If you aren't sure where you are supposed to vote, check the city's web site by clicking here.
To read my interviews with each of the candidates, click here: Gloribell Mota, Jeff Drago, Mary Berninger, Carlo Basile.
To review the candidates web sites, click here:
Carlo Basile, Mary Berninger, Jeff Drago, Gloribell Mota.
To review the candidates' responses to the questions of The Hubster Forum, click here: casino gambling, education, crime and punishment, business and employment, abortion and same-sex marriage, and health care.
To review video from the Sept. 8 debate, click here.
If you'd like to post your observations from election day, please do so, but let's avoid insults, blind accusations and empty cheerleading. Good luck to each of the candidates.
Jeff has the win
28% turnout with Carlo Basile winning by 450-550 votes
Carlo and Mota are leading at this time....12:45pm
42% turnout Drago and Basile Beringer Mota
I would like to know where you people are getting your info? And how sure your numbers are!
... i just heard that some "republicans" are voting...
Of course the numbers posted above are not attributed at all. If you actually have information on turnout let us know. I'm hearing that up to 5 p.m. the turnout had been pretty good.
I just voted at Ward 1, Precinct 12 -- which is the Orient Heights Branch Library -- and had a pleasant chat with Mary Berninger, who said that, win or lose, she has thoroughly enjoyed the campaign. I also said hello to Jeff Drago, who was taking off as I got there.
The poles close ,at 8 p.m.,and your right Jumbo none of the numbers above mean anything.
Lots of complaints though about people being allowed to take off thier name tag,and escort people all the way inside .Not allowed by law.
Also from what I can see Voter turn out is huge.
I am willing to go out on a limb,and say highest turn out in 20 yeras.
Who was talking about Jeff has the win. People need to check their numbers and find out who played a fair and who played it durity. Well anyway the best man won tonight and it the votes show it. Congratulations Carlo Basile!!! Do us proud!!!
CONGRATS Carlo!!!!!!
Like I said at 12:34 pm -
"28% turnout with Carlo Basile winning by 450-550 votes"
At 5:54 pm yesterday I was called "Jumbo." Hopefully that was a typo and not an insult about my weight!
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