The 303 Cafe is located at, of course, 303 Sumner Street, just a short walk from the Maverick T station in East Boston. It's a cute little place with a shiny wood floor, brick walls and windows that open to the street. The menu includes sandwiches, soups, salads, smoothies, bagels, muffins and espresso-based drinks.
The cafe will be open until 9 p.m. six nights a week, with brunch served on Sundays. Check it out.
No liquor license (or at least beer, wine, and cordials), no business. FACTOID.
Not true. Not everyone has to have beer, wine or cordials with every meal, especially not breakfast! I can't wait to try it. I'm so sick of looking at Dunkin Donuts everywhere I go.
I wish this business luck, however, at least traditionally, businesses like this have not gone over well in EB.
Will East Boston ever see a starbucks?
The Ideal location's- Maverick Sq,
the corner of chelsea st and visconti rd, porter 156 area, sablone's would have been a good spot, border st next door to mcdonald's convert that big blue vacant building with a view of the zakim bridge, border st next door to tello's the former arcade building, hodge boiler works development condo's sumner st, marginal st across from piers park.
I stopped in today while on a walk during lunch. It's a great little cafe. That's right, it's a cafe, not a full on restaurant. Coffee, muffins, sandwiches and salads. I didn't eat, already had, but the coffee was quite good. It's just what the neighborhood needs. And a hell of a lot better than a boring, cookie-cutter, Starbucks. Best of luck!!!
I'm actually looking into starting one, but it's very expensive.
See, N.starluna, there are people in East Boston who think out of that box of yours, you know, how you think of East Boston.
??? starbucks ???
this word should be forbidden in Eastie.
We are what we are now, most of us are proud of it, we liked it, we loved it... let's keep East Boston our own, with changes or not, is it ours only...
Re: See, N.starluna, there are people in East Boston who think out of that box of yours, you know, how you think of East Boston.
I'm not exactly sure what box the commenter thinks I fit in. Would you mind doing us the favor and explaining this comment?
I just had dinner at Cafe 303 and it was excellent. Great atmosphere and a cool crowd of people. The line was out the door and I am sure it will be that way for a while.
Please, no Starbucks in East Boston! There are too many hip people living here who I am sure could come up with a much better cafe than a Starbucks. Although I sincerely appreciate the socially responsible corporate policy of Starbucks, they have become more of a suburban and airport coffee place with none of the charm of the cafes they displaced. Starbucks is the last thing that we need in Eastie.
Maybe Cafe 303 can try for a beer/wine license later on, but those license are hard to come by and I think that what they have right now is great. If we continue to support establishments like this one (and others like Meridian 155), then we will soon have cool places to drink as well.
East Boston needs an Indian cuisine joint, we need an abundance of resturaunts, art gallery's, pottery stores, craft shops,book shops, and cafe's, jeff drago says at the debate we need to attract outsiders, I want to make this a destination ,he's right folks, look at rockport during the summer months packed with people tourist and locals, Rich folks from cohasset and marblehead can cruise their yachts into the harbor and park their yachts at the marina and
they can enjoy the day in East Boston, they can talk with the locals, for example Joey from maverick street has a dialog and meets with wealthy marblehead business men named Kyle and thompson, JOEY:(Are youse 2 from East Boston)
KYLE:(did you say use, as in second hand)
Joey: (no I meant youse the both of youse)
KYLE: (Pardon me Joey)
JOEY:( Is that your yatt)
KYLE:( Sure is,)
JOEY:(Youse like to see my cadillac, I just got these spokies)
I think it is Great! They also have wireless and a very cosy couch. Please note that they hired several Eastie residents that is what we need here more businesses like 303 cafe. Good for them, I will support them as often as I can.
Webster resident
Says to Anon who said no Beer,and Wine no busines Factoid
The Land Use Council was the fundamental reason why they got to open,and they are great people,so stop wishing them doom before they even get a chance to get going.
What is wrong with you,and who are you ?I dare you to sign your real names to both Anons!!!!
I think anyone who can make a remark like that either does not live here,or is oblivious to the return of the town drunk in Eastie.We are being destroyed by booze,and all you need to do is take a walk around Maverick,Central,and Orient Heights Squares to see reality.In my opinion I do not think he/ she lives in Eastie.Our once beautiful Squares are now a disaster with no end in sight as long as narrow minded people feel you need booze to survive.
Hey Anon try sitting in Central Square park day,or night with your family.I gaurantee you that you won't stay to long.
Folks also in my opinion both Anons are the same person,and he is only using the blog to play with the fine work of Jim the blog owner ,as well as play with all of us. He / she is all over both sides of every issue.
To Jim I say PLEASE give us out here a break from him / her. Its making visiting your blog very upsetting.
I wish the 303 the best of Luck,and that Anon goes away.
