Today is the deadline for candidates to file their "pre-primary report" -- paperwork that lists receipts and expenditures for the campaigns through Sept. 7 -- with the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance.
Up to that date Basile had raised $84,935, while spending $69,622; Jeff Drago took in $40,085 and spent $35,881; Gloribell Mota collected $35,842, while spending $21,545; and Mary Berninger raised $7,775 and spent $5,398.
The public can see more detailed information, including who donated money to each campaign and how that money was spent, by going to the OCPF web site. Here are links to the front pages of the four candidates' reports: Carlo Basile, Mary Berninger, Jeff Drago and Gloribell Mota.
Says to Jimbo ! Bravo,what a great tool.
This list that our host has made available to all of us is very revealing to me.
As the person who coined the term"The Outsiders",(people exploiting us)the lists of who donated to each candidate,and where they are from is very revealing.
Jimbo;Let me say to you that if all of the people who can vote knew "the players",like I do they would be disgusted,but not surprised.
There is Tons of money being poured in to this race from "The Outsiders".
For the sake of being impartial ,I will not speak about a specific candidate,or thier donors.However after reading the lists,I am 100% sure my vote is going to the right person.
Simply Amazing.I wasn't shocked,but in one case I was horrified because of the "Influential" aspect of 6 specific donations to one of the candidates.
My God I wish everyone who could vote knew theses players.If they did ,and were Undecided,they wouldn't be any longer.
I suggest Jimbo that you put a link from every section of your blog to these lists.
Remember if your not Laughing,Your not Living. Dee DeDe
Life long resident.
Joe Mason
Also can anyone tell me if its Illegal to donate ,and give a false address?
Wow I am in shock at this list. Although every candidate received money from outside of East Boston, This is what I got from the list:
Carlo, received lots of money from people (residents of East Boston)
Jeff: most of his money came from City of Boston employees, unions controlled by Menino and attorneys who recive work from The City. Jeff you are truly a puppet.
Mota: She raised close to 36,000 and all of her people with the exception of 10 live outside of East Boston. Gloribell, who are you trying to unite? Less than 10 people from East Boston appear on your list 95% live outside of Eastie. Wow, shocking
... just remember, we all know this: ONLY PEOPLE VOTE, not money...
It's important to keep in mind what you see, as well as don't see on these reports.
The way the reporting system works is that any contribution of $50 or less is "unitemized". If you see a donation of $50 or less listed, it is because that person made a previous donation of $50 or less (bringing their total contribution to more than $50, after which they have to be reported). So, you are only seeing the addresses of people who have donated, within the period, more than $50 to the campaign.
The point is, you can't really say where all of a candidate's contributions come from because you don't see the small, unitemized contributions. For Basile, only 4% of his donations are small donations. For Mary, 10% of her donations are unitemized. For Drago, 7%. For Mota, 16% of her donations are small donations.
You could interpret this in many ways. I see the proportion of small donations as an indication of grassroots support. Under this interpretation, Mota and Berninger appear to have greater grassroots support than Basile or Drago.
Jimbo, no offense but how does Carlo raise more than the 3 other candidates combined. According to my math problem, when I add the toatl of the other 3 candidates, it certainly surpasses the total that Carlo has raised. In addition, no pun intended, this is for the previous comment. Yes it's true that money doesn't vote and that people do. However, it clearly gives you a good indication as to who has a stronger support group. Regardless win or lose, people will be reaching out to Carlo for future campaigns. They know he has a strong and devoted organization.
I believe that my math is right: Basile raised $84,935 and the total for the other three candidates is $83,702. Correct?
The reason Basile has raised so much money is because people want change and don't want another politician forced down their throats!
I for one am sick and tired of being told who I have to vote for and told that I have to hold signs. Do they(city hall) think by making people hold signs or put house signs up is going to translate into votes? I know that i'm doing whatever I want.
Jimbo, my bad! I certainly owe you an apology and when you're wrong you're wrong. So with that being said, I'm sorry. I really don't know what got into me, why on earth would I have questioned your math. All I can say for now is, I can't wait for this thing to be over with. I hope that you will have other blogs when this is over with. You're doing a great job!
