Andrew Kenneally, a staffer for at-large City Councilor Michael Flaherty, sent me an outline of steps that the Boston Police are taking to bolster safety around the Airport subway station and Bremen Street Park in the wake of the recent assaults against women in that area. These include lights in the park that now work, a 9-1-1 telephone that will be installed soon and self-defense classes.
To read the entire memo, click on the title above or "Comments" below.
Dear Friends,
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend last Wednesday's meeting at the YMCA on the attacks that have occurred in our neighborhood. At-Large City Councillor Michael Flaherty, District City Councillor Sal LaMattina and Captain Robert Cunningham have asked that I pass on the following information about efforts – that are in progress or scheduled – to improve safety:
o For those who live or walk through the park you will notice that the lights are now working. They are on a timer.
o Working to get the Memorial Park gate closed at night to stop cars from parking in the lot on account of complaints of nefarious activity. This would not stop people from walking to and from the T Station.
o An emergency 9-1-1 telephone will be placed in the park over the next few weeks.
o Everyone who signed in Wednesday night will be added to the Captain’s e-mail list for public safety alerts. If you did not leave your e-mail address please forward it to the captain at: cunninghamr.bpd@ci.boston.ma.us
o Mace applications are available at our local police station/A-7 and (69 Paris Street) Captain Cunningham told me he would provide transportation on a given day to police headquarters to process the application for anyone that requests it.
o YMCA has self defense classes: http://www.ymca.net.
o Councillor LaMattina’s brother who is a martial arts teacher and owner of Tokyo Joes (http://www.tokyojoes.net/) will offer a free self defense seminar on September 27th at 7pm at the Paris Recreation Center on 112 Paris Street. For more information, contact Councillor LaMattina: Salvatore.Lamattina@cityofboston.gov.
o Whistles and information about starting and/or participating in a crime watch were handed out at the meeting. To get a whistle or more information about crime watches, contact Joe Porcelli of the Boston Police’s Crime Watch Unit: Porcellij.bpd@ci.boston.ma.us.
If I missed anything please let me know. The main point I would like to convey on behalf of Councillors Flaherty and LaMattina, Captain Cunningham, and everyone else who attended last Wednesday night is that we are ready to do what it takes to ensure your safety. But we need to work together. If you have ideas on how we could do a better job, please feel free to contact any of the following:
• City Councillor Michael Flaherty, At-Large – Michael.F.Flaherty@cityofboston.gov
• City Councillor Sal LaMattina, District – Salvatore.Lamattina@cityofboston.gov
• Captain Robert Cunningham, A-7 (East Boston) - cunninghamr.bpd@ci.boston.ma.us
All the best,
Hi, Mr. Correale,
I want to thank you for using your blog as another vehicle through which public safety officials are able to get messages to the community. I, for one, am impressed with the swift response to the situation at Memorial Park. I know we all hope that the man responsible for the attacks is caught soon.
It is my hope that your site will continue to be utilized by many - even after the election. It's too bad that most of us, myself included, didn't know of its existence before this summer. It seems to have become a favorite way for residents to share ideas. Keep up the good work.
Mary Berninger
I want to thank Mr. Kenneally, At-Large City Councillor Michael Flaherty, District City Councillor Sal LaMattina and Captain Robert Cunningham for their quick action and follow up on this issue. I just hope we catch the perp and soon!
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