In just over 24 hours the polls will open in East Boston for the Democratic primary in the special election for the first Suffolk state rep seat. What is your take on how the campaign has gone? Who has run the smartest campaign? How will this play out tomorrow?
I encourage everyone to respond, but to do so in a positive manner. Leave out the name calling and the accusations because they will just be deleted anyway.
You gotta love it. In 24 hours the polls will open in East Boston for the Democratic primary in the special election for the first Suffolk state rep seat. THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY!
What a sin that a guy who is a Republican is pulling the blinders over an entire city is going to win. Folks please do the right thing and Vote appropriately tomorrow. We are from East Boston and we are Democrats, do not let this Republican, take this seat which has been held by some of East Boston's finest.
Gus Serra and Anthony Petrocelli
There is no way the name Carlo Basile should join those ranks.
Says to Everyone
God Bless America.
The land of the Free,and the Home of the Brave.
You are 100% right,on this posting people should just wish thier candidate luck,and let the dust settle where it will.
I have nothing but respect for the process,but not for the name calling,or use of the Race card,.
Its time to just say to ALL 4 candidates that I wish you all the best of Luck,and the winner no matter who it is ?
I hope to see at the Burger King meeting the next day on 9-26-07 at 6 :!% p.m. at the Harborside Community Center / Umanan Barnes school 312 Border Street.
God Bless everyone,and heres hoping we get a much larger turn out that ever before.
After all so much is riding on this one.
Please bring a friend,or a bus load.Call your family,and friends.
Remind them ,if you don't vote don't complain.
Joe Mason
Fingers crossed.
My friend,
We are all Democrats, but, Democrats with INDEPENDENT minds. Yes, Carlo is going to win.
Sorry Jeff. Sorry Ms. Mota (who by the way didn't even grow up in EB).
I'm all for everyone having independant minds that is for sure. But I must agree with the 1st comment.....Perhaps Basile should have run as the republican that he is and then take the process to the next level. It doesn't sit well with a lot of people who know he has only contributed to and supported candidates from the republican party. Should have run true to his party then take it from there.
To the anoymous who said that we are all Democrats? WAKE UP. Not everyone who was raised and born in East Boston is a Democrat.
I don't know how any one else feels about these non personal voice recordings from Sal Lamattina and Anthony Petrolcelli requesting our votes for there good friend Jeff Drago. Please give me a break.
The one person who annoyed me the most was Anthony Petorocelli, who never once, when he was running ever came into my neighborhood and introduce himself. Your supposed to assume you know who he is.
East Boston has changed, and the times are changing, so stopped putting Serra, Petrocelli, Trav on a pedelstal.
East Boston it time to wake up and don't let any political figure tell you how to vote. Let your own voices be heard loud and clear and vote on September 25th for Carlo Basile.
To anonymous at 10:47 a.m.:
I believe that Mota did grow up in Eastie. She went to East Boston High School. What are your comments based on?
Gus Serra had the worst attendance record in the legislature and then jumped to Massport. I'm not sure that he left a positive legacy behind.
Very good points Jimbo. Mota is in fact East Boston High School Alumni.
I think read on one of Gloribell's handouts that she graduated from East Boston High, but moved here after graduation. Can someone from her group clear up the confusion?
Carlo Basile's new title Rep. Basile, because he has always been a winner
Mota was born in New York and did not move to East Boston until much later. I don't think that qualifies her as HAVING "grown up" in East Boston. Furthermore, Jamal Jackson attended East Boston High School. If he were alive, would he be considered an East Bostonian? Finally, I'm having a difficult time identifying donors to her campaign that live in East Boston.
I graduated high school and had many classes with Gloribell Mota.
She is an East Bostonian!
If we are judging candidates based on how long they've lived in the neighborhood, then we are in a sorry state. There's no regulation -- nor should there be one -- that says only those who are born and raised here should be able to run for office, or should be worthy enough for your vote.
What is all this garbage about Democrats with independent minds?
Is that the crap that the Basile campaign is trying to push onto his supporters. People in Eastie are being brainwashed by this man. It is very funny to hear nothing but the same things from ALL the Basile supporters. No one is having anything shoved down their throats. The people of East Boston that are with Jeff Drago are just being honorable. Honorable to the people who have been there for them over the years.
People just don't understand that by voting for Carlo Basile you are just giving in. Basically handing over East Bostonto a Republican! Great job Eastie, really great job!!! Basile wins I will never vote in this city AGAIN!
What is it that makes Carlo Basile a winner? I have known Carlo for years, and beside the fact that he is a working man, there is nothing else to boast or brag about. Anyone who has known him like myself knows he is a far cry from a winner.
