First, the city's Licensing Board is holding a hearing on the proposal by Two Guys Food, Inc. to open a Burger King in Maverick Square. The board is coming out to the Umana Middle School on Wednesday at the behest of Maverick Square and Jeffries Point residents. The hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.
Second, a hearing will be held in the next two weeks on a proposal to allow slot machines at the state's four tracks, including Suffolk Downs in Eastie and Wonderland in Revere. According to the The Enterprise newspaper's web site, the host communities -- which would get a piece of the action -- must approve of the slots as well.
Also, the Westford Eagle reports that the town's board of selectmen have been discussing issues related to East Boston Camps, which has been run on town property in Westford for decades. The issues include "overseeing [that] the lessee was upholding their end of the lease" as well as electrical problems that resulted in "a toxic substance from old electrical power transformers" being found on the property.
... I read in a Spanish newspaper today that not even the latino business community knew or knows about this burger king coming hearing and that they try to imposse it over the East Boston community. Who can really do something about this, who can really defend our community from this corporation... Main Streets, the Chamber o what...I don't think from the City, because it is really hard to trust them. Some times people at City Hall forget that East Boston exists.
"Slot machines..." what is going to happen when people start loosing their social security checks there, their money for food, rent and more...house... just to keep playing...
We need someone who really is going to represent us the way we need and deserve, on September 25, VOTE MOTA...
I would prefer not to have a Burger King in Maverick Square, first choice. However, when I hear people say that they want small businesses to open up like cafe's a shops, it makes me laugh. Most of the people who attend meetings do not own businesses and can not imagine the finanacial undertaking it takes. Would you invest a "mom and pop" store in Maverick Square the way it is now?
1) The community immediataly jumps down the business owners throats, and God forbid you hear the word beer and wine, you're all done
2) We are led to believe that all this development is happening on the waterfront, so a business would take the chance to invest, now you see how things are being halted, wjat's a business owner to think?
It's such a big risk for small business owners to take, that's why places like Burger King can afford to come to Maverick Square.
My suggestion would be for us to try to encourage small businesses to open up and not crucify them at community meetings, like I noticed at a few meetings for upcoming restarurants who want to serve cocktails...the business owner is a reputable guy and he was crucified. Or worst case scenario, if Burger King gets passed, they should use the model of the McDonald's in Davis Square, Somerville. It's absolutely beautiful that you do not even know its a fast food food joint. Honestly, anything is better than that delapitaded bar housed in Maverick Square for years.
Burger King is quite possibly the worst tenant for that location in Maverick Square. Thanks for the info.
Wow, so Mota is going to "fight" market forces and ill tendencies of addicted gamblers? No one can do for others what they wont do for themselves. Mota and her camp has no class, how are they going to "fight" those forces, are they going so send negatives adds to peoples houses? that seems to be the extend of Mota's campaing managers capacity. They have no clue about economics and politics. All they know how to do is "fight this, fight that" I would not trust her to get the streets clean let alone deal with super developers.What we need is people that understad the art of making deals that benefit everyone. What is needed is unity and a good deal of realism, but those words are hard to come by in today's east boston. And, as far as Mota and her leftists outsiders, get this right: You will not win; we do not want you in east boston let alone representing us.
Mota non-supporter
Says to Anon
Please do not make this stuff about Race.
In regards to the Burger King hearing it is ONLY after 2 meetings held in East Boston,One by E.B.Mainstreets who Backs the proposal,and One by the Land Use Council who voted to Deny.
Both meetings had over 170 people in attendance,and Ms. Mota was "not" one of them.
Both meetings were heavily covered by the Latino newspapers.
A fact I can attest to because I was interviewed by the Latino papers.It was also covered in large articles in the Latino papers. I guess you don't read them ,or didn't attend either meeting.
As far as City Hall is concerned ,again if you had attended the meetings you would of known that ALL elected officials were Opposed to the Burger King,and testified against it at the hearing,and it was Denied.
However behind our backs E.B.Mainstreets continued to meet with them,and thats the sole reason why they got another bite at the apple.
I guess since you didn't complain about the 40 seat Mexican restaurant being built "WITHOUT" any community participation,or meeings on Maverick Square is O.K.to you???
"You need to put the blame where it belongs,as well as attend some community meetings".
Enough with the Race card,you are doing more dmage to Mota than good.
Just say NO ! to all gambling,and Easties future will be O.K..
Remember to Vote on Tuesday,and bring a bus load of friends.
Enough with the blame game !
Joe Mason
The city has a great system for residents to use to find out about hearings, etc. Just give City Hall a call at 617-635-4000 and ask for John Forbes. He is our neighborhood liaison and he will add your name to the mailing list for the Early Notification System. It's that simple.
Mary Berninger
Candidate for State Representative
Thank you, Mary. And Johnny Forbes is a good guy. I was his English teacher a few years ago.