Joe Mason
Joe well said, youhit the nail right on the head. Last night I walked to Blockbusters with my 6 yr old daughter. On the way back we walked through the park. I was approaced by 2 drunks asking me for change. As we walked by a bench, the 3 people sitting there were using the "f" word for every other adjective. I wanted to confront them but I did not want to get into a physical altercation in front of my daughter. This ruined the rest of my night. I was so heated. When do we get our rights. wWere are my daughter's rights? Shouldn't a father be able to take a walk with his daughter or son without being exposed to such vulgar language and behavior?
Joe Mason, you should run for city council. These are some of the issues that really effect people's lives, not the ice cream man, which was Mr.Lamattina's big gripe this summer. Give me a break.
Good job Joe, it will be my pleasure to meet you some day. NO MORE BOOZE
Having watched that place slowly be built and finally open, I'm really looking forward to going there often. It's great that the Jefferies Point area is getting a really nicer place than some of the ordinary fare on Sumner Street.
And to anonymous who complains about no liquor license. Why don't you try finding an available one for Boston. Consider that the last available one was for sale, for $250,000..
Everyone should check it out!
Joe: I do not wish to hear your Puritanical, Catholic bull. Beer and wine are both just fine (and so is a lil Buca or Bailey's). This dry town concept is a joke.
The fact is, people generally do not become drunks from sipping wine at Caffe Italia or some yuppie joint. I'm sure you are well aware of this.
Mr. Mason: I read your ridiculous commentary, and, I have one thing to say to you~East Boston will never become gentrified if you continue to think in a backward manner.
Take a look at the South End, North End, and Charlestown. These communities are full of nice places to have some shrimp and drink some wine. If you continue to promote your Christian majority bible thumping ways, East Boston will NEVER attract professionals.
Joe: I have lived in East Boston all my life. I have a Doctorate degree. Do you know what yuppies who move to the Point area tell me all the time? Do you Joe? You probably do not but I will tell you. They say "Marco, how can you live here, as there is no Starbucks and no martini bar."
That's what they say Joe. Perhaps you should think about moving to Winthrop?
Come on, everyone. Leave Joe alone. He has the best interests of East Boston at heart. I like a glass of wine, etc. but I don't like being approached by drunks and panhandlers. Thats why I try never to shop at Shaws. Joe wants this town cleaned up.
Jefferies point is slowly becomimng the next south end, the entire neighborhood is changing quickly, for the lifers it's time to pack your bags and move to the North Shore by eminant domain, along with other East Bostonians, Face it Vinny the 9th grade drop out is not going to get along with kyle the yale graduate, .2 different worlds
Says this to the person Anon who wont reveal his / her real name.You must be a very mean spirited person to talk in the tone that you do. You know nothing about my religious background,yet feel you can attack .
Only a person who has no hard facts to defend his / her position resorts to this type of knee jerk mumbo jumbo.
So to Jim I say you need to curtail this negative bomb tossing uninformed person.
Now !
Lets look at some statistics on just one place in Orient Heights Square called Tequilas ,A.K.A. Kahlua Hawaian.Based solely on Boston Police License Premise Violations,and Boston Police reports that I have (Factoid)Uh! lets not forget this "used " to be a family restaurant, for just this year a lone.3 stabbing's,5 Huge Brawls,a raid at 1:45 a.m. this past April 30th by the Alcoholic Beverage Commission that resulted in numerous persons as young as 17 inside drinking being caught.
Your families are losing Police protection because Thursday to Sunday a Boston Police cruiser is now assigned to babysitting this place as the Nightclub crowd leaves.
We are far from a dry town,and again you have no clue.We have more places to purchase alcohol than the North End.Just a little educational info for you ,it affects your insurance from your house to your car.Fact every Liquor License in Logan Airport is considered as being in East Boston.
Id like to issue a challenge to you, a Face to Face debate with Jim doing the interview ,and lets see what you really know / don't know about East Boston.
Try knocking on the door of the family who lives next door. They have had their lives destroyed by this place.Thier young children have seen in their driveway ,public urination,fights,people puking ,etc..
So again I challenge you to meet me face to face at an open public meeting of the East Boston Land Use Council any time.That is if you think you can handle it.Your derogatory comments on all areas of this blog site show me that you have no clue about life in East Boston.
At this meeting if you show me a valid license showing an East Boston address I will make a 1000.00 dollar donation to your favorite charity.But first you must tell everyone on this blog your real name.
Nuff Said !!!!!! True East Bostonians know liquor is killing this town.
P.S.I almost forgot do you attend any community meetings?If so Please tell us the names of the 3 Civic groups besides mine, that fight to protect East Boston.
Joseph J.Mason
East Bostons Oldest ,and Largest Civic Group.
The East Boston Land Use Council
Well said Joe, I love you, you have what it takes. iwould love for you to take a run at lammattina. It is obvious to me and anyone with ahalf a brain that you really care about the issues that we residents face each and every day. Good for you, there should be more people like you and less people like Luna.