Thanks for speaking for "all" of us but as of tomorrow's election the party breakdown of Active Voters in Eastie will be as follows:
- Democrats 59.4%
- Republicans 6.6%
- Unenrolled 34.0%
A more correct assessment is that while a majority of the community are democrats, more than a third are either unenrolled (vote for either party) or republicans.
So, in the unlikely event that Jeff wins, are we to expect that he will move to Winthrop or Saugus(or maybe even Winchester) at the conclusion of his tenure?
Can someone say carpetbagger? We all know that Massachusetts has had its share over the years, and, it seems that this election is being impacted by some folks with specious connections to the community.
Well I guess your not voting anymore because Basile wins, Basile wins.
City Hall Can't push no one else down our throats. We will be heard loud and clear.
"I don't know how any one else feels about these non personal voice recordings from Sal Lamattina and Anthony Petrolcelli requesting our votes for there good friend Jeff Drago. Please give me a break."
WHAT!!! - non personal voice recordings from....requesting votes... why they are not using real people to do this...
this is like not having respect for this community nor the voters...
if you want things done, vote Basile! if you want the mayor to run the city down, vote Drago.
To: Carlo is not a winner
From: Yes Carlo is a winner
Why? He has a family (wife, son) and his campaign has attracted folks from all walks of life.
Mota and Drago have only attracted the special interests folks.
Gus Serra's legacy...how much do you pay at the tunnels for tolls...if nothing else...be grateful for his establishing discounted toll rates for East Boston residents...something other impacted communities copied...
I say to City Hall Insider:
I find the last sentence of your comment very interesting. Do you mean "loud and clear" like on Saturday when the people holding signs for him went to each light pole in the Orient Heights intersection pressing the walk signal button and holding up traffic for the amount of time they did?? "Loud and Clear" like his supporters running around the intersection while families were trying to drive through but couldn't because the walk signal buttons kept getting pushed which held lines and lines of cars at the 4 way intersection red lights so the supporters could run around and up and down the intersection with his signs hoisted?? Hoisting him in the air as if he had already won. And as all this is happening he stands there watching it all with this grin on his face. Pathetic is what I called that show. That is not supporting a candidate that is being a "public nuisance". People were screaming at him and his supporters for doing that. They were also beeping there horns trying to get the traffic moving. Next thing you'll be saying is that they were beeping their horns in support of him. What an "unclassy" way to go out on your last public standout before the election. And he is going to accomplish exactly what good things "if" and that is a big "if" he is elected. He allowed a public disturbance to unfold at his own standout. Shame on that republican!
City Hall Insider said...
Well I guess your not voting anymore because Basile wins, Basile wins.
City Hall Can't push no one else down our throats. We will be heard loud and clear.
And if I may be proactive before that anonymous blogger starts making comments like....
1. Dropping silly bombs
2. Fizz Fizz
Like I said before and agree with the others bloggers who have said the same thing....The things that these camps do that people see with their own eyes are what you call, "indisputable facts".
So thanks but no need to waste your time posting such silly responses. Thx.
It must be easier to pay for a robo-call than to get volunteers. I personally have been impressed with Mota's volunteers. I've received a telephone call and they once came to my door. They were respectful, they answered my questions, and they weren't pushy. At some of the other candidate's stand outs, I've felt that some of the volunteers were not very respectful of the other candidates. Mota's people were more professional and respectful.
Mota also came to my door but I wasn't home. My neighbor spoke with her and he liked what she said too.
I'll be voting for Mota.
the 2 front runners are both catering to their own groups. and to all that complain about the mayor and city hall, carlo gave $1700 to sal's campaign does that make him in with the mayor too? or at least in agreement with the mayor? he also supposedly helped sal and anthony into office. suddenly we all have a problem with city hall and the mayor. and whoever wins is going to have to pay back all of those who gave. carlo will have a big payback list, think of the new jobs at suffolk downs.!? there is little difference in answers to any of the campaign questions from either jeff or carlo. actually the only one that has a "unique" voice was mary. not that i agreed with it.... i know you will say now sal & anthony turned their back on carlo - not really. the guy was a registered republican. true he change to a dem, but they knew him as a republican and in politics very rarely do the parties cross over to back each other. it is just part of the political game... and let the games begin!
It's interesting that someone is putting out the rumor that Gloribell Mota is working for Jeff. It looks like Gloribell has been working for all of the candidates. One of the local convenience stores took their Mota sign down a couple of weeks ago because they received a visit from someone in Basile's campaign telling them that Mota was dropping out of the race and supporting him. They were really upset to learn that they were lied to. They promptly put Mota's sign back up.
I had some respect for Basile before this. I wasn't going to vote for him because I think Mota would be a better rep. But I don't like this kind of corrupt tactics in campaigning. So much for running a positive campaign.
Now I read that someone is putting out the rumor that she is working for Drago. Well, I've been a volunteer and I know that is a complete lie, just like the other. It is really sad to see people stoop this low.