Starluna, you are a master of disguise. You can get whatever you want from the contributions list. What is a fact is that less than 10 people, who contributed to Mota are from East Boston. 95% of her contributions come from outside of East Boston and as far away as California. That tells me there is no grass roots. Just a bunch of die hard liberals trying to push their agenda. Remember what Michael Savage said, "Libralism is a disease"
Says to ;
STarluna ,as well ALL of the 4 Candidates this !
Why don't they themselves Publish the lists on line,as well as in Print??????
However no matter what,its Obvious that there are more people from Outside of East Boston who want to choose our next State Representative then there are from people who live here.
Now if that does not scare you,or wake you up,I do not know what will.Make sure you Vote !!,and Don't go alone,bring a friend or two!!!!
Now to Jimbo
Hello ,I am amazed,that as of my post there has only been 6 comments.
Spead the word you bloggers about this information.
Bella Amore !
Joe Mason
"Jimbo, my bad! I certainly owe you an apology..."
No apology necessary. Math was never my strong suit. However, before posting that I did add everything up several times to make sure that my figures were correct.
Joe I don't know who you are voting for but I have to vote for Carlo Basile. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He definitley loves this community and will represent us all very well. Carlo has been doing things for people all of his life. He has been very active with the kids as well as the elderly. You gotta love that kid!
TO: n. starluna.
Mota is receiving virtually all of her money from outsiders from wealthy suburbs like Brookline and Marblehead. Please don't try to spin that, as, it has NOTHING to do with grassroots support and everything to do with those from wealthy communities seeing her as a mark with no base to speak of. It's a gamble to them. These contributors figure if she does win she will be the easiest of the four to buy off.
It's just great to see how rich suburban folks play the game. They target the minority candidate because they determine (perhaps accurately) that she has no support base and therefore she can be easily bought.
Hey, you got to give it to them. I guess that's why they live in Brookline and Marblehead and we live in Eastie. Oh well.
I would love to see where some of the Basile money has come from.....WOULD LOVE TO!
To anonymous: Its all posted there for you to see who gave.
Stop the whining your candidate was out fundraised and he should be ashamed after having all the so called powers to be with him.
A message will be sent out loud and clear on Sept.25 that City Hall isn't going to force anyone down OUR throats.
St. Carlo received the most money from people outside of East Boston
Some famous names too, but famous for..?
- no comment
Again, stop your whining and figure out why your candidate couldn't raise money. That being said the people of East Boston love Basile for what he has done and will continue to do!
Ask yourself what has your candidate done for East Boston? Give specifics
stop dropping bombs, they keep fizzing.. Go ahead and name.. Most of Jeff's donations came from City Hall employees who live outside of East Boston. Check all the lists for yourselves.
I like to shout out to John Lynds about his article today in the Times. Bad mouthing Drago, Mary and Gloribell.The reason for this article is because John still can't get over his brother losing to Anthony P.John wake up an smell the coffee Eastie residents know all about your favroite one that changed from being a Repulican to Democrate. Hello we are not as stupid as you may think. Shame on you.
Talk about the people that are behind Jeff look at the ones Baisle has on his side no one is perfect and don't forget it. How about all the signs Baisle has up really come on is this a race for how much money you can raise and how many signs you can have? No this is all about us the people in East Boston. And for all of Jeff and the big guys behind him. The reason they are behind him is that they know he is the best for Eastie. So get over it once and for all.
I also would like to know were all Carlo money came from??????
You people make me laugh you talk about Jeff and all the people behind him. Take a look around you who has the best qulifications? Look at Jeff backround with the schools and colleges he went to and the degrees he has. Do you want someone who once was a Republicen in a Democrate seat? Really. If Carol does win and does it his way the Repluican way I will be one of many to say I did not put him in that seat. It is ashame that the people in east boston will have to suffer for other residents mistakes voting for the wrong person. THis is about eastie not about who is more popluar in town. I wish more people watch the Debate on all four of the candiates. Jeff is the Best man for Eastie.
The only thing Jeff is best at is being deceptive. Tell him to go fix some more parking tickets. He was involved in a Parking ticket SCANDAL... Look up the word scandal.