I was waiting for someone to bring up Tequila's to make a comparison about alcohol in new establishements. Let me say you are comparing apple and oranges. As for the pan handlers, why don't you ask the pan handler/drunk where he got his drink? My guess would be in the clearance aisle at Kappy's, not at Cafe Italia at $7 a martini. Get with it, people that are against the drinking in local places that cater to an an upper scale clientele can not comment, because you are not part of that crowd. In fact, you would be considered prejuedice against people like myself who drink responsibly and want to have a good time without going into Boston. I would prefer to spend my $$ in Eastie rather than Boston. I made friends with lots of the so called "yuppies" and that is the biggest complaint I hear, that there is no place to have a nice drink and relax in a cozy atmosphere. I want to give people a heads up, when meetings come up at City hall for alchol permits....make it a point to go and support the establishment, (like 303) the only people who attend are the ones that do not work, have lots of time on their hands and unfortunately the City officials take their case like it's the bible. Three to four people should not represent East Boston, just because they are anit-alcohol. Even Jesus Christ drank wine.
My husband and I ate breakfast this morning at the new cafe at 303 Sumner Street. The food was delicious, the waitstaff were solicitous in a pleasant way and the decor was very well executed. The owner showcases artwork from local craftspeople and the unique windows created a welcoming atmosphere. I was glad to see that there are no metal grates to mar the facade. Let's hope other businesses follow suit because metal grates only create a sense of forboding, not a welcoming feel.
Says this to Anon
Tequilas update as of today .Massive brawl inside last night that bleed onto the streets,people broke thier windows,and the Police had to arrest people.
Now to further educate you ,The Ploice Reports for each section of Boston are mailed to not only leaders of community groups like mine,but to ANYONE who wants them. You simply fill out a single sheet of paper,and check off what you want. Zoning,B.R.A.,Liquor Licensing etc.Duh !
People on this blog have been constantly attacked by this Anon guy / girl,and I say to Jimbo you need to be careful about how far you let anyone go.A blogger like that could cause you serious legal problems.
My challenge still stands Anon!
So Anon do you think you would feel the same if thats how you spent Friday night with your family?
The way you attacked my position,as well as your quest for Yuppie type drunks,suggest you are a guy from Marblehead,whos initials are D.M.,and who is married to C.S..Both outsiders,or know them very well .
So I hope now you understand how people like me get our knoledge.It is provided by mail free of charge from City Hall. Sign Up you just might learn a thing,or two.
Joe Mason
Lifelong Resident
Here is another vote to lay off Joe. He has a right to his opinion and it is discouraging to see this excellent forum that Jimbo has created turn into an online shouting match. Joe does a lot for this community and it is fine to disagree, but lets keep it civil.
I wanted to weigh in on this alcohol debate. I think that the situation at Tequillas and the increase of drunks on the streets is a big problem that needs to be addressed. But I agree with other posters that this kind of alcohol consumption is something very different from a glass of wine at Cafe Italia or Zafferanos. If more of the Tequilla-style restaurants were turned into Cafe Italias and 303's, then you would actually help the public drunkeness issue because the liquor licenses would be used by responsibile businesses with mature customers. There will be liquor consumed in East Boston - that will never change. The question is who will do the consuming.
I think it would be a mistake to punish responsible residents because of the actions of a minority of irresponsible residents who can't drink in moderation. I know there are plenty of people here who want a glass of wine with their dinner, or who want to enjoy a martini in a classy, upscale lounge and they won't descend into public urination and brawls.
I think we have to evaluate businesses on a case by case basis and not automatically oppose all establishments serving liquor.
Says to James
You are 100% correct about it being a case by case basis,but its not.Its a who know,and everyone knows that..However it should also be Location,Location.
Now to your statement about him / her having a right to thier opinion. NOT when it comes time to slamming a persons religion,or suggesting that I move to Winthrop.
If you want to dispute the hard facts ,then show them.
Our insurance rates as said before are directly related to Crime,and Car accidents.I believe those are resonable issues to expect the candidates to address,don't you?
Now back to Winthrop! Lets compare; Cleaner Streets,Lower Taxes,Much lower Crime Rate,Lower Home,and Car Insurance rates.Ill stop there for right now,because we have none of the above."How Come No One Responds To Those Facts?
To Judge East Bostons future ,just look atthe people moving out facts.
Here is one that might shock your blog readers Jimbo. ""Former Senate President Robert Travaglini is moving out""! Yes ,and hes moving to Winthrop when his new house is finished being built.
What does that tell all of you?
I am a firm beliver in the 1st Amendment ,and I love my religion.That by the way has nothing to do with the return of the town drunk !
You may think Anon that you know who I am voting for,but if I don't then how can you?
For me its between a male,and a female right now.
