Jimbo a qusetion for you.....would you consider the parking ticket scandal a criminal act????
Jeff has accomplished alot in 28 years. Basically working for Mayor Menino has been his only job. In the short time he has been on earth he has managed to be part of a parking ticket scandal and has been the main person to have an addition torn down. He then has the nerve to say that it was a 3 bedroom addition with a bathroom?
Jeff please STOP LYING! It was a one bedroom with a bathroom built for an elderly person! STOP WITH THE LIES!
Mary beth said....First of all if you take a look at Carlo Basile's "sign holders" you'll find that most are unemployed "boys" with nothing else going on
Where did you get those facts?
I have 2 jobs to support my family and alot of men and women standing beside me also are working class people. Don't be jealous that Carlo has many supporters at his standouts while Jeff has them mayne once a week and most are bused in from City Hall. What time does the bus leave City Hall
this coming Saturday?
Boy what a comedy show tonight. I beg people to ride around town and look at where the signs are posted. Dragos are all over empty lots and Buildings. Its so obvious and now you come here on The Hubster and state the exact opposite. People don't take neither of our words. Go drive around and make your own conclusions. Too funny
To the comments left at 11:01: I don't know if I'd use the term "criminal act" to describe having two parking tickets taken care of, but it clearly was an unwise and unfair use of position.
I am a little disappointed, but I have to admit I have a hard time getting too upset about this particular transgression. I think many people in the same position would have done the same thing and, in fact, I have friends who have used connections to get tickets squashed. I've also been told by a friend, not Drago, that he could take care of tickets if I needed him to, though I've never taken advantage of that.
The reality is that I don't know many people who haven't committed foolish errors of judgment, and I'm sure that many of them are worse than Jeff's miscue, but because he is running for office he's being raked over the coals for it. That doesn't mean that it wasn't a poor decision, just that I've made many and I wield the ax of judgment sparingly.
Jimbo, I have to strongly disagree with you. When a person uses his position to have favors done its a criminal act. Did you know that if a police man or a prison guard has sex with a prisoner, its a crime? It doesn't matter if it was consesual or not. The mere fact that you hold that position makes it a criminal act. Using your position at city Hall for monetary gain in my opinion is a criminal act and I'm sure if I dig I will be able to come up with the statute.
I resent that remark from MaryBeth.
I ahve a full time job and two part time jobs and I was out in front of Wood Island station today. I got off of work at 4:30 drove to the standout. After the standout I went to my second job and got off at 11:00. Jobless? You couldn't live a day in my shoes. I agree with anonymous, just look at Drago's crowd on Saturday mornings. (it's such a small crowd compare dto Basiles) For every person out there from east Boston there are 5 outsiders. Keep shipping them in from Southie.
To Marybeth's erroneous comment: "if you take a look at Carlo Basile's "sign holders" you'll find that most are unemployed "boys" with nothing else going on." She couldn't be more off base. As detailed by a previous poster, the ranks of Carlo's supporters - that easily numbers into the THOUSANDS, are made up of men, women, young adults, seniors, working class, retirees and folks from just about every walk of life, so it is entirely possible that 1 or 2 of them are unemployed.
That being said, we welcome you and anyone else who is curious to come by any of our standouts, which are held 3 times a week, to ask us why we are so dedicated to Carlo. Why we race home from our jobs - on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and rise early on Saturdays to stand out for and beside Carlo. We do it make a stand for East Boston, for our families and friends - and for those of you who are misguided. We have your best interest in mind - even if you don't. We, like Carlo - are dedicated to making East Boston the best place to live, work and raise a family.
HEADLINES on September 26th
Mota wins by a landslide
If its against the Law for someone in power to accept redsox tickets how in the world can't it be against the law to fix your parking tickets?
Let me understand this: Carlo's supporters think the rest of us are misguided. They think they have our best interests in mind even if we don't. That sounds very preachy, fundamentalist, and full of moral superiority. Quick, call George Bush, we might have a Republican/Democrat here in East Boston (Carlo) who could replace some of the fleeing members of Bush's White House.
Let me understand this: Drago's supporters want us to understand that using his position at City Hall to have his parking tickets was just a little mistake. I'm sorry but it tells alot about a his character. He is only sorry because he GOT CAUGHT.
