The fourth and final interview with the candidates vying for East Boston's open House of Representatives seat is with Carlo Basile. The 36-year-old is the former chief of staff at the Registry of Motor Vehicles and has worked on a number of political campaigns in the neighborhood in recent years. Basile and I spoke almost two weeks ago at his campaign headquarters.
Click on the headline above or on "comments" below to see the entire interview, which I recorded and transcribed in whole.
A conversation with Carlo Basile, interviewed by your humble Hubster correspondent Jim Correale, at his campaign headquarters on August 31, 2007.
Jim: Your critics have said, “Carlo has given money to Republican candidates. He’s supported Republican candidates. He’s running as a Democrat because he has to in East Boston. He’s really a Republican in Democratic clothing.” What do you say to that?
CB: I say that’s totally not true. It’s misstated. I got involved with Tony Canata. He was my mentor. We helped our first Italian-American governor, Paul Cellucci. I was given an opportunity to help this community, and that was one way of giving back. I felt that it was my responsibility to be in a position to help this community as I always have.
That being said, people aren’t talking about how I raised money for Anthony Petruccelli or Sal LaMattina or the mayor or Stephen Murphy or Paul Scapicchio. Then, I wasn’t a Republican, but now that it’s appropriate for me to be called a Republican, I am. Which I’m not. I’m a lifelong Democrat. I have Democratic values. I don’t always agree with the Democratic nomination, and I vote the person, and not the party line. But I have Democratic values. My whole family is Democrats. That’s what I’m going to say about that.
Jim: In my travels around East Boston, there are certainly more Basile signs, bumper stickers, people standing out than the other candidates. Why do you think that your campaign seems to be attracting all these people and all this support?
CB: Because I’ll be beholden to the people of East Boston, and not to anyone else. And I think the message we got out there is exactly that, and people feel, like I do, that we need somebody who isn’t going to be in the tank with anybody, somebody who is going to do the best for East Boston and its residents. There are a lot of issues going on in East Boston, and we can’t be agreeing with a certain individual. We just need to be independent. Whoever is going to be in office needs to do what’s best for the people of East Boston, and that’s it, and that is who I will report to.
Jim: What do you think are the one or two most important issues?
CB: Well, obviously the airport. The airport is always looking to expand. We need to have a voice up there to -- as our senator says -- hold Massport’s feet to the fire. We have to make sure we get the mitigation money we’ve been promised, and make sure they don’t expand. I also would like to see Massport expand the window soundproofing program, as one of my opponents said, and I agree. I know there are federal regulations that say that you have to fall into a certain guideline, and a house may miss it by a foot. I’d like to see that revisited, and I’d do everything I could. So Massport is one issue.
The other issue is public safety for me. We have to bring East Boston back to what is was once, but we had a lot more programs when we were growing up, at least when I was a kid. We need to bring that back. Today, gangs -- such as MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang -- they feel like the gangs are their families. They have nowhere to go, so they join gangs instead of going to the Salesian Boys’ Club or to the Umana-Barnes. We need to find more programs and activities for these kids. And those are my two main issues: Massport and public safety.
Jim: When we talk about programs, then the issue comes up of how we pay for it. It’s great to come up with public safety programs or after school programs, but do you have any particular ideas about how we raise more money?
CB: Yeah, we need to find public-private partnerships. We have a lot of universities and hospitals that pay no taxes. We need to approach them and we need to find a way to work with them so they can work with us. If a fire alarm is pulled, the city answers to these universities and hospitals, so they need to give back to the community. So I would work closely with them to try to get funding for extra programs.
Jim: I’ll throw out a few issues, and you tell me in a few sentences what you think. Casino gambling?
CB: I don’t know enough about it. Don’t know at what cost. What’s East Boston going to get in return? Can our infrastructure support it? We’re a blue-collar neighborhood. People get their checks once a month. We don’t want them running to the casino and giving it up all in one day. We’re going to pay for it anyway, so what are we getting in return? Are we going to hurt more people? I know it’s going to create jobs, but at what cost? At this point I can’t say that I’m for it and I can’t say that I’m against it. I just need to educate myself more about it.