I too remember reading that the Burger King did not get all of the required permits. The notice for this hearing stated that it is being held in "response to a Petition filed by residents of the Maverick Square/ Jeffrey’s Point area". I'm really curious who exactly asked for this re-hearing and what specifically they petitioned for.
If Joe is right, it appears that again, our local business associations are not paying attention to what the residents want for this area. I thought it was perfectly clear that this establishment was not consistent with the redevelopment plan for the Maverick area and not wanted by the residents.
Says to Star,and everyone else
I explained how it came about.
But here goes again.
1- We had two community meetings,one by the L.U.C.,and one by E.B.Mainstreets.
2- The Burger King proposal then had an official Hearing at the same Licensing Board who is going to be at the Harborside. IT WAS DENIED by the City.
3-Then instead of leaving it alone ! East Boston Mainstreets continued to meet with them in private "to re do the Store Front"Duh !What part of 1 ,and 2 didn't these people get.
4-As a result of those meetings the B.K.people asked the City to have another hearing for its license.
5-Then people used a kind of not so well known section of the Licensing boards own rule book ,to file a petition to have the hearing in East Boston.Its become a chess match !
You must live within one square mile to sign,and the petition is public record.
You would be shocked at how little cooperation on this stuff there is with the Business leaders groups such as Mainstreets,and the Chamber.
FACT:We tried to use the same rule to have them come here for the out of control Tequilas,and were Denied!Go figure.
Our local mom,and pop stores are being put out to pasture!
I strongly suggest that as many people show up on Wednesday night 9-26-07 at 6:15 p.m. at the Umana Barnes / Harborside Community center 312 Border street for this hearing,no matter if you are in favor ,or in opposition.
The meeting will be audio taped.
Star,as I said before these are the only meetings we as residents can tesify in.We will be asked twwo questions.
1-Is there anyone her to speak in favor,2-is there anyone here to speak in opposition.
But before you do that you must vote on Tuesday 9-25-07,and bring a bus load of friends.I hope our new State Representative will be there,whoever it is!!!!!!
Have a nice day everyone,Its time to go shopping!
Joe Mason
...question or a curiosity comment...
What is the entire population of East Boston?
From that number, how is the integration: how many Italians, Americans, others, Latinos, other dif. immigrant groups, including the Latino business, from East Boston?
From that, who was invited to those meetings?
Who or how was the outreach done for those meetings?
And, knowing the East Boston population, who many of those came to those meetings?
Where all different groups represented at the meetings, if not, how can you call them "community meetings"
Says to Anon
In my opinion you want this community stuff to be looked at as being in a court of law.
If you missed both meetings then ,again in my opinion you either do not live here,do not read both the English,or Spanish newspapers,or are only tossing these bobms as requested.
1-Both meetings were advertised in All papers,English,and Spanish.
2- Both meetings were posted on an enormous e-mail tree that is made up of hundreds of people ,and from all walks of life,and represent every etnicity we have in East Boston.
3-The Land Use Council posted huge flyers in every business in the area for two weeks.
3a-We also put individual flyers in residences within a 500 Square foot radious.
4-It was advertised on East Boston.com
5- Every single President of any type of Community group was in attendance.
6- The L.U.C. paid out of its own money for this.We do not get,or accept a single penny from any branch of Government!
So what have you got to say now? Nothing !
I think you work for one of the candidates,and in my opinion you just want to paint the Community process in a bad light because you are being told to do so.
But if you live here,and thats a big IF ,and can say you missed all of that,then in my opinion you do not live here,or are a person who only cares when it benefits you!!!!
I am willing to bet ,that since the election will be over by this meeting,that you won't show up at the B.K.Meeting if your candidate does not win.
Ask for me if you do.
Joe Mason
Proud to live here,and even more proud of how we get the word out on Community meetings!
Dee De De
Nuff Said!
"Joe Mason
Proud to live here,and even more proud of how we get the word out on Community meetings!"
Well... something's wrong there...just tell me, how many in total and how many latinos? We have in Eastie, some latinos that they named themselves "representatives" of the Latino Community, but, they are not, we all know who they are!
Another question for all: what's happened with the "East Boston Traffic Study". There were series of meetings one or two years ago, and the city said that they did a lot of outreach, but, I recall that in one meeting at the library, only 3 people did show...may be 4... Where is this traffic study, and where are the changes on our streets that the study mention. There is one guy in a wheelchair still waiting for some changes in the street in front of his home.
Says to Anon:
I want to ask you a simple question ,if its o.k. with you.
Please tell me the last community meeting you attened ,where it was and what was on the Agenda???
Thank You
Joe Mason
The guy you quoted.
... just tell us what is a "community meeting" for you... may be the concept oc community meeting is defferent for you... also, if you know anything about that traffic calming study, can you please let us know... my friend in the wheelchair still wondering about how to cross safety his street...
Did anyone go to the meeting that can provide a summary of what was discussed. Some of us could not make it.
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