Drago's supporters want us to believe that he rescued the Leone's neighbors when he used his clout with IPS and City Hall to have their addition torn down. Sorry Jeff but you did it for your mother and your mother only.
If elected these 2 issues while only be the tip of the iceberg.
Jimbo, The Leone's still want their interview. They have not forgotton and you shouldn't forget them!
CAn JEff and Carlo spend any more money to beat each other up? Check out the East Boston Times
Maybeth, your are right when you state people holding signs for Carlo are jobless. You see, out of the 110 peple or so, 25% to 30% are what we call SENIOR CITIZENS.
These SENIOR CITIZENS that you refer to as jobless all worked very hard in life. Most had jobs while raising families, which in itself is a full time job. Now they come out 3x a week to support Carlo. They believe in Carlo. They live right here in East Boston and are sick and tired of being treated as second class citizens.
It's obvious you think of them less too because they are "jobless".
Jimbo, the rest of the article which is long can be read at squaringtheglobe.blogspot.com
The Boston Globe blogs today note Mitt Romney’s new radio ad on immigration. The tone of Globe reporter Foon Rhee’s post is very adversarial, but rather than go into that note that readers of the Globe would have no idea why the issue of illegal immigration suddenly seems to be on the front pages (of other papers at least). You would never know if you read only the Globe.
The reason for the latest spurt of immigration discussion is the fact that 2 of the 3 adult suspects in the recent gangland triple murder in Newark are illegal immigrants. The Globe has limited its coverage of this story to 3 AP stories that it ran on August 9, on August 18, and on August 21. But the Globe’s parent paper – not known as a Republican stronghold – ran a story on Sunday August 19 focused on the illegal immigration aspect of the murders. Here are the key excerpts from the Times story (emphasis mine):
[the suspect] Mr. Carranza was first arrested in October 2006, in West Orange, N.J., on aggravated assault charges after a bar fight, and again twice earlier this year on charges that he raped a child in his care. After the October arrest, he was freed on $20,000 bail. After the second arrest, in Orange, N.J., bail was set at $150,000, and Mr. Carranza was freed after posting it through a bondsman. Arrested again in May, in Newark, on additional sexual assault charges in the child rape case, bail was set at $300,000 but then lowered to $150,000, which Mr. Carranza had already posted.
In neither case did the arresting officers report Mr. Carranza’s immigration status to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center that acts as a liaison with local officers.
from what i hear carlo is very conservative, this isn't the 1950's people. in a diverse community like east boston we need to look forward. carlo supported bush in 04, frankly that is just dumb. i'm sure he is ignorant and afraid of anything that is different, yawn.
regarding gay marriage - i am so glad it is legal. after growing up in east boston and being gay this is the perfect slap in the face to all of you ignorant hypocrites. you all get divorced, cheat, go to strip clubs, have pre-marital sex but you judge, blame and fear gay people. fix and worry about you own damn marriages and relationships.
Hi All-
MaryBeth is me and sorry that I was typing fast and made an error ... On my license it says Mary Beth but I often put together. Weird that you'd think I was 3 people bc I made an error.you didn't crack this major case detective.
Anyhow, what I said about Trav supporting Cabral- maybe you didn't get what i was saying. I know she switched over (republican to Democrat) but he obviously wanted to support her for her intelligence and beliefs etc. As he is doing for Jeff Drago. And As far the comment about jobless people at Carlo's standouts, of course not everyone there is jobless. I'm just commenting on the fact that when I drive by and see all of Carlo's people-which there are many- I do know some of them who don't work. Many actually. Guys I know from EB who don't work and I usually see bombing around or hanging around EB all day. So yes it's reality. their schedules are more open. Most of Jeff's people are in fact workers who can't be around all the time. That's all - it's a fact! One of Carlo's people is my cousin. He doesn't work! therefore I see him in the Basile truck all the time. it's a fact not trying to be mean. I know that EB people are hard workers as am I (well I've been off since the birth of my child) but I get it. I'm just saying.He has lots of people with him that have the time to be there all the time. No offense meant and if I offended you I do apologize as I'm not question ALL fo your work ethic, lives. However I do resent people making fun of and commenting on Jeff's standouts and saying people are bused in from Southie. He has many loyal East Bostonians behind him. As does Mary etc. as I can see int he Times this week. Again, let's concetrate ont he issues and facts of this election. If someone changes their political affiliation that's one thing but I do think, and I like Carlo, that this has turned into a popularity contest. He doesn't support things that i support and that's fine. We're all entitled to differnt opinions nad views but I believe he changed to a "true Democrat" simply b/c East Boston seldom supports Republicans. Not b/c he truly has changed his opinions and views and is a TRUE Democrat adn that's what i find to be a slap in the face of the East Boston people. I'd have more respect if he came out and said 'you know what, I supported many Republicans (& Democrats)...I'm a concervative Democrat and that's why, you're either with me or you're not". But he didn't. He's pretending.