Jim: What if it wasn’t at Suffolk Downs, but in Massachusetts in general?
CB: I believe in the whole general concept of casino gambling. Massachusetts residents are running to Connecticut and making Connecticut rich, but I just don’t know if Suffolk Downs is the place to put it. We already have a major airport. We have three tunnels. We’re dealing with a lot already in East Boston.
Jim: Capital punishment?
CB: At one time I was whole-heartedly for it, but I’ve educated myself. A lot of innocent people have died who shouldn’t have. Of course, there are times when you hear of gross crimes that are committed, especially against children, but to me losing one innocent life is just too much. So I say, “Stick them in jail for the rest of their lives.” People say that is costly, but I think losing one life innocently is too much.
Jim: Same-sex marriage?
CB: I have a lot of gay friends, and for me to turn to them and say, “You don’t love your partner as much as I love my wife,” isn’t right. They have the same rights. We’re all human beings, and we should all have the same rights, so I’m for it.
Jim: There’s been a lot of controversy about the MCAS, whether we’re focusing too much on one test for students. If that issue comes up in the legislature, do you have an opinion on whether we should change it or not?
CB: In school I didn’t do very well with testing. I understood things, but I couldn’t get it on paper. I think that instead of giving one test we need to broaden the scope. I just don’t agree with the way it is now.
Jim: Deval Patrick is looking at deregulating car insurance in the state, and the insurance commissioner says that this is good because the rates will go down, but the impression that I get is that rates in the city, especially in places like East Boston -- which is one of the highest already -- will probably go up.
CB: Right now, if you come from New Bedford and I come from Somerville and we get in an accident in East Boston, then East Boston pays the penalty. That’s how it works, but that has to change. I have two cars, me and my wife, and we pay almost $5,000 a year. We’re both Step 9s [the best auto insurance rating]. But if you go out to Dover and you’re a Step 9 you might be paying $2,000 for both cars. We definitely need to change the auto insurance laws. I definitely need to look more into it, but the way I understand it is that if two people from outside East Boston get in an accident here, one person would get the surcharge, or they both may, but East Boston gets penalized because it happened here.
Jim: Everyone gets penalized because theoretically this is a bad place to drive?
CB: Correct. And that brings us back to the casino. What would that do for car insurance?
Jim: With thousands more cars passing through.
CB: Exactly. The way I understand it is that they look at heavy traffic areas, like the tunnels and the airport and potentially a casino. We’ve really got to change the way the laws are written.
Jim: Last question. Up to now how have your personal and professional experiences prepared you to serve in the legislature?
CB: First, I’ve always been active in this community, often quietly. I’m not someone who looks for headlines, and people know that about me. When I was chief of staff at the Registry of Motor Vehicles I did a lot of constituent services for everybody, even people who aren’t with me in this race. I never denied anybody any help. They knew they could come to me, and I always answered my phone. As chief of staff I was the liaison to the State House, so I know how to work around the bureaucracy there. I will be a voice for East Boston, and I feel that I have the strongest voice, and I’ll be heard for the people of East Boston. After all, it’s “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Jim: Thank you, Carlo.
CB: Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Good interview. I like Carlo's comments regarding health insurance.
Orient Heights Resident Voting for Carlo on the 25th
Well, Carlo, I have to hand it to you. We waited a long tine for your interview to be posted and it was worth the wait. I'm glad you nailed the point about how much money you have raised for the establishment. Some people have short memories. Let's hope this interview jogs their recollections as to what you have done for other Democrats. They will need remember all that if you are elected. They, Anthony, Sal, Tom Menino, Steve and Paul, just to name a few, will have to be calling YOU and asking to speak with YOU. Poetic justice at its best.
Great job Carlo!!!You certainly hit a home run with this interview,and I truly believe September 25 will be your day. R.E.
Excellent job Carlo, Good luck on the 25th.
I was really intrigued by Basile's performance at the forum. He presented himself as much more progressive than the candidates that he himself worked for and supported in the past. It didn't makes sense to me, unless he was just pandering for votes.
I was also accused of having something against Basile in another thread. Frankly, I had no real opinion of him, but I found myself wondering who this person really was.