Of all the questions asked,I am bothered that some of these candidates think Illegal Ailiens should get Free Tuition at State College.No Way.My Parents as I said before came here legally,and waited for 3 years,had to have a place to live,a sponsor,and a job.They got nothing for free,and learned how to speak English in 6 months.Nuff Said
A Proud EastBostonian
Joe Mason
A concerned Heights resident offered this account to Joe Mason of more trouble at Tequila's Restaurant:
"There was an incident last night at Tequila's. I guess four kids were in there and they were getting rowdy and they were asked to leave. When they wouldn't let them back inside they broke all the windows and started fighting with the owner and the patrons. They had broken bottles and were trying to stab people.
"The police came and the arrested them. It was unbelievable. The whole neighborhood was outside. This happened around 1:15 a.m. I spoke to Sgt. Brooks and he said they would love to see Tequila's closed but they can only write the citations and that it's up to the licensing board to do something.
"I really don't know why the licensing board is keeping them opened. Someone could have gotten killed. I've never seen anything like this all my years living here. This was the worst. I'll be calling the mayors office and the licensing board on Monday."
Thanks Jimbo.
My heart goes out to that family.They have been devastated by this place ever since Joan,and Stevie Chance sold it. They were the best,and ran a true "Family Restaurant",and Always respected the neighborhood.
I managed nightclubs on Lansdowne Street such as 9 Lansdowne,Venus DeMilo,Axis,all with a capacity of at least 1000 people for 12 years,and we never had this kind of trouble.
I go out to eat a lot,and am never confronted by Huge bouncers wearing Security shirts at the front door,such as Tequilas.
They are operating this outside the guidlines of thier actual License,and as a Nightclub.Even though It reads Family Restaurant on thier license.
Also our Zoning code states clearly that a Nightclub is a Forbidden Use in East Boston.
So we must ask Who Is Protecting them?In my opinion "The Machine is".
They had a punishment hearing only 3 weeks ago,and all they got was a Warning ????? What will it take a death to have those protecting them,stop protecting them?
One last point of factual information to Anon.You talk highly about Cafe Italia.Well Booth them(Orient Heights location),and Italian Express said to the Orient Heights neighborhood "We want a Beer,and Wine so we can have a nice place to have an Italian meal,and a glass of Wine,or Beer".So the community supported them,and don't you know both sold out last July to Latino Restaurants.
So Please forgive me if I don't trust "our own kind"as thier attorney said.
Because all they did was get it ,with the sole purpose of increasing its resale value.
Jimbo that was very nice for you to put that womans own words on your blog,and Thank You for not putting her name out.
The list I put out today is for this year alone,but there are others from last year,and not a single day of Suspension???????
Thank You,and God Bless
Joe Mason
Frank said...
Jimbo, you are finally coming around,. I have been saying it all along. It's crazy out there right now. What happened last night is not a rare ocassion. There are brawls, people urinating, throwing up, and even defacating inpeople's hallway almost every night. This is what I have been trying to tell you guys all along. Eastie is changing but not for the better.
Joe, FYI 3 out of the 4 candidates are for instate tuition. The only one opposed is Mary.
But instae tuition does not mean kids of illegals go to school free.
It means they can pay the same as a Massachusetts resident.
I myself am undecided on this issue. On one hand I don't want illehals to have the same rights as us but on the otherhand if a child came here illegally with his parents as a toddler, went on through grammer schhol, middle school and then gradusted high school should he/she be punished because his parents snuck him/her in as a baby. I'm not so sure about that one. I am against illegal immigrants but this in state tuitions issue is one I struggle with. A person might be in the United States for 17 out of there 18 years and we tell them ---- off? I don't want to see the children punished.
Joe, I hope yopu run for Lamattina's seat.
This is Frank, I'm having a few glasses of wine (in the comfort of my own home and I want to apologize for the typos in the previous post.
Says to Frank,Thanks!
I to struggle with the issue of the children. However most people do not know that in most cases the Illegals from "All Over" are taught (by many Liberal American professors),get Pregnant ,and have your baby on American soil.Now the baby is automaticly an American citizen.20/20 ,and 48 Hours did undercover stories in other countries,and went to these seminars.
So now what do you do ?You can't deport the Mother,or Father because they are the parents.
Those children are not who I was talking about because they are Americans.
You are right about the candidates,and thats why the debate was a joke. They got the questions in advance,and avoided people asking the tough questions.
I think the Deer Caught in the Headlights look ,when they are asked a question they are Not "Preped "for is PRICELESS,thats how you see the real candidate.
"We The People"got corked screwed.
Some people in Eastie think they know me,and the L.U.C.,but they do not. The zoning,and Licensing are but a small part of what we do.
Under my Presidency we have donated 155,000.00 dollars directly to East Bostonians.Yes its one hundred fifty thousand dollars.Not a typo!
Such as every single Senior Citizen group in Eastie,every After school program in Eastie,Eastie Pride Day,Little League,E.B.Girls softball,tens of thousands to Eastie kids for Tuition grants,from E.B.Central Catholic up to every major University,as well as Eastie make a wish program for sick children,and so on.
The last two years lists of Charitable donations are listed on www.eastboston.com,under Leonard Florence Memorial Grant program.