So far, Mota has been the only one to be honest and to run a clean campaign. I think I'm going to copy this on the other post because I don't think anyone knows about these lies that people are putting out there.
All you are is jealous of how big the Basile standout was. People have never seen that many people coming out together to support east boston's favorite son! You are just jealous that Basile has so many friends, now stop the whining and support Basile because he is the one who will do for all of East Boston.
Saturday's standout was the most impressive standout I ever seen and i've been doing this for the mayor the last 12 years.
Basile is the classiest person that I ever met in my life.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Your self righteous comments are what makes this country labelled "hypocrytical". Freedom of speech and the right to vote for whomever is my given right. Please
STOP the attacks of Dem/Rep parties,
for the UNDECIDED IS what makes this nation GREAT. VOTE for the PERSON who will do the job for the residents of East Boston and not the Political Crap that has been around for decades. Your vote counts if you truly believe in why your right to vote makes a difference not an election sloggan.
Time for change and make the right decision for independence not slander campaign jargon....
City hall insider:
Make no mistake, there is not one solitary sole out there in East Boston jealous of Basile. Never so many people huh?? We have head counts and the other candidate had many more than Basile did. But that isn't even the main issue. Someone running for the seat he is running for should never ever have allowed his supporters to create a public disturbance as they did. They held up a 4 way intersection with red lights for 10+ minutes. If that makes you proud congrats. You just go to show the lack of class in his campaign. Read back in the blogs....Basile is being exposed. But ya know what, doesn't matter now. Go and vote tomorrow and remember, how loud a bunch of people can yell and how disturbing they can be to an entire neighborhood will not win this election. I'm sure you had someone counting heads at his opponents standout. The numbers say it all. And in the end Basiles' opponent ended his campaign like he started it, "with class". Something Basile will never know anything about. BTW~What is going on with Basiles campaign workers calling elderly people who hosted house parties for his opponent? Are you dead serious that he is allowing East Bostons' senior citizens to be harassed on the eve of the election. Again shame on that classless republican!
Hope everyone saw the mailers that a group of people sent out in support of one of the candidates. What a great thing! Good night. Polls open at 7. Get there and vote.
I'm pulling for the undecided as well, they are truly what will make this election tomorrow.
This is Jenni. I've decided I am not going to vote for Mary, for a variety of reasons, and, the two left wing zealots are out of the question.
Therefore, I formally endorse CARLO BASILE for this 1st Suffolk Rep Seat.
Carlo: See you at the party tomorrow night.
By the way, is INTERESTED IN THE ISSUES Jeff Drago?
can you imagine if basile loses
how his people will react
this group is tough (and that is being kind)
imagine if they win
good lord i thought it was bad around here during the world cup
gods wrath can not compete with an an angry may-may!
... do you think that Drago knows about issues... what issued, you mean city hall issues...
This is the latino Community is endorse Jeff Drago, for a variety of reasons,
Savio Prep High School
Northeastern University
Suffolk Law School
3 years - East Boston Coordinator, Office of Neighborhood Services
3 years - Business Manager for the Department of Neighborhood Development my peolpe know who they going to be voting and a few hours Go Go Go Go Jeff vamos
and keep an eye open, who knows what can happen... we hope not what happened in florida...recounting votes because frau...
I read this on www.bluemassgroup.com
What do people think about it?
Part of 1st Suffolk District Primary Field
BOSTON - Friday, September 21st
The Massachusetts Democratic State Committee passed a resolution Wednesday night to allow the Massachusetts Democratic Party to highlight candidate Carlo Basile's past support for Republican candidates and Republican elected officials in Massachusetts. Basile, who is running in a four-way Democratic primary for state representative in the 1st Suffolk District, has donated $1,350 to Republican candidates since 2002, and campaigned extensively for gubernatorial candidate Kerry Healey in 2006 in the same East Boston neighborhood where he is now seeking election as a Democrat.
"The Massachusetts Democratic Party cannot sit idly by while a man who has been supportive of the failed administrations of our past Republican governors pretends to represent Democratic values to the voters of his district." Said party Chairman John Walsh. "We take pride in our party and what it stands for, and Carlo Basile has failed the party in that regard."
Basile is running against Democrats Mary Berninger, Jeff Drago, and Gloribell Mota in a special election scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 25th.
... this is to the person who wrote that the latino community is endorsing someone.... PLEASE DO NOT LIE... I am Latino and a member of this community, and I am no endorsing anyone... PLEASE DO NOT TRASH THE LATINO COMMUNITY WITH THIS COMMENTS... if you are latino, you have your own agenda, and is not a community agenda, STOP.
Interested in the issues: What happen to you? Nothing to say? The better candidate won and it finally shut you up!
Take care all
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