So, I did a little research. One of the nice things about being a researcher is that you have access to a lot of databases that most people don't even know exist. I found nothing to support the rumor that he was ousted from the RMV. In fact, I found nothing much about his political positions or work history.
However, there was plenty of information about his consulting company. When Basile left the RMV, he and Kimberly Hinden (also from the RMV) started HuB Consulting, LLC. According to published corporate press releases (yes there is a database for this kind of thing), their clients include:
1. Digimarc, which creates products and services to meet the REAL ID Act requirements (something every motor vehicle department has to do)
2. Paradigm Tactical Products, which makes produces for law enforcement and last year launched a new type of hand held metal detector specifically for security personnel
In addition, Hinden has an advisory business relationship with Orbis Integrated Solutions, which also provides security related services and products for government agencies.
I bring this up because many people have been questioning and even criticizing Drago's political relationships. I think those questions are fair ones to ask, but I find it curious that no one has bothered to look into Basile's business relationships. Given his experience (and presumably contacts) with the RMV, and given that these companies chose HuB Consulting specifically for these contacts and this experience, what will prevent Basile from using his position in the legislature to benefit these companies?
Does this have anything to do with East Boston specifically? It's hard to say. We all pay when state purchasing decisions are economically inefficient. My concern is that it calls into question who Basile will really be working for. There is effectively little difference between someone beholden to a political machine and someone beholden to a corporate one.
Starluna, Carlo will be true to the people of East Boston and East Boston only. So he was a consultant, to me that makes him an even better candidate. Didn't Travaglini just leave As President of the House to pursue a career as a consultant? Can you connect the dots with your comments? so what if he was hired by those 3 companies. Oh my God he was hired by Paradigm, a company that makes hand held metal detectors. I don't see your point. Basil has given to this community time and time again. He has volunteered to coach children play basketball, has helped out the local church and has always helped anyone who has asked him. Luna go vote for Mota. I will find you after the election and buy you a box of tissues!
Carlo, I posted this on another blog last night because I didn't see your interview. I want to place it here and I hope you read it:
I agree with anon who posted at 9:53pm. I never even heard of Jeff Drago and I have lived in East Boston most of my life .
I met Carlo in 1998, I was 25 years old, had just lost my job, and was in the process of being evicted from my apartment. I was starting to drink heavily and was at wits end. I had no money for food, let alone enough for another apartment. That's when a friend of man introduced me to Carlo Basile, my guardian angel. Carlo showed me so much compassion. He talked to my landlord and worked out a deal with him. Carlo helped me land a job, filled my refrigerator with food and routinely checked on my well being. It is now 9 years later, I'm married, have 2 beautiful daughters and have my own business.
What I never told Carlo or anyone else is that right before I met him I had contemplated suicide. I'm positive that if it wasn't for Carlo I would not be alive today.
Although, I can't vote,(I now live in NH) I will be asking anyone I know that still lives in East Boston to vote for Carlo.
Carlo, Good luck and may God Bless you.
This race reminds me of the Redsox and the Yankees. Here we have Carlo(Redsox) loved by his fans, and the Drago (Yankees) controlled by an evil empire. When this two sides meet on September 25 vote your conscious and not for who you are being told to vote for.
I'm glad you asked the question. First off, I want to make it clear that I do no assume that Basile is inherently corrupt because of these relationships or that he will accept bribes. I assume that he is rational enough to weigh the risks involved with any potential benefits to avoid actions that might land him in jail. With that said, there are two concerns voters should have with Basile's business associations. First is the problem of the "revolving door". Second, it calls into question his ability to put the public interest ahead of pecuniary interests.
East Boston representatives at the city and state level seem to be exhibiting the revolving door pattern of public service, at least as of late. Just as you describe, Travaglini left public service to be a consultant with the health care industry. Scapicchio also left to become a lobbyist. East Boston is not the only community that has experienced this, but as a resident of East Boston, I am mainly concerned with what our politicians do.
Leaving public service to join the private sector is a personal choice, obviously. However, having had a career as a legislator makes you more marketable post-public service. Having been a legislator and regulator makes you even more marketable. Basile already knows this. He has benefited from the revolving door that exists in our regulatory agencies.