Our last program that just ended in August went to help any East Boston kid who was enrolled at Savio when it closed as of June 3oth,2007 if they went to another payed Tuition High School. The total was 4000.00 dollars in tuition Grants.
I hope this sheds a little more light on our organization.P.S.its free to join,all it takes is Love for Eastie.Our meetings are listed on the same website ,as is our by-laws .They are under the Civic groups link.
Peace out!!
A Proud East Bostonian
Joe Mason
Joe, I haven't met you yet but I'm looking forward to it. You are always talk from the heart. I only have one vote and i'm going to vote for Carlo. To me he seemed the most genuine. I myself don't agree with illegals. either Washington wakes up and stops these illegals from entering our country or we are in trouble. On the otherhand I'm happy that the 3 out of the 4 candidates are for instate tuition. Peolple think that means free, it doesn't. I would hate to tell a kid who graduated highschool at 17 and has been in this country for most of his life that we are going to turn our backs on him. Because like it or not they will be here until they die and I rather see them receive an education as opposed to joining gangs and really causing problems.
I say lets close the borders and stop illegals from entering but lets not punish the children that have already been here for most of their lives. They are our future and deserve a chance.
I applaud Carlo, Jeff and Mota for being open minded about this issue. But I will be voting for Carlo. He has a heart of gold and I know he will have the best interest of the great people of East Boston.
Why is the Sumner tunnel closed on saturday, are they filming a movie inside
The Sumner tunnel is closed this weekend and for the next few weekends for repairs. Actually, this was a huge problem for me because I had an appointment in the North End today and I left 30 minutes early but ended up getting there 20 minutes late because not only was the tunnel closed, but ALSO the Maverick T! Why did they close both on the same day. And also what is up with them seemingly always closing the entrances to the Callahan and/or Tobin off Storrow Drive at night? Sometimes I feel like it is such a challenge just to get back and forth to Eastie. They should really be more thoughtful for the residents here when driving and taking the T.
About in state tuition, this is an important issue to me because my wife is Mexican (I am 100% American who grew up on the Cape). She is a lawyer and not your typical immigrant, but the issue still resonates with us.
I don't think the in-state tuition is the same as the general "illegal immigrant" issue because it is really just punishing children who have no control over the decisions their parents made. Regardless of how their parents came here, the fact is that they ARE here and if they can't go to college they can't get the jobs they need to climb the economic ladder and bring their children out of poverty. College is so expensive these days and most of the children of illegal immigrants can't afford the regular tuition. I say that we should address the issue of illegal immigrants crossing the borders currently, but not punish innocent children for the mistakes of their parents.
It is the same thing for health insurance for any child in my opinion. I don't understand why children are not automatically covered by some health insurance program when their parents can't afford it. We cover our seniors, but they at least had a choice - children have no choice yet they are often not afforded the same basic opportunity as others living here (and this is irrespective of their immigration status - I am talking about poor children of any immigration lineage).
If we don't protect our children and give them every opportunity to succeed, then there is no way that they can rise above their situation and have a chance at living the American dream.
James, I'm gald you agree with me. Children should not be punished. In the long run we will pay in more ways than one if these children don't get an education.
I do find it interesting how a thread that started off discussing a new cafe and whether a liquor license is needed for it to be successful turns into a discussion about undocumented children and the in-state tuition act.
Here's how it seems to have occurred: debate over the benefits and challenges with having a liquor license --> Tequila's as an example of a badly run establishment with a liquor license --> assertion that the "machine" sold out the presumably legitimate Italian businesses in favor of the presumably not legitimate Latino businesses--> illegal immigrants and their children. Quite an amazing feat of logical acrobatics.
I am must disagree with Joe's assertion that lays the blame of Tequila's poor management at the foot of the elusive, almost evil, political machine. I have no doubt that this is an element, but not the whole story, and possibly not even the most important element. I would recommend looking closer to home. At least according to a Boston Globe article in April of this year, it was likely the East Boston Chamber of Commerce that recommended the hiring of security personnel, as they did for La Chiva restuarant in Day Square. I would bet that if you looked into it, Luis Vasco, owner of Tequila's and four year member of the East Boston Chamber, is goes into his citation hearings with the support of the East Boston Chamber of Commerce.
I would hope that people can make the distinction between a poorly run business and the more complex issue of immigration. It appears to me that the problem establishments like Tequila's is a fairly straightforward local issue with identifiable local actors, including many non-Latinos, who should be held accountable.
And, just to be a little bit partisan here, let us all remember that it is Carlo Basile that the East Boston Chamber is supporting in this election.
To N. StarLuna!
You were just caught in a lie!
You have stated over and over that you werent supporting any candidate but yet you take a shot at Basile.
Up until your last paragraph I honestly thought that you were an avid supporter on this blog with no prejudice. Now, you have exposed yourself I deem you to be a staunch supporter of another candidate.