He also abused his position at City Hall to have his mother's neighbors tear down a 26,000 addition built for an ELDERLY woman. I'm sure Jeff will do alot for the elderly.. Yeah right.
To Anon that posted on 9/19 at 3:21 pm.
You claim that you would like to know where all Carlo's money came from. Well it's obvious to everyone else that reads this post. Mr. Mason clearly noted in several areas where you could obtain that info. I can tell you that the bulk of it came from EB residents. When Carlo wins, I will proudly say that I help put him in that seat. As for qualifications, I believe Carlo wins that hands down too. Unlike Jeff, he stands on his own 2 feet and doesn't have to be a puppet to anyone. The only people that he is interested in listening to are the residents of EB. We really need Carlo to lead us into the future of this fine community.
talk about fixing tickets
the people across the street from me had Healey signs on their property. he boasted that the Healey people would "fix" his parking tickets - and they did. And someone's cousin on the Basile contribution list - a Winthrop politician was always fixing tickets for people. she worked at Osco way back when and she would say if you have ticket my cousin will get it fixed for you. as St. Carlo might say, let he who has not sinned throw the first stone!
To Anon that posted at 12:11:
Where's your proof buddy? Stop trying to deflect all of Jeff's wrongdoings. It will never work. Unlike yourself, we have proof! Your candidate's admission!
Says to Everyone
The credit for the Public information about who raised How Much,as well as who made the actual donations,and esp.where they spent the money (rember to click on a-for donations,and B-for where they spent it.
Goes 100% to our host Jimbo.
So to anyone posting this "I want to know where this ones ,or that ones money has come from"!
You need to click open the links Jimbo has set up for each Candidate.
Just look at the bottom of his post for Tracking The Campaign Cash.All 4 links are yours for the taking.
Remember to Vote ,and Bring a Friend ,or 2,or 3 ,or 4 next Tuesday.
If your not Laughing,Your Not Living.
Dee DeDe
Joe Mason
Really Basile has a cousin, who is a politician in Winthrop? Really who is it? Because I have known all the Basile's for my entire life and not once have I ever heard of such a cousin. Again, the Drago camp is dropping bombs that are duds. fizz fizz fizzz while the Drago camp has real live bombs dropping on them BOOM! Drago was involved in a SCANDAL! GET OVER IT. He got BUSTED!
At least Mr. Drago was open publicly about it. That was the honest thing for him to do. Where is Basiles' honesty on his past indiscretions??
The last time I heard the only individual who was caught in a parking scandal was Drago!
Again, the only other scandal I heard was what happened to an elderly woman who had to tear down an addition she had built because of Drago.
Does everyone remember what happened to the Leone family because of Drago?
it is not Basile's cousin
a person who contributed to Basile
(her cousin - not Basile's) her last name is the name of a person (politician) in Winthrop - he fixed a few parking tickets.
St. Carlo has a lot has his own crew of cronies - as does Jeff, yes. and about the Healey signs and getting tix fixed - it's true and Carlo and his crew hung the signs on my neighbords property. they passed on the word and parking tixs were cleared. ok so Carlo may not be Darth Vader - but he's no St. Anthony - hee-hee...
hee heee....do you know what you sound like? stop dropping silly bombs. They keep fizzzing on you....they are all duds. I know a person who has a brother from another mother who said her cousin's friend has a mother-in-law who knows a politician who knows the Pope, who said that Jeff isn't a real Catholic. Do you know how absurd you really sound?
On Septmeber 25th don't vote for the candidate they are trying to shove down your throats. Vote your conscious. I will be voting my conscious and I will be able to look in the mirror. I will be voting for Carlo Basile. After all your negative campaigning and all the bomb tossing the people of east Boston will come out and elect Carlo. They can see right through Drago and his City Hall supporters.