The question is: to what extent does this inform or affect his commitment to the interests of East Boston (and the wider citizenry) versus his own personal and professional interests? Basile has made much of the fact that he is independent. In fact, in his closing remarks, he said something to the effect of not serving any master. But in fact, his own consulting firm has clients who would be well served with his service in the state house.
Which gets us to the second concern, which is more material. Remember that legislators do not just make decisions for our community alone. Their decisions and other actions impact the entire state. Let's say that Basile gets elected. Given his apparent interests, you can expect that he would seek to sit on the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. As a member of that committee he will be involved in drafting, reviewing, and voting on legislation that directs our various law enforcement and security agencies, and some of the RMV's activities are included in this. He will also be involved in oversight of those agencies, as well as with "working with" those agencies in their operations. It would be no surprise, then, if the legislature passes a bill or these agencies adopt a policy that requires just the kind of services or products these companies provide. There is a real problem if those services or products are not as effective as they could be. He doesn't even have to be aware of the effectiveness of these products. Many of the people involved in the purchase of the defective body armor that went to our troops were not even aware that they were defective. What if those hand held metal detectors are defective, or at least not as effective as they should be? What kind of public safety risk does that create?
Will this happen? I don't know. If I could predict the future I'd be playing the lotto. But these relationships give me pause because we have seen in other places how these relationships can influence a legislator's decisions and actions.
Moreover, I believe that if it is fair to question the independence of Drago because of his political relationships (and it is fair in my view), or Mota because of her affiliation with the service agencies in East Boston (as Berninger attempts to do), it is only fair that we question Basile's business relationships.
To N.starluna,
So if someone works forwhat you would call an "evil company" does that make him/her evil too? If a criminal hires a professional lawyer to represent him does that make the lawyer a criminal too? If a doctors cures an "evil" person does that make him evil too? I think the fact that his company was selected to consult such entities- those companies usually look for the most competitive and PROFESSIONAL businesses-speaks volumes of his capacity and professionalism. If the companies that hired Basile's business do things you do no approve of then, go tell that to them. I work in an investment firm and we have investments in China, does that make me a communist? If you are a left-wing person your choice is clear go for Mota an leave it at that. She will answer to you and make the world right as a freshman representative, she will build a perfect world for everyone and there will be milk and honey for the masses.
No disrespect to any of the candidates or any of their respective supporters, I think all the candidates are terrific individuals.
But no one has been able to make a cogent argument to me that Menino/Travaglini etc constitutes an "evil empire." Somebody clue me in. I want specific examples of where the machine has done wrong for the community. What is so evil about it? Drago's meetings/standouts are attended by some of the most stand-up, well respected members of this community. When has the mayor and his allies ever colluded to do something that was wrong for this community?
Speaking of stand-up East Boston residents, I was leafleting precinct 10 by Carlo's headquarters last night and I walked up to these kids my age and I said "do you guys vote?" and one of them said yeah, so I started taking out a Drago leaflet and he said, "Oh, not for that faggot." I moved on and did the cars, and when I circled back, they had taken all the flyers off that I put on. So I slapped more flyers down, and there are plenty more where those came from.
So Carlo, it was out of the goodness of your heart that you supported Petro? Not because you wanted to kick him upstairs and clear the way for yourself?
Chris, name me one thing that the Mayor has done for eastie?
He built a water fountain near your house and wouldn't pay for the water to be put on!
I'd tell you all the wrong things he has done but there isn't enough room on the blog to write it.
You are nothing but an Ultra liberal Chris and your too young to explain real life experiences to.
N. Starluna thats all you do is rant and rave. You try to come ascross as this intelligent person and claim to be a teacher(God forbid) but you need to know one thing!
Life Long Residents know Carlo and what he has contributed as a average person and not because he is running for office like Drago.
Can anyone tell me if Drago has ever coached kids or served food at Thanksgiving or bought poor children Christmas toys?
