Last Sunday's
Globe had a story that touches on some of the discussions going on in a couple of the threads on here. It was called
"All dressed up, looking for someplace to go," and it discusses the lack of places to gather in East Boston for "20- to 40-something lawyers, artists, marketing directors, entrepreneurs, and software engineers" who have moved into the neighborhood in recent years.
I agree with Lewis Forman that it would be nice to have a local place to get a glass of wine without having to worry about missing the T. I've been telling my friends about what a great place Eastie is to live and a few are interested. I don't think the lack of a martini bar is what prevents them from moving here, but something along those lines might make it easier to attract young professionals, Latino and non-Latino alike. East Boston has a reputation in the rest of the city as being less than welcome to newcomers of all types, and outright hostile to African Americans. A slightly upscale place where responsible adults can enjoy a glass of wine, a little food, and good conversation might help overcome that reputation and attract and keep young professionals in the neighborhood.
I would also think we need to balance the residential character that makes the neighborhood attractive with the opportunity to grab a glass of wine. I would hate to see Eastie become like the North End. I would prefer to have nightlife oriented places in the central business districts and have places like 303 in the more residential parts of the neighborhood.
There used to be a restaurant a not-so-long-time ago right at the end of the Lewis Street Mall. Granted, that's pretty close to some of the newer condos and other apartments, but if it is done right, that might not be a bad place for the city to try to attract a waterfront development that could include something like this.
Now, isn't that what I tried telling Joe Mason, Jimbo?
Maybe Kyle from Yale can teach Vinny from the Point not to be a racist? Maybe Kyle can take Vinny to some Celtics games on the company dime (Daddy owns the company). In honor of his enlightenment, perhaps Vinny can take Kyle to a Bruins game, or to Waterfire down in Providence.
East Boston could use a few additional nightlife offerings. A subdued local wine bar would be a nice start. There's already numerous full liquor license bars within the neighborhood, so this would be a start to appeal to the "yuppie" clientelle up in Jeffries Point. Hell, why not put one in that vacant corner spot near Maverick T Stop? Add some eyes to the street, encourage transit ridership, and possibly attract some of those North End types who are a T stop away. And let's be honest, when was the last time you experienced a brawl outside a wine bar? It might be a nice change of pace for the quickly changing Maverick T Stop area...especially with all the improvements soon to come with the station renovation.
I am a 30 something single woman who lives in Eastie. I would love to be able to tell people I live here and have them ask me about a cool night spot, rather than trying to confirm if a local establishment is actually a brothel... I wish it was an isolated incident. If I was looking to buy sex, I may actually have a choice of places in Eastie. But if I am looking to hear some good music and have a nice glass of wine, I would have to leave Eastie or stay home. Ironic. Maybe if there were better places to socialize and meet interesting people, the sex would happen on its own rather than in these local establsihments.
Jennifer said...rather than trying to confirm if a local establishment is actually a brothel... I wish it was an isolated incident. If I was looking to buy sex, I may actually have a choice of places in Eastie.
Jennifer - what on earth are you talking about?
Says to Sstarluna
Can't you post anywhere without bringing race in to the issue?
To Anon,and Starluna
We are far from a DRY town,and I think you are either not from Eastie ,or are so insulated that you do not have a clue as to how much alcohol is available in our town.
Now to all of the Whiners /not to be confused with wine,I say !
The Land Use Council has heard,and voted on Every single Liquor license ,be it Beer,and Wine ,or Full licenses in the past 7 years ,since I have become President.
Not a single one has ever asked in any other way then with the words you toss around like a salad.
"We need a nice place to have a Dinner ,and a glass of Wine".
99 % passed ,and 99% on any given day break the rules.
Here is what we tried to do ,along with the City officials.
Beer,and Wine to only be served in Conjunction with Food".Typed on the actual License.All are forbidden by the City to have any type of bar set up.
Instead you can walk in unannounced ,and find no food out ,but tons of empty Beer,and Wine glasses.
Friday I ran into City Councilor Lamattina as I was walking down Meridian Street.
I told him about the abuse of this PRIVLIDGE.
I then said to him lets just walk in this place we are walking by right now,and I can prove to you its being abused.
He was kind enough to agree.
So we went in to use the bathroom,and sure enough there were 17 people inside. ALL drinking ,and not a speck of Food ,and they have now built a Bar.
Those for the record are ,two License Premise violations of thier Liquor License.
Case Closed!!!!
A Dry Town,what a Joke!
Sick of Puking,Public Urination,Destruction of quality of Life,and sick of Librals.
Joe Mason
i don't know about others who read this otherwise excellent blog, but joe mason, and his antiquated pompous grandstanding is such a turn off. he expects all to hear his points, and take his word as truth, without ever listening to the point of others. i have been offended by just about every comment he has made. i'm sure his intentions are good, but they are often wrong. most people who drink are not fighting on the streets or urinating for that matter. and frankly, no president of land use, should be so biased. it is completely unprofessional, and quite frankly, ignorant.