Hey Jeff, do you know how ridiculous it is for me to hear all these automated political calls to my house. I was strongly considering to vote for you but now I've made up my mind to vote for someone else. It's a shame that you could not be personal enough to call yourself. You needed to dig really deep and insult me and my family to have to answer these annoying calls. I wish you all the best but I'm afraid you have done more damage than anything else at this point. In addition, it's now apparent to me that you were forced into this position as opposed to being passionate about it. I see the passion in the other candidates because they are really driven to make this a very personal campaign. I've seen all the other candidates at my door but I'm still waiting for you to ring my bell. Finally, the more I think about it, the more upset I become at the way you went on the attack against Carlo. I'm alot older than you are and this was not an accepted way of campaigning in the past. We the residents always spoke up on election day when people tried this. Usually, that person went home the loser that evening. I just wish that you were more about yourself instead of what the other candidate was not. I can honestly say that you cost yourself 6 votes in my household alone. I wish you no ill will but you should really think things through in the future.
God Bless
I can tell you what I witnessed while sitting in my car yesterday morning at Maverick station also changed my mind on who I am voting for. While I sat there I saw and heard 2 different times a candidates volunteer yell at voters. Does this sort of tactic win votes? Not in my book. He just lost 5 of them. He stood there and allowed it. True colors really showed her and I am truly disgusted by it.
Eastie resident, why do you keep dropping silly bombs. They are duds, they keep fizzing. keep lying because east Boston residents are alot smarter than you give them credit for.
Food for thought about Tequilas,and how to connect the dots!
If you click on the links for the money donated at the bottom of this post called "tracking the campaign cash"
you will see that atty mike ford is Mr.Dragos tresuer.
After you open the bottom of that page to see the donations you will see he is also a donor,as well as numerous lawyers from mcdermouth quilty,and miller.A very friendly law firm inside city hall.
Tequilas attorney is the same Mike Ford.
Licensing board records shows this as fact,and is a public record.
Mike Ford represented Tequilas last month at a punishment hearing at city hall.
the one for the raid at 2 a.m.where several people were caught underaged drinking in side.
All they got was a Warning.
You can draw your own conclusions.
Must remain silent ,working in here right now is like walking on egg shells.
Anonymous said...
Ya know something you say the same thing to everyone on these blogs when they make statements about "your candidate".
1. Stop dropping silly bombs
2. Fizz Fizz
Are you serious? You can't dispute what people see with their own eyes. Those facts are indisputable.
And further more if people want to drag names into this, IE: Mike Ford. How about starting a dialogue about the city hall workers and the lawyers on the opponents campaign....
Furthermore....Tequilas has nothing to do with the candidate whose campaign Mike Ford is volunteering for....Just because he is a lawyer working for them gives nobody a reason to make any statements regarding him working on an opponents campaign.
Let's stick to the issues. It is too close to Eday to be dealing with people on this blog who want to keep posting silly things.
And just remember....if people want to try to create unsubstantiated "Drama" about one candidate be prepared to do it for "your candidate" because when you talk about drama look at him. He is surrounded by it!
Eastie resident Drago is surronded bypeople from City Hall. Mike Keneavy has been seen at his headquarters for weeks now. Now why would Menino's right hand man be at Drago's headquaters during work hours. Is he taking vacation time? or comp time? Inquiring minds want to know.
By the way the videos of him going into Drago's headquarter during work hours will be sent to the Federal Authorities. :)
Jimbo, did you know that Sal Lamattina's secretary is being forced to resign from her position?
She was asked to help Drago and when she stated that she wasn't going to help she began getting harassed. She is a lovely woman who just wanted to remain nuetral/
Sal and the rest of City Hall, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
To Eastie Resident: First of all your not from East Boston.
Second of all it is revelant that Mike Ford is the lawyer for Tequila's because they are public enemy number one. if you were from eastie like you say you would of been to an emergency meeting we had in O.H. because of that establishment.
Thirdly, Mr.Ford is on Drago's camp which is backed by city hall and when it came to a hearing against Tequila's they received a slap on the hand.
Again, you don't live here in eastie so stay in Melrose.
People let your voices be heard against City Hall on Sept.25
In response to this:
The other candidate is surrounded by city hall workers as well, I will not drop names.
Good luck with the video. Come on really, do you have nothing better to do than to try to create "unsubstantiated" drama? Whoever wants to walk into a candidates headquarters is free to do so. There is an old saying:
"Assumptions do nothing but cause trouble"
You have no clue why he is visiting there so since you do not know accusations should not be made.
I still say that Tequilas has nothing to do with any candidate or his/her campaign.