I think you know the answer is that he hasn't done a thing for this community
N.Starluna's point has nothing to do with the businesses that Carlo's company represents. And he/she wasn't accusing anyone of being evil. He/she merely pointed out that he is hired to represent them and their business interests. And he/she explained why that could be a problem. I agree that it is a fair question. Those companies aren't just looking for a competent consultant. They are looking for someone to give them an edge. Having a consultant who used to work for the agency who will buy your product gives them an edge. Having a consultant work in Beacon Hill is even better.
Private businesses aren't interested in what is good for the community. They are only interested in what is good for their bottom line. Roseland doesn't want to build what they promised because it will hurt their bottom line. That power plant company didn't care about the health of people in East Boston when they decided to try to put a power plant on the Chelsea Creek. He was interested in making money. That is what private businesses do. You can't pretend that being hired to help a private business make money doesn't have any influence on how you would do your job as a state rep.
Please describe where in my statement I said anything about an "evil company". Where in my comment do you see any assertion that private companies are "evil"?
If you haven't already figured it out, I don't see the world as black and white as you obviously do. I don't believe that the "evil" versus "good" dichotomy is an accurate depiction of reality. I do believe it is a polarizing form of discourse that only serves to promote the incivility evident at times in comments posted on this blog.
It is precisely that form of engagement which results in experiences that Christopher describes. None of the candidate's volunteers and supporters should have experienced what Christopher described. This kind of behavior is unnecessary and simply stupid. And it only makes the candidate look bad.
Nice try Chris, trying to look like Basile's campaign would do that. Again, Jimbo's bloggers are too smart for anyone to believe that.
Chris, I can't believe they got to you too.
Remember this too Chris! The Mayor's people wre all laughing at you for being with Deval when they were supporting Reily.
So please Chris don't turn into one of them because your not a bad kid and i'm stressing kid because you have a whole life ahead of you
A question for all of the candidates
What can we do to prevent people from making falsify claims to city and state government or utilities companies, a large increase in claims around boston and in the state have been made, from someone tripping over a cracked sidewalk or stepping on live wires as seen on fox 25 news some years ago in East Boston,can anybody give me some input on this issue. This is a big issue in our city, people are making 6 figures and are getting away with it.
Jimbo, can't you and the rest of you ultra liberals se whats happening to our neighborhoods? Are you guys really blind? 20 years ago, 7-10 kids hanging on a street corner would be considered a gang. Those kids did not terrorize people in the neighborhood. They used to play half ball or open up a hydrant to cool off. Today's gangs are selling drugs, carvingup each other with machetes, shooting each other, jumping the elderly, etc.
Although I'm happy to see a business such as 303 Summner open up, I don't think that it will save East Boston. Instead of talking about 303 I want to talk about other issues in east Boston:
BED BUGS: every trash day you can see close to a hundred mattresses thrown out. These mattresses are loaded with bed bugs. On the same nights you can also see peole, probably illegal immigrants, picking these mattreeses out of the tras and putting them in theor cars/trucks. It's nast and bed bugs are out of control here in Eastie but no one wants to talk about it.
TRASH: Open your eyes and look around. We have the dirtiest streets in Boston. But then again who cares we live on the other side of the tunnel.
Late night noise: Music being blared at all hours of the night, I have spoken to people that put on their air conditioners even on a cool night in order to drown out the noise and be able to fall asleep. Our new neighbors from these 3rd world countries don't respect our rights.
Bars such as Kioso, Barney's grill, Tequillas, the old Pony lounge. These places have fist fights almost every night. There have been several stabbings at these establishments and no one is doing a thing about it. Just ask the people that live in these areas. they have to wake up in the morning and find out that someone either urinated or threw up on their front steps. It's NASTY.
but all you liberals see is 303 summer. OPEN UP YOUR EYES.
What can we do about people on the City payroll who have been arrested for selling fireworks?
What can we do about people on the city payroll who have been investigated for being involved in a car insurance scam?
N.starluna raises issues that are relevant to this, or any, campaign. It's disturbing that some people would rather have voters not uncover information and connect dots. Is ignorance their idea of democracy?
Having said that, she defiles no one's credibility, makes no accusations and calls no one names (as her detractors do). She's just putting it out there.