again, have a happy labor day!
Why hasn't the Leone's side of the story been wriiten Jimbo? Are you hiding this from your bloggers?
Jeff made a 81 year old lady rip down her house after she paid 30 thousand dollars. He is a great kid? I dont think so
Mary Beth, He is running a horrible campaign. Trav's upset, Anthony's upset and the Mayor's upset. You know it and I do. I've worked here for 24 years and lived here all my life. We all know the when the powers that be are upset and in a small and tight community word gets aroubnd fast. I mean no disrepsect to you or Jeff but he isn't running the campaign well. It's all up to Gloribell and Carlo. I know Mary well but her campaign isn't lookig good either. Basile and Mota have full blown orginizations behind them. I was torn between Mary and Mota but am clear now that only Mota can beat this republican. I love you Mary and don't hate me for this.
At 8:48 and 10:58 a.m. I was chastised for leaving out the Leone family's side of the Wordsworth Street addition story. If you bothered to ask before jumping to conclusions I would have told you that I have made arrangements to meet with the Leones. I can't interview the candidates, type up those conversations, follow every side of any particular story, and still go to work at the same time. Be patient.
Dont count Mary out. She has the support of a silent group of people who want to make their statement in the voting booth. Her honesty and experience working for us in this town will get her elected.
A vote for Drago would mean that East Boston will go backwards even further!
Stand up people of east Boston and lets get her back to where we once lived in a clean, family oriented neighborhood where all us parents knew all the kids in this neighborhood.
Don't vote for the machine
I think it's sad that a certain group of connected individuals and left wing zealots continue to bash Mr. Basile and Ms. Beringer (sp.) solely to increse the likelihood that their candidate (Drago) or their second best (Mota) win.
Unfortunately, this blog is turning that way.
While I allow some leeway in personal criticism that comes my way, I will not approve any comments that resort to name calling. Today someone referred to another person as a "coward" and went on to criticize my viewpoints on many issues and to wonder whether my mother knows that I am quite liberal. She does. She's fine with it. I cannot, however, approve the comment because of the insults hurled toward other readers, and I cannot erase the objectionable parts, so the entire comment must be deleted.
ARe the connected individuals and left wing zealots afraid of Mary Berninger? Why? Do they think she comes with so much experience that she will make Jeff look young and inexperienced? How many know that Mary decided not to run for City Council last year so that our community would stay united and the seat would stay in Eastie? Her loyalty to a united neighborhood was rewarded this year by the powers that be deciding not to support her,even though she's the qualified person.
Drago is done--stick a fork in him.He is going to lose badly,maybe every precinct including his own.Basile will be a refreshing change.The mayors crowd thought they could just tell us who to vote for again.No guarantee Jeff will even come in second.
Basile thinks people are behind him but many are just getting paid but Will vote for someone else. Republicans don't win in East Boston. We sent home Bush and Healey and were sending Romney out next year.
I am not voting for the machine or the republican. I'm voting for Mota cause she could bring folks together and bring home resources. She's community oriented and independant. We don't have to choose bw=etween someone who can deliver and someone who is independant and all for the community.
Good point! Also, are the left wing zealots and City Hall puppets afraid of Jenny? Is Jimbo? Rumor is that Jimbo has been screening emails from those commentators he disagrees with, including but not limited to Jenny.
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