Saturday, March 31, 2007

Candy Man

No surprise that some Catholics in New York were upset over a depiction of the crucified Christ made of chocolate (which is cleverly titled, "My Sweet Lord"). Their threatening tactics have caused the display venue to cancel the exhibition. Church leaders, however, don't seem too upset by similar images on T-shirts or made of plastic or any of the million other tacky religious items that can be found.

But in the story on the ABC News web site, Catholic League head Bill Donohue said the chocolate Jesus was "one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever." Wait a second. How about the illegal and immoral war in Iraq, for one example? You're telling me that this sculpture is more offensive to "Christian sensibilities" than the deaths of hundreds of thousands? The Bible clearly says, "Thou shalt not kill." I want to smack this Donohue guy in the head and ask him to show me where it says, "Thou shalt not make a chocolate Christ."

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