"Frustrated resident" describes a neighborhood that is similar to the one I grew up in -- except for the bed bugs. Those are on the rise all over because we don't use DDT as a pesticide any more.
Jimbo really, I grew up in the same time fram as you. It;s funny I can;t recall machete fights, I can't recall the streets looking like they do now. I don't recall much of anything that frustrated resident wrote about. Are you really brainwashed or are you really that stupid.
Jimbo, you recall elderly people getting jumped? really? you remember 3 girls getting sexually assaulted on the same night? I think you are confusing reality with watching too much television.
Again with the name calling? I said "similar." I don't recall machetes, but plenty of knives and guns, lots of lives ruined by drugs, filthy streets, noisy neighbors. In short, everything that you'd find in most urban neighborhoods, though Eastie was always safer overall than the rest of the city and still is.
Jimbo, go tell the 3 women that got sexually assaulted that East Boston is safer. Go tell the 2 elderly women that got jumped coming home from mass last winter that it is much safer here in East Boston. Go tell the cop that got stabbed and had to kill the suspect on Marion Street that its much safer here in East Boston.
Gee, Maybe i'm stupid but I don't recall those things happening when I was growing up.
Of course those examples are terrible, but I am just stating facts. Why is that so hard to understand? If you think the facts are tinkered with by the Boston Police Department, then that is a separate issue, but those are the public statistics. Why is referencing the truth construed as an argument in favor of crime?
Jimbo my friend, my childhood recollectiions were a little different than yours. I remember every homeowner sweeping up the gutters every day. I remember walking to mass on a Sunday morning and smelling all the "gravies" that were being cooked. I remember summer nights when all the neighbors sat out on lawn chairs conversing with one another and making sure to keep the noise down so people who wanted to sleep wouldn't be bothered. I remember a time when East Boston was a great community. On September 25th I wil be voting for the person, who I think cares more about the community than any other candidate. (I think Mary might care just as much) On September 25th I will vote for carlo Basile and I urge anyone else who cares about east Boston to come out and vote for Carlo Basile.
Your recollections are no different than mine in that regard. I remember all of those things as well. The difference is that you "remember a time when East Boston was a great community," and I think it still is.
Jimbo forget stats. you are intelligent and understand that you can make numbers say whatever you want them to say. I'm stating facts from my childhood memories. I just don't understand how you can say that this is the same East Boston now as it was years ago.
Jimbo another thing Iused to go to the salesian's boys club. I remember playing sports all yera long. I recall being involved in a league all year round. They were softball games, basketball games, hoickey games, football games, leagues that were conducted indoors and outdoors. How come for the last 10 yrs 9or more) I haven't seen one child playing any sport at the Salesian's. Maybe if kids had something to do they wouldn't be joining street gangs.
Well Jimbo, maybe some night you and I can take a walk or drive around East Boston. You can show me all the good things and I will show you all the bad things. We both can take a notebook and take notes. But you have to promise to publish our findings here on this blog.
"I just don't understand how you can say that this is the same East Boston now as it was years ago."
Check my comments and you'll see that I never wrote that.
But your point about the Boys & Girls Club is a good one. As many know, I worked there for 13 years (which is why I've known Carlo Basile and his brothers since they were kids). I left the Club 10 years ago, so I am out of the loop, but someone showed me a letter today that said the facility at 189 Paris Street is not opening this year and that all the Club's programs would be held at Savio Hall up the Heights (with some transportation to and from Paris Street).
This is disappointing, but I guess predictable. Between the lack of funds and the opening of the YMCA, I believe that the Salesians are hurting financially. The new guy in charge is Fr. John Nazarro, an Eastie native and good guy. I think he'd keep both sites open if he could afford to. The next question is this: Will he be able to keep even one site open?
"Well Jimbo, maybe some night you and I can take a walk or drive around East Boston."
If this scenario ends with someone saying, "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli," then I'll pass.
last week I got the chance to meet Mr. Leone on wordsworth Street. He invited me inside his home and I got to see first hand where his mother-in-law has to sleep. it really broke my heart.
