However, just 29% of those who were queried said that they "strongly favor" bringing casinos to the state. Another 24% "favor somewhat," which sounds to me like they have some reservations. A total of 34% oppose casinos, either somewhat or strongly, while 12% are neutral on the issue. I don't see that as an overwhelming mandate. Nearly half the respondents agreed that we need more time to study the issue, and one-quarter said efforts to bring casino gambling to the Commonwealth should be stopped immediately.
With the governor's recent waffling on whether casinos belong in urban areas, his smackdown of Suffolk Downs plan to build a temporary casino as soon as it is legal to do so, House Speaker Sal DiMasi's general opposition to casinos, and inter-tribe squabbles among the Wampanoag in Middleborough -- it looks like it could be quite some time before the slot machines are ringing and beeping. In the interim we need a reasoned and deliberate discussion of the pros and cons on the matter, as well as more of a consensus about whether this is a good idea at all.
Says to the New Hamp guy
I will bet they didnt come to East Boston,and ask us if we wanted one shoved down our throats.
Lets see ,route 1a is deadlocked everyday from Bel Circle up to the Tunnel.Route 16 is to small.
So how can anyone say we can handle the traffic,noise polution,soaring crime rates ,loss of property values etc.
Instead of looking for Revenue ,that I assure you will NEVER go to fixing roads,or lowering your tax rates ?
Why don't they cut the enourmous fat at all levels of government.
Its estimated that 25 % of people on these payrolls are not needed,and are only political hacks.
Just look inside City Hall.
Joe Mason
1,000,000,000% against destroying East Boston.
I wonder where those people who strongly support the casino live and whether their support would be as strong if a casino was going to be placed in their neighborhood.
East Boston already has its fair share of intensive land uses (not the least of which is the airport). Putting another physical, economic, and social burden here is simply unfair.
If the casino gets the Go ahead, you will see more crime, more Boston Police will be needed for East Boston, more police calls to the casino, sexual predetors will flock from Maine and New Hampshire to gamble in East Boston,these predetors will cruise around East Boston to search for their prey, these and countless other issues should be adressed to local polititions and heavy weights at the state house, A Mall would be a great answer to suffolk downs rather than a casino.
Joe is probably right here. Whether we support the casino plan or not (I do), any significant project will end East Boston's tenure as a residential neighborhood. In fact, from a quality of life perspective, the casino and the ills it will bring threaten quality of life in the area more than illegal immigration or Logan Airport.
I'm going on a year and a half living in Eastie (moved from Back Bay to buy instead of rent) and I agree that a casino on this "island" would be terrible for the residents here. But unfortunately Eastie has a long standing history of shafting its residents concerns over the economic well being of the state as a whole. So I don't have high hopes on this one...
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