Everything you say from now on would be insincere and prejudicial.
Stop thinking that you are above anyone and I'd now would love to Debate you about East Boston since you have just moved here! You don't know anything about OUR neighborhood and yet you feel compeled to tell Jimbo's readers what would be just for all of US.
Again, another person who is pushing their own agenda and your a teacher? You teach what? I bet its not honesty!
Hello to you Jimbo
N.Starluna continually presents facts and reasoned opinions. No one has to agree with her, but you should state your disagreements on the basis of the arguments presented, not with personal attacks.
I don't recall any of her comments saying that she isn't supporting anyone, and I don't believe that expressing support for any candidate disqualifies one from offering opinions on things.
Most everyone supports someone. Does that disqualify everyone from commenting on the grounds of being "insincere and prejudicial"?
Starluna, you are a very deceptive woman. I only say woman because if I use another word Jimbo would not print it. You are a die hard liberal, an american hater, you hate evrything america stands for and I hate everything you stand for.
Starluna, you know whats even more amazing? You coming here with mumbo jumbo. I can't believe parents have to struggle to send their children to college just to have someone like you teach them. You make my stomach turn.
Starluna makes a comment about Basile being a member of the Chamber of Commerce and now she is an official member of the "Hate America First Club"? You Republicans are incredible. How is it even conceivable that you can conclude she "hates American and everything it stands for" from her posts here - there just isn't nearly enough information to make that leap of logic. She has in fact been among the most non-controversial and thoughtful posters on this blog, yet she gets attacked for making rational and well-reasoned arguments? It sounds like the typical M.O. for a Republican attack - if you can't engage in a discourse on the issues, just reduce it to an argument of patriotism.
Why don't you debate her on the points she make and refrain from attacking her personally? You would be much more effective in making your case than attacking her personally.
I agree with James -- who, despite the name similarity, is not me. Many people who post comments follow the old legal tactic: "If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. If the law is on your side, argue the law. If neither the facts nor the law are on your side, then bang the table and shout as loud as you can."
Hi Joe:
I respect you as a man, however, I think you are wrong on this issue. As many of the commentators on this blog have accurately indicated, having a glass of wine or a martini at Caffe Italia is not the same thing as getting blitzed off of ripple purchased at Castillo's. It does seem like Tequila's is a problem spot, and, that should be addressed accordingly. However, discipline should be meted out on a case by case basis, and in no way should the actions of a few force East Boston to become a "dry town."
TO: Anonymous said...
Jefferies point is slowly becomimng the next south end, the entire neighborhood is changing quickly, for the lifers it's time to pack your bags and move to the North Shore by eminant domain, along with other East Bostonians, Face it Vinny the 9th grade drop out is not going to get along with kyle the yale graduate, .2 different worlds
~Perhaps Kyle can teach Eastie kids to be more tolerant of people who have had more than them for their entire lives?
Ofcourse Jimbo you would agree with James. Your the poster child for the Ultra Liberals who have ruined this community let alone the country.
N. Starluna was called on the carpet and I was very happy to see that since I've been on vacation.
She tries to come ascross as a know it all when in fact she doesn't know anything about this community.
Jimbo, its just fitting to see you defend her when the two of you are soooooo liberal.
What ashame!
God Bless America and may He forgive all you liberals
By the way the post that stated that N.Starluna is a very decptive woman should be presented with an award. I think that person showed alot of class when they could have used alot of different names.
I show my kids this blog about once a week and I point out to them all the liberals who ruined their parents community.
I known you for a few years Jim and unfortunately I use you as one of those examples to them.
Please forgive me when I say that I'm happy to Know that you don't have kids Jim. There has to be a reason why you don't and I don't think that I can buy that excuse that it was your choice Jimmy.
Anyway, Thanks for having this blog so I can teach my children the difference between good and bad.
Says to n.starluna
Wow! How did you come up with "Tequilas as an example of a badly run establishment with a liquor license-->Assertion that the machine sold out the presumably legitimate Italian businesses,in favor of the presumably not legitimate Latino businesses".
It didn't come from my post thats for sure.
You make it about race,when its about Quality of Life,and Respecting the neighborhood.
Then you say"Joes assertion that lays the blame for Tequilas poor management at the elusive .almost evil ,political machine"
I blame Mr. Vasco for "In My Opinion"being the worst business owner in East Boston,based on his well documented License premise violations.As well as seeing a direct abutters life being destroyed.
What you failed to comprehend in my post was the comment Sommeone is protecting them.Who?. everyone would Love to know,but for you to ASSUME what I am thinking without speaking to me is rediculous.
As far as your statement about the Chamber reccomending they as well as that other place hire Security,Let me be perfectly clear!
NO ONE has the right to alter the Terms,and Condition of any Liquor License.
The only people are the Licensing Board Commissioners,and Only after the owner files for a Public Hearing to do so.
Now to address your bet about who goes into Mr.Vascos Citation / Punishment hearings.WRONG!