It has been bothering me ever since. I'm thinking about throwing a fundraiser in order to help Leone's retain an attorney and sue the City and everyone connected with this injustice. I think he should sue them in their official capacity and personally. Please if there is anyone out there who would be interested in helping arrange a fundraiser for The Leone's please email me at tomg101172@comcast.net
Jimbo, I would never hurt you. You can bring a friend or two and if you really don't trust me we can meet at the east Boston police station. We can tell them what we are doing and I can give them my license. I will be carrying a gun for our protection. Iam licensed and can show that to the Police too. This is by no means a threat to you. I just think it would give us both the chance to prove our points to each other and your readers. We could bet a cup of coffee on who will win.
Says this to the person Anon who wont reveal his / her real name.You must be a very mean spirited person to talk in the tone that you do. You know nothing about my religious background,yet feel you can attack .
Only a person who has no hard facts to defend his / her position resorts to this type of knee jerk mumbo jumbo.
So to Jim I say you need to curtail this negative bomb tossing uninformed person.
Now !
Lets look at some statistics on just one place in Orient Heights Square called Tequilas ,A.K.A. Kahlua Hawaian.Based solely on Boston Police License Premise Violations,and Boston Police reports that I have (Factoid)Uh! lets not forget this "used " to be a family restaurant, for just this year a lone.3 stabbing's,5 Huge Brawls,a raid at 1:45 a.m. this past April 30th by the Alcoholic Beverage Commission that resulted in numerous persons as young as 17 inside drinking being caught.
Your families are losing Police protection because Thursday to Sunday a Boston Police cruiser is now assigned to babysitting this place as the Nightclub crowd leaves.
We are far from a dry town,and again you have no clue.We have more places to purchase alcohol than the North End.Just a little educational info for you ,it affects your insurance from your house to your car.Fact every Liquor License in Logan Airport is considered as being in East Boston.
Id like to issue a challenge to you, a Face to Face debate with Jim doing the interview ,and lets see what you really know / don't know about East Boston.
Try knocking on the door of the family who lives next door. They have had their lives destroyed by this place.Thier young children have seen in their driveway ,public urination,fights,people puking ,etc..
So again I challenge you to meet me face to face at an open public meeting of the East Boston Land Use Council any time.That is if you think you can handle it.Your derogatory comments on all areas of this blog site show me that you have no clue about life in East Boston.
At this meeting if you show me a valid license showing an East Boston address I will make a 1000.00 dollar donation to your favorite charity.But first you must tell everyone on this blog your real name.
Nuff Said !!!!!! True East Bostonians know liquor is killing this town.
P.S.I almost forgot do you attend any community meetings?If so Please tell us the names of the 3 Civic groups besides mine, that fight to protect East Boston.
Joseph J.Mason
East Bostons Oldest ,and Largest Civic Group.
The East Boston Land Use Council
I think the loser of this race should automatically run against Sal for city council. I believe both Jeff and Carlo would win easily.
Jimbo, the only way you are going to see that Eastie is in bad shape is when you or a loved one is stabbed or mugged! God forbid.
Because you havent been a victim you see things differently.
I think you should have the courage and go out with that person who offfered to go out with you
Jimbo, I think you should suspend this blog until after the election. Reason being, that all bullxxxx is written on this blog regarding the election. We know that your trying to capitalize on making money on this eventually but your doing a diservce to this community and your creating alot of hate and rage because of a stupid election.
I hope 3 of the losing candidates unleash a whip on you after the election and maybe one of them will create a blog called anti-Jimbo!
"We know that your trying to capitalize on making money on this eventually..."
Please tell me how I would go about doing that because if I had come up with a way to do so I would have done it already.
"...your creating alot of hate and rage..."
I state my opinions calmly and rationally -- as do a number of readers -- while some others hurl insults and make threats, yet I am the problem?
"I hope 3 of the losing candidates unleash a whip on you after the election..."
I have good relationships with all four of the candidates, and each has thanked me for this blog. Since I realized that people were checking my site to keep up with the current campaign I've tried to get out as much information as possible to the voters. What would you have done differently?