And yes I was at that emergency meeting...You'd be very surprised how many of these community meetings I go to.
You think I live in Melrose which is hilarious. For all you know I'm the person siting next to you at many of these meetings. I'm very active in this great city of East Boston and have been for many, many years.
Last but not least, Get out and vote tomorrow. No matter what has been discussed through the weeks on this blog, voting is now the only thing that matters.
Anonymous said...
Eastie resident Drago is surronded bypeople from City Hall. Mike Keneavy has been seen at his headquarters for weeks now. Now why would Menino's right hand man be at Drago's headquaters during work hours. Is he taking vacation time? or comp time? Inquiring minds want to know.
By the way the videos of him going into Drago's headquarter during work hours will be sent to the Federal Authorities. :)
I like Sal but maybe it's time to take him on too. There are a few more Independent minded people like Carlo who can take him on in Eastie, North End, and Charlestown. Perhaps we get the ball rolling after Carlo gets in.
Says to EastieResident,and the whole truth;
In a political race ,everything is relavant.
In regards to Tequilas it is 1000% relevant.Tons of fights,3 major felonies ,destruction of the neighborhoods Quality of Life.Just 2 weeks ago thier patrons broke all thier windows,and were fighting outside with broken beer bottles.
To me it should of been stopped last year,but it was not.It was allowed to fester,and become the disgrace that it is today.
If the community can not get a place like this closed untill it reverts back to a 'Family Restaurant" as stated on thier license.
Please tell me who do we Blame?
1 Those who have the "Legal"power to do it ,or
2- We the residents who do not have "Legal"the power
I will speak from Facts on my personal opinion knowing this is not the first problem place.
If the City of Boston ,and our Elected official,as well as the Chamber wanted to they could squash him like a grape.
1-Charlie Zuffs,after less Violations,Than Tequilas.
ZUFFS GOT this ,1-60 day suspension,2-hours rolled back to 12 midnight,3- When all that didn't work, 4, 90 Days to sell his License ,or ripped up.
1-20 day suspension 2- 30 day suspension,3 after dragging a stabbed guy outside ,and closing ,License ripped up ,,and tossed in the trash.
Most people I talk to say they never care who donated,and Esp. what the candidates spent it on.
To them I say ,it should matter.
If a person Pays in say 500.00 ,and then the Candidate makes a donation to that persons Special Paid Event for 1000.. dollars.Do you not think somethings wrong with that?
God Bless our God given righ to Vote 9-25-07,Be There!
Joe Mason
DaNatale's should still be open.
Says to Anon
"Danatalles Should still be open"
There is no way you are a legitimate poster,or a resident of East Boston to make such an insensative remark.
I wonder if you would feel that way if it was you,or a member of your family that got stabbed,and then picked up bleeding,and tossed on the sidewalk like a piece of trash,and then they closed the doors.
The victim crawled 300 feet to get help.
My minds made up on you,in my opinion you are a City Hall person ,who just LOVES messing with Community activists ,and people you can't control.
"The exact attitude that will cost your candidate hundreds of Votes tomorrow".
But what can you do ?This America,and even you have a right to your own opinion.But I ll bet it would bedifferent as I said above.
You must of spent a lot of time up on the 3rd floor.A floor where no music was played,and a guy named John was a frequent visitor.
Joe Mason
Proud to be voting Tuesday,and hope we can defeat attitudes like his!
Joe, I hope you voted for the winner so you can celebrate. i loved your info and comments on here. I just hope you got to celebrate
Says to Anon
Nice try City Hall worker.
Who I voted for is a private matter,and its the way I have been all of my life.
No-Donations to anyone
No-Stand outs for anyone
No-Signs on the house for anyone
No-Wearing of T-Shirts ,or other stuff for anyone.
But it was a nice try on your behalf.I know the City Hall retaliation has already begun!
To me Jeff Drago is a decent guy,he is just in the wrong place ,at the wrong time,and surrounded by the wrong people.
Heres an old saying for you.
"Those who make decissions based on other peoples principals,and Not from his own ,will face Scorn,and Ridicule if those decissions are proven to be wrong"
Nuff Said
Joe Mason
Lifer,and Lover of Eastie
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