No one is allowed to speak for ,or against anyone at these punishment hearing.Other than the Boston Police,and any Victims,and Mr.Vascos attorny.No one else ever.
But I will tell you,and everyone else that "In my opinion "knowing the attorny that helped him a few weeks back,he is represented by a friendly Machine law firm.
Shame on you for trying to use a very serious situation ,for Political,and Racial gains.Try living next door for one weekend.
In the future I would appreciate it if you respond to my posts ,PLEASE do not make assertions for me.Speak directly to,and about actual printed text,not what your personal feelings are.
To know me,and you do not,is to know in the Latino community I ,and the Land Use Council are looked at as a friend.
In the past 3 years 89% of people appearing before us were of the Latino family.Ask around.
Have a Nice day,and Remember if you are not Laughing,your Not Living.
Joe Mason
To Anon
Who said
"Hi Joe"
A dry town! forced by a few ! Are you sure you live here?
You have it backwards.Its a select few,who have forced Liquor Licenses down people throats,and they are much,much more powerful than people like me.
Due to that type of mentality "In My Opinion" it will cost Jeff votes.The average East Bostonian is very unhappy right now.
Thanks for the Respect though.
An average East Bostonian.
Joe Mason
Whats your name?
Joe , I love you. Please run against Sal for City Council. I already talked to Carlo and if by any miracle he should lose, he is going to take a stab at Sal. I would bet my life he would win by a land slide. Right now just lets hope he beats Drago or Sal is out.
I am more than happy to respond to your printed text.
On 9/15/07 at 7:46 you wrote:
"[Cafe Italia] and Italian Express said to the Orient Heights neighborhood "We want a Beer,and Wine so we can have a nice place to have an Italian meal,and a glass of Wine,or Beer".So the community supported them,and don't you know both sold out last July to Latino Restaurants.
So Please forgive me if I don't trust "our own kind"as thier attorney said."
Please forgive me for seeing the "us versus them" or more specifically, "Italian versus Latino" rhetoric here. You did not state that the elusive they sold out to Luis Vasco. You stated that the elusive they sold out to Latino restaurants. The use of the plural here refers not to Tequila's specifically, but to all Latino restaurants.
If this is not what you meant, please clarify.
At 4:39 on the same day, in a comment in which you were responding to the assertion that the issue of liquor licenses and their effects should be assessed on a case by case basis, you end your comment with the following:
Of all the questions asked,I am bothered that some of these candidates think Illegal Ailiens should get Free Tuition at State College.
First, the assertion is factually incorrect. None of the candidates were in favor of giving any student, documented or not, free tuition. The question was whether or not the candidate supported a bill that would allow undocumented students in the process of regularizing their status, who meet some specific criteria, to pay the same tuition as other Massachusetts residents (currently they pay the out of state tuition rate).
Second, this statement brought in a factor completely irrelevant to this thread. As a matter of fact, this is the first comment on this thread to even mention "illegal Aliens" and your 7:46 comment was the first to specifically mention Latinos as a group.
So, it appears to me that it was you who brought in the race factor. Everyone else was responding to it.
With regards to the citation hearings, I was a little suspicious that no one is allowed to attend the public hearing either support of or against the candidate. That would be completely contrary to well established legal protections and principles of administrative law. So I called the licensing department and spoke with Nancy. As they describe it, when an establishment receives a license violation citation, they schedule a hearing. It is public and anyone can come and testify for or against the establishment, including local business associations, local politicians, or local gadflies. I asked if there was a difference between the hearing she was describing and a "punishment" hearing, and I was told that they are the same thing.
Now, maybe we are talking about two different processes. If so, please clarify that.
Now, with that said, I reserve the right to describe my personal feelings and opinions whenever I want (and Jimbo can delete them as he sees fit). I do my best to provide a cogent rationale for those opinions and feelings. On the whole, I agree with your general sentiment that controlling liquor licenses and establishments that hold them is very important. I simply disagree that the dry town approach is the most effective means of achieving that control. I also do not believe that Latino businesses per se are the problem. There are problem Latino owned businesses, as there are problem non-Latino owned businesses. I think its important that you make that distinction.
I'm new to East Boston, and all I have to say is what is wrong with many of you people? This was a post about a positive occurence in East Boston...the opening of a charming cafe with good food (I've been twice). It wasn't a trigger to wage a war of words about alcohol rights and who belongs in East Boston. Answer: everyone belongs here, with all their opinions protected. So, rather than argue here, why don't you all shut up, and go get a bite to eat at the new cafe (or some other joint), face-to-face. That's what neighborhood joints are supposed to be, gathering places to catch up with each other, debate, or get this...enjoy food...with or without wine. But remember, this is "America" (if that even means anything anymore), so it's nice to have a choice, as responsible citizens, of course.
Says to Starluna
Who Are You?Can you Please tell us your real nmae?My personal opinion is you are working for Ms.Mota.
Now to your Micro managing of the posts on this very goog blog site !