Jimbo, I hope you realize that when I talk to Carlo he has nothing but good things to say about you. I like your blog but because people can write anonymously or write a fake nam t becomes counter productive. Someone might appear to be a Carlo Supporter and insult others while he may be a Drago supporter. It can also work the other way around.
I like reading your blog and I think you should somehow make it mandatory for someone to have to write their true identity. You would be better served and you would even know how many people actually write on this blog.
To Jimbo:
I'm also a Carlo supporter and he has often spoken highly of you. He's mentioned on a number of occassions that you have dedicated many years of your time to this fine community. He tells us about the times he used to attend the Salesians as a child and the good work you did there. I also want to say that you are doing a great job with this blog. I will admit, I don't believe that I would have been able to handle all the insults as well as you. I give you all the credit in the world and keep up the good work. I'm confident that someone out there will recognize the great work that you did with this blog and they will offer you an incredible job. You have my tip of the cap and GOD BLESS!!
To Anon that posted at 9-14-07 at 10:49:
It's really amazing how characters such as yourself are able to get through life. If you had any you know what, you would have stated your name. As for the record, my name is Mr.Moose. If you would like to discuss this issue, I'd be happy to meet with you, anytime, anyplace for a cup of coffee. We can also discuss how people who have been arrested and charged are able to continue working with our children. How can any High School in this city allow this? Oh I know, it's because of the Mayor, right! I hope that you can clarify this matter for me and all the parents of this community. I'm sure Jeff can give you some advise. After all, he's the one that attributes his wrongdoings to youthful indiscretion at the age of 25. C'mon let's clue people in here!! We do not need people like this to represent us at the State House. We need people with integrity and self-respect and obviously you or your candidate are not able to bring it to the table.
Says to Jimbo !
I just read some of the last few posted comments,and I feel compelled to direct this comment "Directly"to you.
I think you run an excellent blog,and are 100% fair to everyone.
But the 100% fair issue is at times NOT looked at as a good thing because, "Not being in someones pocket"in this town earns a person Scorn,and Ridicule.
Keep up the Good Work.
Now to everyone else ! You need to check out the links on the bottom of the newest Jimbo blog
Tracking The campaign money.
Jimbo made it so simple.
You just click on the candidates nae,and up pops the information.
Then you go to the bottom of the page ,and click A -for the list of people who Donated ,
then B - to see where the candidates spent thier money that was donated to them.
I assure you that you will be Simply Amazed.
Thanks Again Jimbo!
Now remember "If your Not Laughing ,Your Not Living !!!
Dee DeDe
Joe Mason
Lifer,and Lover of East Boston
republican Carlo Basile will not win this race due to the fact that is not a TRUE democrat people can say what they want but it doesn't dismiss the fact that those of us that know Carlo know he was a republican forever. You not going to win a latino vote no matter how much money you spend mr. Republican latinos going to endorse Jeff Drago with mauro Chinchilla help
Rumor is that Gloribell is helping Jeff also. Why don't the latinos who want her just still vote for her? Stand up for yourself. Did her donors give her money just to have her support Jeff? Latinos voting for Jeff only helps the machine and would show that latinos feel they cant win yet so they will switch from their own candidate to another. I thought latinos wanted to make a statement about their own this time. Did Jeff promise Gloribell something to get latinos to switch? Just thinking.
I strongly suggest that all of you read the last few posts on Jimbos post of "Tracking The Campaign Cash"
You will be shocked,and although one person posting says the connection on Tequilas is irrelevant,it is not!
When you have people donating to Jeff who are also the Attorneys for Tequilas,well as the tresurer for Jeffs campaigh,it just doesn't fit.
I have a big problem with that,and it has helped me be 100% solidified in my choice for my vote.
As someone who is on the inside,and has to be careful,I can say that in my opinion we now know why Tequilas has been getting away with Murder.
Whats even more ironic is that the post directly after the one that exposes this connection,actually verifies it.
Go see yourself on Tracking The Campaign Cash!
People need to spread the word to those poor folks who live in the immediate area of Tequilas!!!
An insider walking on egg shells.
Job well done Carlo, May God Bless you. You were Blessed to have your brothers working so hard for you as well as your friends. Enjoy.
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