Note that two of the candidates responded to
last week’s Hubster Forum questions on abortion and same-sex marriage. I expected a firestorm of comments, but there is just one so far. I hope that readers take advantage of the candidates’ willingness to respond on specific topics as well as their being interviewed. This week’s topic:
Americans all across the political spectrum are quite concerned about health care. The costs are rising dramatically, affecting us not only directly, but in the price of everything we buy because businesses are trying to deal with the rising costs as well. Here in Massachusetts the state adopted a plan by which everyone needs to have health insurance. What are you thoughts on this plan? Are there other policies that the state can undertake to help ensure that residents have care that is top quality and affordable?
I am committed to making sure that we all have access to quality and affordable healthcare. I have served on the board of the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center. I know firsthand the importance of quality healthcare at our neighborhood centers.
I believe that if we were serious about universal healthcare we would have implemented a single-payer system. I do believe the healthcare reform is a step in the right direction. However, we need to make sure that when it is fully implemented it is going to be affordable for all of our families.
We also need to make sure that the reform is implemented in a way that won’t negatively impact our community health centers. We need to make sure that our local providers are given all of the resources they need to continue to provide care to our community.
We should also focus on prevention. We need to address obesity, heart disease, and diabetes in our community through prevention and education programs. We should support initiatives like the health center’s Get Up and Go program that encourages our youth to get out and be active. We should also look into additional partnerships that will encourage our children to live happy and healthy lives.
Thank you. I hope that I can count on your vote this September 25th.
Gloribell Mota,
Candidate for State Representative
The support for Hillary Clinton in our Latino community continues to grow,”" Hillary, is commitment to public service continues today. Whether it's fighting for universal health care, making college more accessible or creating better job opportunities, her record on issues important to Latinos speaks for itself. I am proud to support Hillary, and to be joined by such a strong group of leaders working on her behalf.” I support Hillary Clinton because she is the candidate that will help create opportunities to empower our communities across America I will pull a meeting together with the Latino Community at East Boston so we can activate this important base I am proud to stand and offer my help, voice my energy and my commitment to make Hillary Clinton the next President of the United State
I believe the upcoming years the electoral vote for Latinos of East Boston will grow a lot Latinos are become American citizens, we need a candidate that representing the growing number of Latinos
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