I was taught a Looong Time ago that People who use the "Splitting of Racial Hairs",as you do quite often, to defend thier position in life ,are People I do not have the Time of day for.
For I believe what I was taught by a Great Mom,There is Good,and Bad in every walk of life,and that No one person is better than the next person.
People You have got to see the links on Jimbos newest Blog about the actual donations made to all 4 candidates.Campaign Cash
It is an eye opening wake up call.
Thanks Jimbo
Dee DeDe
Joe Mason
Say This as FACT
Yes all hearings are Public.
No one on Tuesdays when a Liquor License violation is before the Licensing Board can testify,and or speak ,other than the parties I said before. No One.
However on Wednesdays ,the hearings to see if you can Purchase,Sell,Change Managers for Both A Liquor License,or apply a Comm Vics License,not only is it a Public Hearing but anyone,and everyone can tesify ,in Favor ,or Against.
You need to listen when they speak to you,because they just told me they were specific in thier explanation.
Again I repeat that other than the Board,The License,The Police,or Victims.NO ONE is allowed to speak on Tuesdays A.K.A.The Punishment hearings."There is no InFavor,or Oppositions",and all testimony is Under Oath.Unlike on Wednesdays.
I am willing to bet a Charitable Donation of 1000.00 dollars to your favorite charity if I am wrong,or you to pay the same to one of mine (Cancer research)if you are wrong.
Tequilas is about to have another License Premise Violation hearing very soon."Go see if you can speak in any aspect at all".
As is confirmed by Mrs. Jean Lorizio Executive Secretary of the Licensing Board on NUMEROUS times.
Get out your check book!
Dee DeDe
Joe Mason
P.S.Is your real name Samanta K.?
Joe, with each post you put on here I fallmore in love with you. You tell Luna. She comes here and talks down to everyone. She thinks she is smarter than every resident in east Boston. She is backing Mota, who is going to get killed in this election. She is mad that a liberal will lose.
Joe I checked the list. Wow evryone who works at City Hall gave to Jeff. The machine really wants him to win so they can keep screwing East Boston Residents.
On another note: While running for Governor, Patrick stated that he wanted to take toll booths down. Now not even a year in Office he wants to jack up the tolls to $6.00. Nice guy. I'm glad I didn't vote for him.
I am not Samantha King. You know who I am because I have corresponded with you personally. I've even publicly supported some of your views.
As stated before in other postings, I work for Northeastern University as a lecturer in the Departments of Sociology and Political Science.
to n. starluna:
are you going to lecture Mota on taking in monies from outside of East Boston?
to N.Starluna, I would bet my life that your are not a lecturer anywhere but this blog! who would hire you? You come on this great blog to cause madness with your foolish assumptions of this community!
I hope people don't take her serious because she is pushing Mota and her liberal views.
Why can't n.starluna express her views and advocate for a candidate? Isn't that what everyone else is doing?
Anonymous: I might lecture you on campaign finance realities. But, for the most part, I am not a didactic lecturer. I assume that you are capable of thinking for yourself (until you prove otherwise). So, I would first ask you to think about the following:
Why, for a district as small as East Boston, do candidates have to raise so much money?
Well, let's look at how the candidates have spent their money thus far: Carlo spent $9,000 on advertising in the Eastie Times alone. Mary's billboard cost her $2,500. Jeff spent over $10,000 in printing costs. Gloribell paid $560 just to turn on the electricity in her office.
Running a campaign in the modern era is expensive. An estimated $50,000 is needed just to be competitive in this district. There are only about 5,000 active (in the sense that they vote with some frequency) Democratic and unenrolled voters in the district. Every single one of them would have to give $40 in order to raise the $200,000 needed to run campaigns for 4 candidates.
But most of the candidates, except for Mary, raised most of their money from outside the district. Even Carlo, who appears to have the greatest number of individual contributions from Eastie residents, raised 60% of his funds (over $43,000) from outside the district (this does not include his own loan or the $1,950 in contributions from unions or other political committees).
Why would a candidate who appears to have so much local support, if you measure it by signs, need to raise so much money from outside the district?
If you look at the contribution history for any and all candidates, East Boston doesn't contribute a whole lot of money. The most money that ever came out of Eastie was $59,000 in the 2000 election year. Otherwise, we've averaged $26,000-28,000 in the last few years. Before the 2000 election, Eastie made an average of around $34,000 in total political contributions.
What conclusions might you draw, given this information? How does this explain the patterns in the sources of contributions for all of the candidates?
Well, maybe Mary has the true grassroot support of East Boston, if you look at her donors. She managed her time and money well. The talk on the street is that she was the only real winner at the debate. Tuesday will tell.
Luna, what would you say to Mota raising over 95% of her money from outside of eastie and Jeff got most of his money from people inside of City Hall.
Tuesday's results are going to shock Boston. Can't wait!
How hard are the liberals and the machinists going to cry when Carlo wins?
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