You have NEVER heard the questions about the bars in EB being brothels? I must just know a lot of seedy people! I have been asked by at least 4 or 5 different people in the past year (men and women)... and most recently, just 2 weeks ago, when a friend who moved here went out in EB to watch the Sox game.
Personally, I have NO idea if they are, but it certinly is a question that I hear from people who move to EB or those who visit. It is a bummer that regardless as to the accuracy of the rumors, the speculation is out there...
Back to the original point however... I would prefer people ask me about, or tell me about, a happening hot spot in EB! We need a cool piece of night life!
If you don't like bars, either move or just don't frequent them.
99% do not break the rules. I think we are all getting the idea that the Land Use Council has way too much power.
The Land Use Council doesn't have any power. They are a neighborhood group, just like all the neighborhood associations. It only has the power that people give it.
the reason why we don't have a nice casual place to get a glass of wine, etc - is because it will not make any money. and everybody wants to make $. for example tequila's in orient heights - the rent is $3.500 a month. do you think the owner can make that on lunch specials and beers? no - so he runs it like a club and gets the $ and neighborhood is up in arms and the bars all get a deservable bad rap. orient heights is a zoo on fri - sun nights drive by after 10pm, it is packed and loud. el kiosco the lights are flashing, dj's, bands - how and why these places get away with running them like this i don't know. trading war stories is getting boring, can we have some action..?
Says first to Jimbo
As a person who has never blogged before,and enjoy yours.I hope you consider stopping people from letting people use derogatory,slanderous,and inflamatory remarks not only about myself ,but about anyone in general.Its clearly getting out of control.
Since you are the owner,and are letting people post without an e-mail address,or a real name,you are assuming responsibility for thier actions.
Now to the infamous Anon:
Posted 9-19 at 12:13 a.m.
Nothing I have said on these posts are anything but hardcore facts.I do not have an Antiquated Pompous attitude about anything in life.Maybe if you read my post correctly you would know that we supported again 99% of the Liquor Licenses that came not only before us ,but before the City of Boston.
To Jen:
Posted 9-19 at 11:15 a.m.
Let me say to you only one thing!You are without question correct.More than one time Eastie bars,as well as other establishments have been busted by the Police for the solicitation of prostitution.But we are not alone ,it is a city wide problem.
To the infamous Anon:
posted 9-20 at 11:13 a.m. and 3;12 p.m.
More break the rules ,than those who do not.Statistics do not lie.
As to me not going to these type bars ,"I DO NOT EVER",as far as me moving well only a person who can not dispute facts they do not like resort to Personal Attacks.
Finaly as far as the Land Use Council is concerned ,it is EastBostons oldest,and Largest civic group.They were there to fight Logans expansion by sitting in front of the tunnel with thier baby carriges,and protesting so that people like you still have an East Boston.That is if you do live here.
We are,and always will be Pro Development.
I will cite our Purpose,and Definitions founded over 40 yeras ago,on page 2 of our By-Laws.
"The goals of the council shall be to enhance the quality of life for the East Boston community,to protect the community from exploitation,discrimination,and uses of resources,and property that are considered to be a threat to the general welfare of East Boston"
Our by-laws are posted on www.eastboston.com
The power is in the hands of the people,but most never use it.It does not belong to a community group.
Some day if you ever want to debate me Mr.Anon lets sit with Jimbo,and do it.But only if you can prove you live in East Boston!Nuff said.
I am proud of helping Eastie residents,and Proud of being an East Bostonian.
Joe Mason
To EastBostonRules and everyone else:
I am NOT responsible for anyone else's actions or their words. I currently delete a significant number of posts because they are stupid, nasty or even threatening (sometimes to me), and sometimes there are those on the fence that say something semi-stupid and semi-valuable and I tend to err on the side of free speech.
If people reach a point where they are so offended by some of what they read that it ruins their day, then I strongly suggest that they eliminate my blog from their favorites list.
Says to Jimbo:
I did not mean to offend you.
Its just that when people resort to personal attacks,such as telling people to "Move",or calling them Childish names,or using the Race card it is no longer a discussion abou the actual topic.
If anyone has sent you any type of threat ,I strongly suggest that you notify the Boston Police,as that is 1000% wrong,and criminal.
Your dedication to this blog,and Eastie should be respected by those who want to post on it.You must be doing it out of Love ,because I see no advertising that you make any money off of.
God Bless you.
My comments have been in response to others posting that are simply wrong.
Proud East Bostonian
Joe Mason
No worries. No offense taken. I am pretty thick-skinned, and I just thought it was a good time to make a point.
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