Wednesday, March 14, 2007

US company bankrolling terrorists?

Every time you eat a banana you may be helping the terrorists. At least, the ones in Colombia.

It seems that Chiquita Brands has been paying millions to a couple of groups of insurgents to protect its banana interests in Colombia. This is not the first time that this particular company has been behind underhanded dealings in the region. Up until 1984 Chiquita was known as United Fruit and for about 100 years that company exploited workers (and maybe even killed some who defied the company and went on strike), bribed government officials, used violence to insure its monopoly and meddled in politics throughout the region, all while paying little in taxes to those countries.

Of course, I didn't learn any of this in history class. I do know it now, however, and I will not buy Chiquita bananas as a result.

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